Margaret Brown1,2,3

ID# 10113, (abt 1763 - 1845)

Key Events:

Birth: about 17634,5,6
Marriage: 7 Feb 1781, Stonington, Connecticut, Ichabod Worden (24 Jan 1761 - 1 Nov 1844)7,8,9
Death: 6 Aug 184510,11
Burial: 7 Aug 1845, Mount Hope Cemetery, Rochester, New York12,13

Copyright Notice


     9 Margaret Brown was born about 1763.4,5,6
     Margaret married Ichabod Worden, son of Sylvester Worden and Rebekah Eccleston, on 7 Feb 1781 in Stonington, Connecticut, with Charles Phelps, justice of the peace, officiating.7,8,9
     Margaret and Ichabod moved to western Vermont before 1791. Margaret was probably one of the two females listed in the household of her husband, Ichabod Worden, in the 1790 Federal Census of Shaftsbury, Bennington Co., Vermont.14
     Margaret and Ichabod moved to Halifax, in south eastern Vermont, before 1800. She was probably the female age 26 to 44 listed in the household of her husband, Ichabod Worden, in the 1800 Federal Census of Halifax, Windham Co., Vermont.15
     Margaret and Ichabod moved to northern New York, near the east end of Lake Ontario, apparently about 1805. She was probably the female age 26 to 45 listed in the household of her husband, Ichabod Worden, in the 1810 Federal Census of Rutland, Jefferson Co., New York.16 She was probably the female over age 45 listed in the household of her husband, Ichabod Worden, in the 1820 Federal Census of Rutland, Jefferson Co., New York.17
     By 1830 Margaret and Ichabod had moved to Brighton, on the south shore of Lake Ontario, where their daughter Roxana and her husband were living. Margaret was probably the female age 60 to 70 appearing on the 1830 Federal Census of Brighton, Monroe Co., New York, in the household of Gideon Cobb, husband of her daughter Roxana. Her husband was probably the male age 60 to 70 in the same household.18
     She was probably the female age 70 to 80 listed in the household of her husband, Ichabod, in the 1840 Federal Census of Brighton, Monroe Co., New York.19
     Her husband died on 1 Nov 1844 in Brighton, New York.20,10,21
     Margaret filed an application for widow's pension for the Revolutionary War service of her late husband on 20 Jun 1845, in Rochester, New York, stating she was a resident of Brighton. The pension was never granted; the pension office asked for further proof of their marriage on 1 Sep 1845, nearly a month after her death. Correspondence continued on her behalf, but apparently was never successful.22
     Margaret died on 6 Aug 1845.10,11 She was buried on 7 Aug 1845 in Mount Hope Cemetery, Rochester, New York, next to her husband, in their son-in-law's lot.12,13

     Children with Ichabod Worden:

  • Rebekah Worden23,24 (19 May 1785 - )
  • Humphrey Worden25,24 (2 Jun 1787 - )
  • Ichabod Worden26,24 (12 Nov 1788 - )
  • Lyman Worden27,28,24 (15 Nov 1790 - 1874)
  • Roxana Worden29,30,24 (4 Mar 1794 - 21 Apr 1863)
  • Laurein Worden31,24 (30 Mar 1796 - )
  • Russell Worden24
  • Truman B. Worden24 (abt 1802 - 29 Nov 1838)
  • Senah Worden32,24 (abt 1804 - )
  • Salomon B. Worden24 (28 Apr 1805 - 1888)


