Scharlotte Knight1,2,3

ID# 14026, (1892 - abt 1958)
FatherJames Knight4,3,5 (2 Jul 1863 - 20 Aug 1910)
MotherCatherine Schuler6,3,5 (May 1868 - 24 Dec 1944)

Key Events:

Birth: Oct 1892, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio7,8,9
Marriage: 22 Feb 1911, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, Arthur Nicholson Fenker (18 Mar 1890 - about 18 Jan 1947)10,11,12
Divorce: 2 Jul 1918, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, Arthur Nicholson Fenker (18 Mar 1890 - about 18 Jan 1947)13,14
Marriage: 29 Aug 1921, Windsor, Essex Co., Ontario, Samuel Bert Wohl (9 Nov 1899 - 29 Nov 1979)15,16,17
Death: about 16 Apr 195818,19
Burial: 19 Apr 1958, Sunset Memorial Park Cemetery20,18
ChartsDescendants of Hermann Hinrich Fennker

Copyright Notice


     1611 Scharlotte Knight was born in Oct 1892 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio.7,8,9
     She appeared on the 1900 Federal Census of Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, in the household of her parents, James Knight and Catherine Schuler.4 She appeared on the 1910 Federal Census of Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, in the household of her parents.21
     Scharlotte married first Arthur Nicholson Fenker, son of Frederick John Fenker and Mary Ellen Marcum, on 22 Feb 1911 in Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, with Rev. Charles Bremmer officiating.10,11,12
     She consistently used the spelling Charlotte for her first name after her first marriage.2,5,22
     Charlotte and Arthur were divorced on 2 Jul 1918 in Cuyahoga Co., Ohio.13,14
     Charlotte has not been found in the 1920 census. She is listed in the 1921 city directory at 1301 West 93rd St., Cleveland, where Arthur reported living in 1917. But she was not listed at that address in the 1920 census, so prehaps she had moved after the city directory was compiled.23
     She was a cashier before her second marriage.24,25
     Charlotte married second Samuel Bert Wohl, son of Isadore Wohl and Rebecca Sess, on 29 Aug 1921 in Windsor, Essex Co., Ontario, with Rev. W. Gordon Craig of the All Saints Church, officiating. In applying for the marriage license, both stated they had been residents of Windsor for at least 15 days, that he was age 23 (he was actually 21) and that she was 22 and a spinster (she was actually 28.)15,16,17
     Charlotte and Samuel appeared on the 1930 Federal Census of Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, at 1302 W. 93rd St., enumerated 8 Apr 1930, reporting that the family owned its home, valued at $7600, and had a radio. Her son by a previous marriage, Grafton James Fenker, is listed as living with them.26
     Charlotte and Samuel appeared on the 1940 Federal Census of Lakewood, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, at 12619 Detroit Ave., enumerated in Apr 1940, reporting they owned a home valued at $4,000, and that they had lived in Cleveland in 1935.27
     Charlotte died about 16 Apr 1958.18,19 She was buried on 19 Apr 1958 in Sunset Memorial Park Cemetery.20,18

     Child with Arthur Nicholson Fenker:

  • Grafton James Fenker28,29,30 (26 Apr 1912 - Apr 1978)

     There were no children with Samuel Bert Wohl


  1. [S10518] James Knight household, 1900 U.S. Census, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, shows name as Scharlotte Knight.
  2. [S10521] James Knight household, 1910 U.S. Census, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, shows name as Charlotte Knight.
  3. [S864] Marriage Records, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, no. 72657, Arthur N. Fenker - Scharlotte Knight, 20 Feb 1911.
  4. [S10518] James Knight household, 1900 U.S. Census, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio.
  5. [S10519] Samuel Bert Wohl and Charlotte Knight, marriage license and return.
  6. [S10518] James Knight household, 1900 U.S. Census, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, shows the girl as daughter of Kate's husband and that the parents had been married longer than the age of the child.
  7. [S10518] James Knight household, 1900 U.S. Census, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, shows month, year, age 7, and state.
  8. [S864] Marriage Records, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, no. 72657, Arthur N. Fenker - Scharlotte Knight, 20 Feb 1911, shows age 18, city, and state.
  9. [S10519] Samuel Bert Wohl and Charlotte Knight, marriage license and return, shows age 223 at marriage 29 Aug 1921, and city.
  10. [S864] Marriage Records, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, no. 72657, Arthur N. Fenker - Scharlotte Knight, 20 Feb 1911, shows date, officiant, and first marriage for both.
  11. [S409] Smithies, "Fenker Family," e-mail to author (100), 2 Jan 2002, shows as his first marriage.
  12. [S3207] Arthur Nicholson Fenker, World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, shows he was married with a child.
  13. [S864] Marriage Records, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, no. 172498, Arthur N. Fenker - Ruth P. Rappold, 16 Sep 1922, shows his second marriage, he was divorced, date, and "C. P. Ct." which I read as Cuyahoga Probate Court.
  14. [S431] Mary E. Fenker household, 1920 U.S. Census, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, shows him as divorced.
  15. [S10519] Samuel Bert Wohl and Charlotte Knight, marriage license and return, shows date, city, county, province, officant, and application statements.
  16. [S593] Sam'l Whol household, 1930 U.S. Census, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, shows married.
  17. [S594] Charlotte K . Wohl obituary, unknown newspaper, shows married.
  18. [S773] "Cleveland Necrology File," Cleveland Pubic Library website, record ID# 0788136, for Charlotte K. Wohl, from the Cleveland Press, 18 Apr 1958.
  19. [S818] Applications for Marriage License, Probate Court, 560:55, Samuel B. Wohl - Ladelle Steele, 26 Jun 1958, shows her as dec'd.
  20. [S594] Charlotte K . Wohl obituary, unknown newspaper, shows cemetery, day and month.
  21. [S10521] James Knight household, 1910 U.S. Census, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio.
  22. [S594] Charlotte K . Wohl obituary, unknown newspaper, shows name as Charlotte K. Wohl nee Knight.
  23. [S10506] The Cleveland Directory, 1921, pg 1183.
  24. [S10519] Samuel Bert Wohl and Charlotte Knight, marriage license and return, shows occupation as cashier.
  25. [S10506] The Cleveland Directory, 1921, pg 1183, shows occupation as cashier.
  26. [S593] Sam'l Whol household, 1930 U.S. Census, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio.
  27. [S10520] Samuel Wahl household, 1940 U.S. Census, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio.
  28. [S864] Marriage Records, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, no. 43926, Grafton F. J. Fenker - Dorothy Lois Stead, 26 Jul 1937.
  29. [S594] Charlotte K . Wohl obituary, unknown newspaper.
  30. [S409] Smithies, "Fenker Family," e-mail to author (100), 2 Jan 2002.