Aurelia Skinner Cobb1,2,3
ID# 1573, (1819 - 1910)
Father | Gideon Dyer Cobb4,5 (11 Sep 1773 - 1 Mar 1834) |
Mother | Modena Chittenden Clark4,5 (4 Oct 1779 - 7 Oct 1837) |
Charts | Descendants of Gideon Cobb |
Ancestry | The Cobbs of Pawlet, Vermont |
12 Aurelia Skinner Cobb was born on 17 Oct 1819 in Eddyville, Caldwell Co., Kentucky
She was probably one of the two females under age 10 listed in the household of her father, Gideon Dyer Cobb, in the 1820 Federal Census of Eddyville, Caldwell Co., Kentucky

Her father died on 1 Mar 1834, when Aurelia was 14 years old.15,16
She was possibly one of the two females age 20 to 30 appearing on the 1840 Federal Census of Caldwell Co., Kentucky

Aurelia married Dr. William Dodd Kirkpatrick, son of James Kirkpatrick and Jane Dodd, on 29 Jan 1850 in Caldwell Co., Kentucky

Aurelia and William appeared on the 1850 Federal Census of District No. 1, Caldwell Co., Kentucky

Aurelia and William appeared on the 1860 Federal Census of Fredonia, Caldwell Co., Kentucky

Aurelia and William appeared on the 1870 Federal Census of Fredonia, Caldwell Co., Kentucky

Aurelia received a distribution of $44 from the estate of her brother Gideon, as reported in the settlement report for the estate, which was filed 17 Nov 1873.23
Aurelia and William appeared on the 1880 Federal Census of Fredonia, Caldwell Co., Kentucky

Aurelia and William sold their farm in the fall of 1891 to Gid Dollar, and moved to Texas where their son Moses and his family had been living for some years. Their son James moved there about the same time.25 Aurelia and William appeared on the 1900 Federal Census of Mills Co., Texas

Her husband died on 19 Jun 1901 in Mullin, Mills Co., Texas

Aurelia died on 10 Mar 1910 in Mullin, Mills Co., Texas

Children with Dr. William Dodd Kirkpatrick
- Dr. James Dodd Kirkpatrick28,29 (3 Dec 1850 - 1 Dec 1903)
- Moses Clark Kirkpatrick28,30,31 (8 Jan 1857 - 16 Jul 1913)
- William D. Kirkpatrick28,32,33 (14 Oct 1858 - 1 Sep 1881)
- infant daughter Kirkpatrick34 (20 Jul 1861 - 20 Jul 1861)
- [S2303] Kilbury-Cobb, "RE: Cobb Ancestry," e-mail to author, 15 Jun 2001, citing hand-written pages titled "From Joshua Cobb's Family Bible," provided by Lillian W. Sprout, granddaughter of Joshua Cobb, with notarized statement 5 Dec 1931, Montrose, Pennsylvania, that they were from a Bible in her possession, shows name as Aurelia Skinner Cobb.
- [S2290] Eishen, "Descendants of William Bradford", shows name as Aurelia Skinner Cobb.
- [S2968] Aurelia S. Cobb and Dr. W. D. Kirkpatrick tombstone, Oakview Cemetery.
- [S4543] Battle, Perrin and Kniffin, Kentucky - A History of the State, pg 705.
- [S2303] Kilbury-Cobb, "RE: Cobb Ancestry," e-mail to author, 15 Jun 2001, citing hand-written pages titled "From Joshua Cobb's Family Bible," provided by Lillian W. Sprout, 5 Dec 1931, Montrose, Pennsylvania.
- [S2303] Kilbury-Cobb, "RE: Cobb Ancestry," e-mail to author, 15 Jun 2001, citing hand-written pages titled "From Joshua Cobb's Family Bible," provided by Lillian W. Sprout, 5 Dec 1931, Montrose, Pennsylvania, shows date.
- [S2968] Aurelia S. Cobb and Dr. W. D. Kirkpatrick tombstone, Oakview Cemetery, shows date.
- [S4543] Battle, Perrin and Kniffin, Kentucky - A History of the State, pg 705, shows town.
- [S727] Caldwell Co. Marriage Bonds, Book B, no. 207, William D. Kirkpatrick to Miss Aurilia G. Cobb, 28 Jan 1850, shows date of bond as 28th, but date in the return looks like the 21st, which would be unlikely, and it could be the 29th.
- [S4543] Battle, Perrin and Kniffin, Kentucky - A History of the State, pg 705, shows date.
- [S2291] A. S. Kirkpatrick, Standard Certificate of Death, shows date and town.
- [S49] Freeman, Family File "David and Deborah.GED," 31 Jul 1998.
- [S576] Gideon D. Cobb household, 1820 U.S. Census, Caldwell Co., Kentucky.
- [S1789] Gideon Cobb household, 1830 U.S. Census, Caldwell Co., Kentucky.
- [S2092] Gideon D. Cobb grave marker, Eddyville Cemetery, shows date.
- [S49] Freeman, Family File "David and Deborah.GED," 31 Jul 1998, shows date, town, as Eddyville, county, and state.
- [S1802] Geo. M. Marshall household, 1840 U.S. Census, Caldwell Co., Kentucky.
- [S1816] Wm. D. Kirkpatrick household, 1850 U.S. Census, Caldwell Co., Kentucky.
- [S2765] Wm. D. Kirkpatrick, owner, 1850 U.S. Census, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, slave schedule.
- [S1694] W. D. Kirkpatrick household, 1860 U.S. Census, Caldwell Co., Kentucky.
- [S2763] W. D. Kirkpatrick, owner, 1860 U.S. Census, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, slave schedule.
- [S627] Jas. Kirkpatrick household, 1870 U.S. Census, Caldwell Co., Kentucky.
- [S7246] Settlements, Crittenden Co., Kentucky, 2:66-7.
- [S397] William D. Kirkpatrick household, 1880 U.S. Census, Caldwell Co., Kentucky.
- [S8545] "County Correspondence," The Chittenden Press, 24 Sep 1891, shows William sold farm and plans to move to Texas.
- [S1666] W. D. Kirkpatrick household, 1900 U.S. Census, Mills Co., Texas.
- [S2290] Eishen, "Descendants of William Bradford", shows date, town, county, and state.
- [S1694] W. D. Kirkpatrick household, 1860 U.S. Census, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, shows them apparently living as parent and child.
- [S4543] Battle, Perrin and Kniffin, Kentucky - A History of the State, pp 705, 856.
- [S2773] Frank Moses Clark Kirkpatrick, birth register.
- [S2293] Moses Clark Kirkpatrick, Standard Certificate of Death.
- [S397] William D. Kirkpatrick household, 1880 U.S. Census, Caldwell Co., Kentucky, shows him as the son of her husband.
- [S500], online, memorial # 95643234, William D. Kirkpatrick, includes tombstone photo showing him as son of D W.D. & A. S. Kirkpatrick.
- [S2772] Daughter Kirkpatrick, birth register.
- [S4543] Battle, Perrin and Kniffin, Kentucky - A History of the State, pg 705, shows she was mother of six, with only James and Moses living.
- [S1666] W. D. Kirkpatrick household, 1900 U.S. Census, Mills Co., Texas, shows her the mother of six, with two living.