Bess L. Pickering1,2,3

ID# 10338, (1889 - 1961)
FatherRobert G. Pickering4,5,6 (8 Oct 1851 - 7 Jan 1921)
MotherLillian Harriett Wilkerson7,8 (7 May 1853 - 14 Dec 1926)

Key Events:

Birth: 1 Mar 1889, Tennessee9,10,11
Marriage: 30 Jun 1915, Clarksville, Tennessee, Tyler K. Miller (6 Jul 1887 - 22 Nov 1922)12,13
Marriage: 7 Jul 1926, Clarksville, Tennessee, Robert Lawrence James (20 Jun 1887 - 14 Feb 1940)14,15,16
Death: 29 Apr 19619
Burial: Greenwood Cemetery, Clarksville, Tennessee17

Copyright Notice


     618 Bess L. Pickering was born on 1 Mar 1889 in Tennessee.9,10,11
     She appeared on the 1900 Federal Census of Clarksville, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, in the household of her parents, Robert G. Pickering and Lillian Harriett Wilkerson.4 She appeared on the 1910 Federal Census of Clarksville, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, in the household of her parents.5
     Bess married first Tyler K. Miller, son of John S. Miller and Belle Keesee, on 30 Jun 1915 in Clarksville, Tennessee, on the spacious front lawn of her father's home, with Rev. W. S. Taylor officiating.12,13
     Bess and Tyler appeared on the 1920 Federal Census of Clarksville, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, on Second St., enumerated 5 Jan 1920, reporting they were renting their home, apparently one of six units in the building.19
     Her husband died on 22 Nov 1922 at Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee, from a gunshot wound suffered while on a hunting trip.20,21
     Bess married second Robert Lawrence James, son of Barclay Arney James and Bobella Cobb, on 7 Jul 1926 in Clarksville, Tennessee, with Rev. George O. Watts officating. It was a quiet ceremony at 6:00 am in the Parrish House with intimate relatives in attendence.14,15,16
     Bess and Robert appeared on the 1930 Federal Census of Clarksville, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, on Franklin St., enumerated 2 Apr 1930, listed as boarding with Jesse Ellis and his wife. Her brother Robert was also listed as boarding there.18
     Robert died on 14 Feb 1940 on Madison St., Clarksville, Montgomery Co., Tennessee.22,23
     Bess appeared on the 1940 Federal Census of Clarksville, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, at Madison St., enumerated 11 Apr 1940, reporting she was renting her home, for $41 per month. Her brother Robert was listed as living with her.24
     Bess died on 29 Apr 1961 at age 72.9 She was buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Clarksville, Tennessee.17

     There were no children with Tyler K. Miller

     There were no children with Robert Lawrence James


  1. [S8405] Robert Pickering household, 1900 U.S. Census, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, shows name as Bessie L. Pickering.
  2. [S8404] "Miller - Pickering," Clarksville Leaf-Chronicle, 1 Jul 1915, shows name as Miss Bess Pickering.
  3. [S3411] Robert L. James, Certificate of Death, shows name as Bess Pickering James.
  4. [S8405] Robert Pickering household, 1900 U.S. Census, Montgomery Co., Tennessee.
  5. [S8406] Robert Pickering household, 1910 U.S. Census, Montgomery Co., Tennessee.
  6. [S8404] "Miller - Pickering," Clarksville Leaf-Chronicle, 1 Jul 1915.
  7. [S8405] Robert Pickering household, 1900 U.S. Census, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, shows the girl as daughter of Lillian's husband and that the parents had been married longer than the age of the child.
  8. [S8406] Robert Pickering household, 1910 U.S. Census, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, shows the girl as daughter of Harrett's husband and that the parents had been married longer than the age of the child.
  9. [S500], online, memorial # 112927168, Bess Pickering James, shows date and includes tombstone photo showing same.
  10. [S8405] Robert Pickering household, 1900 U.S. Census, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, shows age 11 and state.
  11. [S8406] Robert Pickering household, 1910 U.S. Census, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, shows age 21 and state.
  12. [S8404] "Miller - Pickering," Clarksville Leaf-Chronicle, 1 Jul 1915, shows yesterday, at her father's home, and officant.
  13. [S8408] Tyler Miller household, 1920 U.S. Census, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, shows married.
  14. [S8403] "James - Miller Wedding," Clarksville Leaf-Chronicle, 7 Jul 1926, shows date, time, place.
  15. [S8402] Bob James obituary, Clarksville Leaf-Chronicle, shows date.
  16. [S2326] Jesse Ellis household, 1930 U.S. Census, Montgomery Co., Tennessee, shows both as married, with his first marriage at age 35, and hers at 26.
  17. [S500], online, memorial # 112927168, Bess Pickering James, includes tombstone photo.
  18. [S2326] Jesse Ellis household, 1930 U.S. Census, Montgomery Co., Tennessee.
  19. [S8408] Tyler Miller household, 1920 U.S. Census, Montgomery Co., Tennessee.
  20. [S8409] Tyler Miller obituary, Clarksville Leaf-Chronicle, shows died Wednesday, lake, and cause of death.
  21. [S500], online, memorial # 126256536, Tyler K. Miller, shows date and includes tombstone photo showing same.
  22. [S3411] Robert L. James, Certificate of Death.
  23. [S8402] Bob James obituary, Clarksville Leaf-Chronicle, shows Wednesday, at his home, and street.
  24. [S8407] Bess P. James household, 1940 U.S. Census, Montgomery Co., Tennessee.