Samuel E. Webster1,2,3

ID# 20562, (1839 - 1907)
FatherJames A. Webster4 (abt 1818 - )
MotherSarah [surname unknown]4 (abt 1816 - )

Key Events:

Birth: Aug 1839, North Carolina5,6,7
Marriage: about 1857, Sarah A. Ferrell (10 Aug 1835 - 24 Aug 1915)8,9,10
Death: 190711
Burial: Oak Ridge Cemetery, South Boston, Halifax Co., Virginia12
ChartsDescendants of David Dutt/Toot

Copyright Notice


      Samuel E. Webster was born in Aug 1839 in North Carolina.5,6,7
     He appeared on the 1850 Federal Census of Halifax Co., Virginia, in the household of his parents, James A. Webster and Sarah [surname unknown].13
     Samuel married about 1857 Sarah A. Ferrell, daughter of Melcajah Ferrell and Harriett Johannet Flora, and sister of the man his sister Rebecca would marry about nine years later.8,9,10
     Samuel and Sarah appeared on the 1860 Federal Census of Halifax Courthouse, Halifax Co., Virginia, enumerated 11 Jun 1860, reporting no real estate, but personal estate of $215. Their son Charles was listed as living with them, as were John F. Lundrum, age 26, and Thomas J. Ragland, age 31, both carpenters. His parents and his sisters were apparently living close by as they appear as the previous household on the census record.1

Civil War Service --- Text Stolen from !! ---

     Samuel enlisted as a private in Capt. J. Grammer, Jr.'s Company, Montague's Battalion, on 24 Apr 1861 at Halifax Courthouse, Halifax Co., Virginia, for 12 month's service.14 On 20 Jul 1861, for reasons not recorded, he and William T. Ballow Jr., of Company G, 14th Regiment Virginia Infantry exchanged places.15,16,17 Samuel was immediately transferred from Company G to Company K, 14th Virginia Regiment, and served there the rest of the war.18,19
     Samuel was reported absent without leave on 20 Apr 1862, but apparently had returned by 30 Apr. He was sick at home from 1 Jul, then admitted to St. Charles Hospital in Richmond 21 Sep with intermittent fever. He was sent to the Hospital at Camp Winder in Richmond three days later. On 18 Oct the clerk of the Halifax Hospital wrote that Samuel's wife was very anxious that he be transferred to that hospital so she could care for him. He was granted a 30-day furlough on 6 Nov.20
     The company muster roll shows him as absent without leave from 3 Dec 1862 through the end of Jun 1863. But he was admitted to the hospital at Danville, Virginia, 17 Jun 1863 for debilitas. In October he was reported as detailed as agent at the hospital, apparently to provide "light duty." Application for return to duty was filed 5 Dec 1863 and again 5 Feb 1864. He was still shown as detailed in Danville 30 Apr, but was listed with his unit in the report for May and June.21
     Samuel was captured on 25 Jul 1864, near the Howlett House battery on the James River. Three days later he arrived at the infamous military prison at Pt. Lookout, Maryland, today regarded as the largest and worst Union POW camp. He was exchanged 30 Oct 1864.22 No further record of any military service has been found, but his name appears on the list of 1614 Confederate prisoners paroled on 14, 15, 16, and 17 Apr 1865 at Burkesville Junction, Virginia, so it appears he returned to his unit which subsequently surrendered.23

Return to Civilian Life --- Text Stolen from !! ---

     Samuel and Sarah appeared on the 1870 Federal Census of Halifax Courthouse, Halifax Co., Virginia, enumerated 23 Jun 1870, reporting real estate valued at $500 and personal estate of $100. Their children Charles, Margaret, Seddon and Henry were listed as living with them, as was her mother.2
     Samuel and Sarah appeared on the 1880 Federal Census of Halifax Co., Virginia, enumerated 1 Jun 1880. Their children Seddon and Edna were listed as living with them, as was her mother. Their son Charles and his wife and infant son were apparently living close by as they were listed next on the census record.24
     He was a carpenter for many years, but became a merchant by 1900.1,2,24,25 He also operated a small farm. In 1870 he reported his farm contained 30 acres, 28 of them "improved," and was valued at $500. He had paid $20 for labor the prior year. At mid-year he owned one milch cow, one other cow, and two swine, valued at $38. In the prior year he had produced 30 bushels of winter wheat, 100 of Indian corn, 15 of oats, 100 lb. of butter, and slaughtered $170 worth of animals. The total value of all the farm product for the year was $4,425.26
     Samuel and Sarah appeared on the 1900 Federal Census of South Boston, Halifax Co., Virginia, enumerated 1 Jun 1900, reporting that they owned their home, free of mortgage.27
     Samuel died in 1907.11 He was buried in Oak Ridge Cemetery, South Boston, Halifax Co., Virginia.12

     Children with Sarah A. Ferrell:

