Ovalee Helton1,2,3

ID# 3668, (1919 - 2012)
FatherHarmon Brown Helton7,8 (18 Oct 1888 - 22 Feb 1935)
MotherBertha L. Henderson4,5,6 (abt 1890 - )

Key Events:

Birth: 5 Dec 1919, Pikeville, Tennessee9,10,11
Marriage: 9 Jul 1939, Tennessee, Ernest Lesley Simmons Jr. (28 Jul 1920 - 12 Sep 1989)12,13
Divorce: 12 Sep 1951, Wayne Co., Michigan, Ernest Lesley Simmons Jr. (28 Jul 1920 - 12 Sep 1989)14
Marriage: Mar 1952, Hillsborough Co., Tennessee, Alvin Virgil Wheat (31 Dec 1911 - 19 Dec 1989)15,16
Divorce: 1953, Hillsborough Co., Tennessee, Alvin Virgil Wheat (31 Dec 1911 - 19 Dec 1989)17
Marriage: 2 Feb 1957, Clark Co., Nevada, David Harvey Glabe (8 Oct 1919 - 18 Jan 2013)18,19,20
Marriage: 12 Dec 1960, King Co., Washington, David Harvey Glabe (8 Oct 1919 - 18 Jan 2013)21
Death: 31 Jan 20123
Burial: Dodson Cemetery, Bledsoe Co., Tennessee
ChartsDescendants of Jakob and Anna Katharina Glebe

Copyright Notice


     122216 Ovalee Helton was born on 5 Dec 1919 in Pikeville, Tennessee.9,10,11 Some sources show Everett Smith as her father.22,6
     She appeared on the 1920 Federal Census of Bledsoe Co., Tennessee, in the household of her parents, Harmon Brown Helton and Bertha L. Henderson.7 She appeared on the 1930 Federal Census of Chattanooga, Hamilton Co., Tennessee, in the household of her parents.8
     Ovalee married first Ernest Lesley Simmons Jr., son of Ernest L. Simmons and Mayme B. Caruthers, on 9 Jul 1939 in Tennessee.12,13
     Ovalee and Ernest appeared on the 1940 Federal Census of Jefferson, Jefferson Co., Tennessee, on College St., enumerated 25 Apr 1940, reporting they rented their home for $5 per month. They reported he had lived in Chattanooga in 1935, and she had lived in Sullivan, Sullivan Co., Tennessee then.23
     Ovalee and Ernest were separated by 1950.24,25 She worked as a waitress at a drive-in stand after she separated from her husband, reporting in the 1950 census she had worked 48 hours the prior week.26
     Ovalee appeared on the 1950 Federal Census of Tampa, Hillsborough Co., Florida, at 3113 Bay to Bay, enumerated 26 Apr 1950, listed as a lodger in the household of Maude E. Duggins and her granddaughter.Her daughter was listed as living with her.27 Ernest appeared on the 1950 Federal Census of Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan, where he was listed as divorced.28
     Ovalee and Ernest were divorced on 12 Sep 1951 in Wayne Co., Michigan.14
     Ovalee married second Alvin Virgil Wheat, son of William J. Wheat and Maggie Aaron, in Mar 1952 in Hillsborough Co., Tennessee. He had previously been married to Margaret Ball.15,16
     Ovalee and Alvin were divorced in 1953 in Hillsborough Co., Tennessee.17
     Ovalee married third David Harvey Glabe, son of Harvey Sebastian Glabe and Nettie Lou Bess, on 2 Feb 1957 in Clark Co., Nevada. He had previously been married to Sarah Lou Frances Berry.18,19,20
     Ovalee and David moved to Washington before 1960.29
     At some point after their marriage, Ovalee obtained information leading her to believe that David's divorce from his first wife was not legally valid. So to satisfy her concerns he obtained another divorce and they remarried. Afterward it was learned the first divorce was in fact valid.30
     Ovalee remarried David Harvey Glabe on 12 Dec 1960 in King Co., Washington, with W. F. Heppenstatt, justice of the peace, officiating.21
     Ovalee and David returned to California by 1968, when they were living at 636 Torreya Ave. in Sunnytvale and he was working as an engineer for Lockheed Aircraft, retiring in 1980.31,32
     Ovalee died on 31 Jan 2012 at age 92.3 She was buried in Dodson Cemetery, Bledsoe Co., Tennessee.

