Martha Watson Cobb1,2,3

ID# 2, (1909 - 1999)
FatherDr. Robert Linah Cobb Jr.1,4,5 (27 Apr 1882 - 16 Nov 1960)
MotherMary Louisa Logan1,6,7 (30 Dec 1879 - 3 Jul 1913)

Key Events:

Birth: 3 Oct 1909, Trenton, Todd Co., Kentucky1,8
Marriage: 12 Aug 1938, Nashville, Tennessee, Richard Mathes Fenker (8 Oct 1910 - 2 Jun 1999)9,10,11
Death: 26 Dec 1999, Ft. Worth, Tarrant Co., Texas12
Burial: Gallatin City Cemetery, Gallatin, Tennessee13
ChartsDescendants of Hermann Hinrich Fennker
Descendants of Maximilian Friderich Wiemann and Anna Maria Margaretha Elisabeth Lüken
Descendants of Dr. Davis Green Tuck
Descendants of David Dutt/Toot
AncestryThe Cobbs of Pawlet, Vermont
The Linah Mims - Rebecca Davis Family
The Dutt/Toot Family
The Tuck Family

Copyright Notice


     14,15 Martha Watson Cobb was born on 3 Oct 1909 in Trenton, Todd Co., Kentucky.1,8 Martha Watson Cobb was known to members of her family as Bummy.
     She appeared on the 1910 Federal Census of Trenton, Todd Co., Kentucky, in the household of her parents, Dr. Robert Linah Cobb Jr. and Mary Louisa Logan.16
     Her mother died on 3 Jul 1913, when Martha was 3 years old.17,18
     Martha appeared on the 1920 Federal Census of outside of Trenton, Kentucky in the household of her father and stepmother, Ledley Lena Logan.5
     Martha appeared on the 1910 Federal Census of Nashville, Davidson Co., Tennessee, at 7th Ave. North, enumerated 15 Apr 1930, living in a boarding facility with young employed women, likely the YMCA where she is known to have lived about this time. She appears to be sharing Room 6 with Etna Boaz. In Room 10 is Thelma Andserson, with whom she continued a friendship for many years.19
     Martha married Richard Mathes Fenker, son of Howard Wieman Fenker and Irma Aurelia Sander, on 12 Aug 1938 in Nashville, Tennessee, in the presence of the immediate families and a few intimate friends. The ceremony was performed by the bride's uncle, Rev. William Henry McIntosh, of Hatiesburg, Mississippi.9,10,11
     Martha and Richard appeared on the 1940 Federal Census of Nashville, Davidson Co., Tennessee, at 2405 21st Ave. South, enumerated 6 Apr 1940, reporting that they were renting their home, for $35 per month, and each had lived in the same city in 1935.20
     She was a stenographer with a wholesale company before her marriage, and continued similar work for a time afterword. In 1940 she reported she was working as a secretary for a wholesale grocery company, and had worked 44 hours the list week of March. She had worked 52 weeks the prior year, earning $1,300.21,22
     Martha joined Richard for at least part of his tour of duty in Hollywood, Florida. In Sep 1943 they were living there at 701 No. Ocean Dr.23
     Martha joined Richard for at least part of his tour at Oakland Naval Air Station. He drove the family across the country from Nashville in the fall of 1944 to a house he had rented in Berkeley, California. She returned to Nashville with their young son by train for the birth of their second child.24,25 She had returned to Nashville by Apr 1945 when their second child was born.
     Martha and Richard moved their family to 4444 Newton Dr., Jackson, Mississippi, in 1947.26
     Martha and Richard moved their family to 23A-A3 Myron Manor, Columbia, South Carolina, in 1950.27,28 While there they built a home on a wooded lot.29
     Martha and Richard appeared on the 1950 Federal Census of Richland Co., South Carolina, at Myren Maror Apartments, enumerated 6 Apr 1950, reporting they lived in a home that was not on a farm. Their two children were listed as living with them.30
     In 1951 Martha and Richard moved their family to Gallatin, Tennessee, so he could manage Rail Oil Company, a business established by his father.31
     Her husband died on 2 Jun 1999 in Fort Worth, Tarrant Co., Texas.32
     Martha died on 26 Dec 1999 in Ft. Worth, Tarrant Co., Texas, at age 90.12 She was buried in Gallatin City Cemetery, Gallatin, Tennessee, next to her husband.13

     Children with Richard Mathes Fenker:

Martha and Richard's children are still living (Mar 2024).