  • Charles Bruce Webster28,29,30 (8 Jul 1858 - 22 Jul 1928)
  • Margaret Webster29,31 (24 Mar 1861 - 9 Oct 1928)
  • Seddon Webster29,24 (1863 - 1892)
  • Henry Webster29 (abt 1866 - abt 1875)
  • Edna Y. Webster29,24,32 (10 Jun 1870 - 16 Jun 1933)


  1. [S6577] Samuel E. Webster household, 1860 U.S. Census, Halifax Co., Virginia.
  2. [S6570] Samuel Webster household, 1870 U.S. Census, Halifax Co., Virginia.
  3. [S500], online, memorial # 98778343, Samuel E Webster, includes tombstone photo showing same.
  4. [S6580] James A. Webster household, 1850 U.S. Census, Halifax Co., Virginia, shows them apparently living as parent and child.
  5. [S6580] James A. Webster household, 1850 U.S. Census, Halifax Co., Virginia, shows age 10 and state, as Virginia.
  6. [S6578] Samuel E. Webster household, 1900 U.S. Census, Halifax Co., Virginia, shows month, year, age 60, and state, as North Carolina.
  7. [S6577] Samuel E. Webster household, 1860 U.S. Census, Halifax Co., Virginia, shows age 20 and state, as North Carolina.
  8. [S6577] Samuel E. Webster household, 1860 U.S. Census, Halifax Co., Virginia, shows them apparently living as husband and wife.
  9. [S6570] Samuel Webster household, 1870 U.S. Census, Halifax Co., Virginia, shows them apparently living as husband and wife.
  10. [S6578] Samuel E. Webster household, 1900 U.S. Census, Halifax Co., Virginia, shows married 43 years.
  11. [S500], online, memorial # 98778343, Samuel E Webster, shows year and includes tombstone photo showing same.
  12. [S500], online, memorial # 98778343, Samuel E Webster, includes tombstone photo.
  13. [S6580] James A. Webster household, 1850 U.S. Census, Halifax Co., Virginia.
  14. [S6581] Samuel E. Webster, Compiled Service Records, Confederate, Virginia, company muster roll card 1 Jul 1861; and same, for Jul & Aug 1861.
  15. [S6581] Samuel E. Webster, Compiled Service Records, Confederate, Virginia, company muster roll card 1 Jul 1861; and same, for Jul & Aug 1861, shows exchanged for W. J. Ballow 20 Jul 1861.
  16. [S6582] William T. Ballow, Compiled Service Records, Confederate, Virginia, company muster roll card 31 Aug 1861, shows transferred to Capt. John Grammer's Co. 19 Jul 1861.
  17. [S9557] William T. Ballow, Compiled Service Records, Confederate, Virginia, company muster roll card for July & Aug 1861.
  18. [S6583] Samuel C. Webster, Compiled Service Records, Confederate, Virginia, muster roll card 31 Aug 1861 and following.
  19. [S500], online, memorial # 98778343, Samuel E Webster, includes tombstone photo showing unit, as Company K.
  20. [S6583] Samuel C. Webster, Compiled Service Records, Confederate, Virginia, muster roll card for Mar & Apr 1862, shows absent since 20 Apr; muster roll card 30 Jun 1862, shows present and last paid 20 Apr; muster roll card 31 Aug 1862; register card for General Hospital No. 8; letter T. L. Carmichael 18 Oct 1862; and register card for General Hospital Camp Winder.
  21. [S6583] Samuel C. Webster, Compiled Service Records, Confederate, Virginia, muster roll card 28 Feb 1863; muster roll card 30 Jun 1863; register card for General Hospital Danville; muster roll card 31 Oct 1863; register card for Medical Director's office, Richmond 13 Dec 1863; register card for Medical Director's office, Richmond 6 Feb 1864; muster roll card 30 Apr 1864; and muster roll card for May & Jun 1864.
  22. [S6583] Samuel C. Webster, Compiled Service Records, Confederate, Virginia, card for Prisoners of War at Point Lookout, Md.
  23. [S6583] Samuel C. Webster, Compiled Service Records, Confederate, Virginia, card for prisoners paroled.
  24. [S6569] Saml. E. Webster household, 1880 U.S. Census, Halifax Co., Virginia.
  25. [S6578] Samuel E. Webster household, 1900 U.S. Census, Halifax Co., Virginia, shows occupation as merchant.
  26. [S6584] Samuel Webster farm, 1870 U.S. Census, agriculture schedule, Halifax Co., Virginia.
  27. [S6578] Samuel E. Webster household, 1900 U.S. Census, Halifax Co., Virginia.
  28. [S6577] Samuel E. Webster household, 1860 U.S. Census, Halifax Co., Virginia, shows them apparently living as parent and child.
  29. [S6570] Samuel Webster household, 1870 U.S. Census, Halifax Co., Virginia, shows them apparently living as parent and child.
  30. [S6587] Charles Bruce Webster, Certificate of Death.
  31. [S6588] Margaret Webster Lee, Certificate of Death.
  32. [S6589] Edna Webster Nesbitt, Certificate of Death.