  1. [S2470] Margaret Warden widow's pension file, R11132, Revolutionary War Pension Files, statement of Humphrey Brown 19 Apr 1845, shows his sister Margaret was wife of Ichabod.
  2. [S7388] Worden, Some Records of Persons by the Name of Worden, pg 128, shows name, as Margaret Brown.
  3. [S2444] Mount Hope Cemetery, burial records, May 1837 to July 1860 Woo, shows name as Margaret Worden.
  4. [S2470] Margaret Warden widow's pension file, R11132, Revolutionary War Pension Files, statement of Margaret Worden 20 Jun 1845, shows age 81.
  5. [S2444] Mount Hope Cemetery, burial records, May 1837 to July 1860 Woo, shows interrment 7 Aug 1845 at age 82.
  6. [S2445] "Tombstone Inscriptions from Section I - Mt. Hope Cemetery," GenWeb Monroe County NY, shows she died 6 Aug 1845 at age 83 yrs.
  7. [S2470] Margaret Warden widow's pension file, R11132, Revolutionary War Pension Files, statement of Ichabod Worden 5 Jul 1826 names wife Margeret, statement of Humphrey Brown 19 Apr 1845, shows month, year, town, state, and officiant; and statement of Margaret Worden 20 Jun 1845, shows date.
  8. [S7388] Worden, Some Records of Persons by the Name of Worden, pg 128, shows married, at Stonington Point.
  9. [S2445] "Tombstone Inscriptions from Section I - Mt. Hope Cemetery," GenWeb Monroe County NY, shows her as his wife.
  10. [S2445] "Tombstone Inscriptions from Section I - Mt. Hope Cemetery," GenWeb Monroe County NY, shows date.
  11. [S2444] Mount Hope Cemetery, burial records, May 1837 to July 1860 Woo, shows interrment 7 Aug 1845.
  12. [S2444] Mount Hope Cemetery, burial records, May 1837 to July 1860 Woo.
  13. [S2489] Mount Hope Cemetery, plot records, range I, lot 48, shows their graves in lot purchased by Gideon Cobb 10 Mar 1845.
  14. [S7384] Ichebod Wordin household, 1790 U.S. Census, Bennington Co., Vermont.
  15. [S7385] Ichabod Worden household, 1800 U.S. Census, Windham Co., Vermont.
  16. [S7386] Isabod Worden household, 1810 U.S. Census, Jefferson Co., New York.
  17. [S7387] Ichabod Worden household, 1820 U.S. Census, Jefferson Co., New York.
  18. [S2462] Gideon Cobb household, 1830 U.S. Census, Monroe Co., New York.
  19. [S2460] Ichabod Worden household, 1840 U.S. Census, Monroe Co., New York.
  20. [S2470] Margaret Warden widow's pension file, R11132, Revolutionary War Pension Files, statement of Margaret Worden 20 Jun 1845, shows date, statement of Gideon Cobb, same date, shows date and he died in his home in Brighton.
  21. [S2444] Mount Hope Cemetery, burial records, May 1837 to July 1860 Woo, shows interrment 3 Nov 1844.
  22. [S2470] Margaret Warden widow's pension file, R11132, Revolutionary War Pension Files, statement of Margaret Worden 20 Jun 1845; letter 1 Sep 1845, Pension Office to Moses Chapin; letter 16 Sep 1845 Chapin to I. L. Edwards, Commisioner of Pensions; letter 22 Sep 1845 Pension Office to Chapin; and wrapper noting printed list of 1852 shows suspended for proof of marriage.
  23. [S3427] General Index to Vital Records of Vermont, record for Rebekah Worden, prepared by Hubbel Wells, town clerk.
  24. [S7388] Worden, Some Records of Persons by the Name of Worden, pg 128.
  25. [S3427] General Index to Vital Records of Vermont, record for Humphrey Worden, prepared by Hubbel Wells, town clerk.
  26. [S3427] General Index to Vital Records of Vermont, record for Ichabod Worden, prepared by Hubbel Wells, town clerk.
  27. [S3427] General Index to Vital Records of Vermont, record for Limon Worden, prepared by Hubbel Wells, town clerk.
  28. [S4472] Gideon Cobb household, 1855 New York State Census, Monroe Co., New York, Brighton, shows Lyman as his brother but apprently he was his wife's brother.
  29. [S3427] General Index to Vital Records of Vermont, record for Rocksey Worden, prepared by Nathan Fish, town clerk.
  30. [S2444] Mount Hope Cemetery, burial records, May 1837 to July 1860 Woo, shows her buried in Roxana and Gideon's lot.
  31. [S3427] General Index to Vital Records of Vermont, record for Laurein Worden, prepared by Nathan Fish, town clerk.
  32. [S2470] Margaret Warden widow's pension file, R11132, Revolutionary War Pension Files, power of attorney 18 Jun 1852 by Senah Thayer, and letter 6 Mar 1864, Senah Thayer to President of the United States, state she was daugther of Ichabod Worden.