Reanza Agatha Termote1,2,3

ID# 22358, (1893 - 1972)
FatherHenry Termote4,2 (16 Sep 1860 - 14 Jan 1910)
MotherWihlemina Tepporten5,2 (25 Aug 1866 - 20 Dec 1905)

Key Events:

Birth: 7 Sep 1893, Michigan6,7,8
Marriage: 11 Jan 1917, Detroit, Michigan, Wallace Hector McNeill (5 Feb 1892 - 7 Feb 1967)2,9,10
Divorce: 21 Dec 1937, Ingham Co., Michigan, Wallace Hector McNeill (5 Feb 1892 - 7 Feb 1967)11,12,13
Death: 27 Jan 1972, Lansing, Ingham Co., Michigan14,15
Burial: 31 Jan 1972, Mt. Elliott Cemetery, Detroit, Michigan16
ChartsDescendants of Dr. Davis Green Tuck
Descendants of David Dutt/Toot

Copyright Notice


     2 Reanza Agatha Termote was born on 7 Sep 1893 in Michigan.6,7,8
     She appeared on the 1900 Federal Census of Grosse Pointe, Wayne Co., Michigan, in the household of her parents, Henry Termote and Wihlemina Tepporten.4
     Her mother died on 20 Dec 1905, when Reanza was 12 years old.17,18 Her father died on 14 Jan 1910, when Reanza was 16 years old.19
     Reanza appeared on the 1910 Federal Census of Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan, at 323 Van Dyke Ave., enumerated 20 Apr 1910, with her brother Raymond, in the household of their father's sister Julia.20
     Reanza married Wallace Hector McNeill, son of Benjamin Franklin McNeill and Marguerite C. West, on 11 Jan 1917 in Detroit, Michigan, with John McCarroll officating.2,9,10
     Wallace lived in Ohio for a time after their marriage, but it is unclear whether Reanza was there with him. Wallace reported he was living at 2112 Jefferson, Toledo, Ohio, when he registerd for the draft 5 Jun 1917, but the record does not show her address.21
     Reanza and Wallace moved to Lansing, Michigan, shortly after that. They appeared on the 1920 Federal Census of Lansing, Ingham Co., Michigan, at 309 Townsend St., enumerated 16 Jan 1920, reporting they rented their home. Their son Raymond was listed as living with them.22
     Reanza and Wallace appeared on the 1930 Federal Census of Lansing, Ingham Co., Michigan, at 1112 Glenn St., enumerated 22 Apr 1930, reporting they rented their home, for $35 per month, and owned a radio. Their children Raymond and Dorothy were listed as living with them.23
     Reanza and Wallace were divorced on 21 Dec 1937 in Ingham Co., Michigan, after he filed 30 Aug 1937 on grounds of extreme and repeated cruelty.11,12,13
     Reanza appeared on the 1940 Federal Census of Lansing, Ingham Co., Michigan, at 314 Pine St., enumerated 3 Apr 1940, in the household of Vivian Rawlings with her son Raymond, listed as lodgers. They reported that they had lived in the same city in 1935.24
     Reanza died on 27 Jan 1972 in Lansing, Ingham Co., Michigan, at age 78.14,15 She was buried on 31 Jan 1972 in Mt. Elliott Cemetery, Detroit, Michigan.16

     Children with Wallace Hector McNeill:

  • Raymond Wallace McNeill25,11,26 (11 Dec 1918 - 21 Jan 1994)
  • Dorothy Rita McNeill27,11,28 (24 Aug 1920 - 6 Dec 2003)


  1. [S9288] Julia M. Termote household, 1910 U.S. Census, Wayne Co., Michigan, shows name as Reanza Termote.
  2. [S2785] Marriage Register, State Copy, Michigan, 1917, Wayne Co., no. 141158, Wallace H. MacNeill and Reanza A. Termote.
  3. [S9292] Raymond Wallace McNeill, Selective Service Registration Card, World War II, First Registration, shows name as Reanza Agatha McNeill.
  4. [S9287] Henry Termotte household, 1900 U.S. Census, Wayne Co., Michigan.
  5. [S9287] Henry Termotte household, 1900 U.S. Census, Wayne Co., Michigan, shows the girl as daughter of Minnie's husband and that the parents had been married longer than the age of the child.
  6. [S9287] Henry Termotte household, 1900 U.S. Census, Wayne Co., Michigan, shows month, year, as 1893, age 6, and state.
  7. [S2785] Marriage Register, State Copy, Michigan, 1917, Wayne Co., no. 141158, Wallace H. MacNeill and Reanza A. Termote, shows age 23 at marriage 11 Jan 1917, and state.
  8. [S1000] "Social Security Death Index,", record for Reanza McNeill, Soc. Sec. No. 386-09-0604, shows date, with year as 1894.
  9. [S9279] Wallace H. McNeil household, 1920 U.S. Census, Ingham Co., Michigan, shows married.
  10. [S9281] Wallace H. McNeill household, 1930 U.S. Census, Ingham Co., Michigan, shows married, with his age at first marriage as 25, and hers as 21.
  11. [S9282] MacNeill v. MacNeill, Divorce Record, 26 Dec 1937, Michigan Department of Community Health.
  12. [S9286] Vivian Rawlings household, 1940 U.S. Census, Ingham Co., Michigan, shows her as divorced.
  13. [S9284] Christine Merritt household, 1940 U.S. Census, Ingham Co., Michigan, shows him as divorced.
  14. [S9291] Reanza A. Reanza A. obituary, The State Journal, shows date, as 27th, at local hospital.
  15. [S1000] "Social Security Death Index,", record for Reanza McNeill, Soc. Sec. No. 386-09-0604, shows date, as 15th, and last residence, as 48910, Lansing, Ingham, Michigan.
  16. [S9291] Reanza A. Reanza A. obituary, The State Journal, shows services Monday and cemetery.
  17. [S9290] Wihlemina Termote, Certificate of Death.
  18. [S9289] Henry Termote, Certificate of Death, shows him as a widower.
  19. [S9289] Henry Termote, Certificate of Death.
  20. [S9288] Julia M. Termote household, 1910 U.S. Census, Wayne Co., Michigan.
  21. [S9280] Wallace Hector MacNeill, World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918.
  22. [S9279] Wallace H. McNeil household, 1920 U.S. Census, Ingham Co., Michigan.
  23. [S9281] Wallace H. McNeill household, 1930 U.S. Census, Ingham Co., Michigan.
  24. [S9286] Vivian Rawlings household, 1940 U.S. Census, Ingham Co., Michigan.
  25. [S9279] Wallace H. McNeil household, 1920 U.S. Census, Ingham Co., Michigan, shows him as the son of her husband.
  26. [S9292] Raymond Wallace McNeill, Selective Service Registration Card, World War II, First Registration.
  27. [S9281] Wallace H. McNeill household, 1930 U.S. Census, Ingham Co., Michigan, shows the girl as daughter of Reanza's husband.
  28. [S1500] "U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007,", record for Dorothy Rita McNeill, Soc. Sec. No. 364-07-6827.