  1. [S180] Martha Watson Cobb, Special Certificate of Birth and Affidavits.
  2. [S182] Nancy Logan Fenker, Certificate of Live Birth, shows name as Martha Watson Cobb.
  3. [S2109] Robert L. Cobb household, 1910 U.S. Census, Todd Co., Kentucky, shows name as Martha W. Cobb.
  4. [S2109] Robert L. Cobb household, 1910 U.S. Census, Todd Co., Kentucky.
  5. [S521] Robert L. Cobb household, 1920 U.S. Census, Todd Co., Kentucky.
  6. [S2109] Robert L. Cobb household, 1910 U.S. Census, Todd Co., Kentucky, shows the child as daughter of Mary's husband, and that the parents had been married longer than the age of the child.
  7. [S55] Hardeman County Historical Commission, Hardeman County Historical Sketches, pg. 101.
  8. [S2109] Robert L. Cobb household, 1910 U.S. Census, Todd Co., Kentucky, shows age 6/12 and state.
  9. [S1997] Richard M. Fenker and Martha Cobb, marriage bond and return, shows date, county, state, and officiant.
  10. [S91] Martha Fenker, personal notes, typed list prepared by MCF, shows date.
  11. [S13327] Richard Mathes Fenker, Draft Registration Cards for Tennessee, 10/16/1940-03/31/1947, shows her as his wife.
  12. [S1996] Martha Cobb Fenker, Certificate of Death.
  13. [S110] Personal knowledge of author.
  14. [S47] Fenker, Family File "Fenker.FTW," 29 Sep 1998.
  15. [S91] Martha Fenker, personal notes, typed list prepared by MCF, shows date only.
  16. [S2109] Robert L. Cobb household, 1910 U.S. Census, Todd Co., Kentucky, date and place blank on this sheet, taken from previous page.
  17. [S1064] Mary Logan Cobb, Certificate of Death, shows date, town, county, and state.
  18. [S4424] Mary Logan Cobb grave marker, Greenwood Cemetery, shows date.
  19. [S518] Martha Cobb household, 1930 U.S. Census, Davidson Co., Tennessee.
  20. [S5287] Richard M. Fenker household, 1940 U.S. Census, Davidson Co., Tennessee.
  21. [S518] Martha Cobb household, 1930 U.S. Census, Davidson Co., Tennessee, shows occupation as stenographer, industry as wholesale.
  22. [S5287] Richard M. Fenker household, 1940 U.S. Census, Davidson Co., Tennessee, shows occupation as secretary, industry as wholesale gro.
  23. [S180] Martha Watson Cobb, Special Certificate of Birth and Affidavits, shows address.
  24. [S8688] Taylor, "Terry & Nancy's Family History - Richard Mathes Fenker," e-mail to author, 30 Jun 2012, provided text from a 3 Dec 1944 letter from his father, J. Eugene Taylor, recounting his conversation with Dick Fenker in which he described taking the family to a rented house in Berkley.
  25. [S110] Personal knowledge of author, recalling stories Martha told of living and Berkeley and the arduous trip home.
  26. [S8682] Richard Mathes Fenker, "Officer Service Record, USNR", Officer Qualifications Questionnaire, 1 Jun 1948.
  27. [S8682] Richard Mathes Fenker, "Officer Service Record, USNR", Officer Qualifications Questionnaire, 28 Aug 1950, shows address and details of job; Questionnaire of 25 May 1950 shows date.
  28. [S13328] Richard M. Fenker household, 1950 U.S. Census, Richland Co., South Carolina, shows occupation as actuary and industry as life insurance.
  29. [S83] Personal knowledge of Nancy Fenker Reigel, recalling moving to the new house.
  30. [S13328] Richard M. Fenker household, 1950 U.S. Census, Richland Co., South Carolina.
  31. [S260] Richard M. Fenker, Sr., "Richard M. Fenker Sr. biography."
  32. [S1995] Richard Mathes Fenker, Certificate of Death.