     Children with Ernest Lesley Simmons Jr.:

Ernest and Ovalee's daughter is still living.

     There were no children with Alvin Virgil Wheat

     There were no children with David Harvey Glabe


  1. [S3714] Hannon B. Helton household, 1920 U.S. Census, Bledsoe Co., Tennessee, shows name as Oval L. Henderson.
  2. [S3716] Harmond Helton household, 1930 U.S. Census, Hamilton Co., Tennessee, shows name as Ova Lee Helton.
  3. [S3718] Tampa Bay Times, 3 Feb 2012.
  4. [S3714] Hannon B. Helton household, 1920 U.S. Census, Bledsoe Co., Tennessee, shows the girl as daughter of Bertha's husband.
  5. [S3716] Harmond Helton household, 1930 U.S. Census, Hamilton Co., Tennessee, shows the girl as daughter of Bertha's husband.
  6. [S54] Pound, Glabe Family, pg 23.
  7. [S3714] Hannon B. Helton household, 1920 U.S. Census, Bledsoe Co., Tennessee.
  8. [S3716] Harmond Helton household, 1930 U.S. Census, Hamilton Co., Tennessee.
  9. [S54] Pound, Glabe Family, shows date, with month as 20 Dec 1920, town, and state.
  10. [S3714] Hannon B. Helton household, 1920 U.S. Census, Bledsoe Co., Tennessee, shows age 1/12 and state.
  11. [S3715] Interview, Barbara Schneider, 7 Sep 2012, said her mother's birth was not registered at the time, and when she obtained a delayed birth certificate years later, the month was wrong - it shows Dec instead of Oct as it should.
  12. [S3719] Ernest L. Simmons household, 1940 U.S. Census, Jefferson Co., Tennessee, shows married.
  13. [S9231] "Michigan, Michigan, Divorce Records, 1897-1952," Ancestry.com, 12 Sep 1951, Wayne Co., Ernest L. Simmons Jr and Ovalee Simmons, shows date and state.
  14. [S9231] "Michigan, Michigan, Divorce Records, 1897-1952," Ancestry.com, 12 Sep 1951, Wayne Co., Ernest L. Simmons Jr and Ovalee Simmons.
  15. [S12971] "On the Record," The Daily Tampa Times, 12 Mar 1952, shows license for Alvin V. Wheat and Ova Lee Simmons.
  16. [S2702] "Florida Marriage Collection," Ancestry.com, records for Alvin V. Wheat and Ova Lee Simmons, citing vol 1366 and cert no 5167.
  17. [S3717] "Florida Divorce Index, 1927-2001," Ancestry.com, records for Alvin V. Wheat and Ova Lee Simmons, citing cert no 16341.
  18. [S1357] "Nevada Marriage Index, 1956-2005," Ancestry.com, record for David Harvey Glabe and Ova Lee Simmons, citing pg B01, shows date and county.
  19. [S3718] Tampa Bay Times, 3 Feb 2012, shows him as a survivor.
  20. [S500] Findagrave.com, online, memorial # 113116961, David Glabe, includes photo of joint tombstone.
  21. [S7300] Glabe, Certificate of Marriage.
  22. [S14] Pound, "Re: Another Glabe Mystery," e-mail to author, 6 Oct 1998.
  23. [S3719] Ernest L. Simmons household, 1940 U.S. Census, Jefferson Co., Tennessee.
  24. [S12969] Maude E. Duggins household, 1950 U.S. Census, Hillsborough Co., Florida, shows her as separated.
  25. [S12970] Ernest Simmons household, 1950 U.S. Census, Wayne Co., Michigan, shows him as divorced.
  26. [S12969] Maude E. Duggins household, 1950 U.S. Census, Hillsborough Co., Florida, shows occupation as waitress and industry as drive in stand.
  27. [S12969] Maude E. Duggins household, 1950 U.S. Census, Hillsborough Co., Florida.
  28. [S12970] Ernest Simmons household, 1950 U.S. Census, Wayne Co., Michigan.
  29. [S7301] David Glabe, Certificate of Birth, shows both as residents of King Co., Washington.
  30. [S7302] Interview, Barbara Schneider, 29 Dec 2016.
  31. [S7303] Polk's Sunnyvale City Directory, 1968, pg 236.
  32. [S12974] David Glabe obituary, Tampa Bay Times, shows retirement.