- Henry and his wife moved to Vermont Settlement, near Warsaw, New York, in 1808. But he soon died, and she returned to Vermont and remarried.
- William and his wife moved to Vernon, New York before 1812, then to Rochester about 1813. He died in Louisville at age 38 while working on a project there.
- The younger John and his wife moved to Ogden, Genesee Co. (later Monroe Co.), New York before 1820.
- Gideon followed his brother William to Vernon, New York by 1812, then to Rochester about 1813, where he became very successful.
- Abigail and her husband moved to Burlington, Vermont, before 1812.
- Horace and his wife stayed in Orwell until after 1830, then moved to Rochester, where his brother Gideon and his family lived.
- Sarah and her husband moved to Shelburne, Vermont by 1840, then joined her brother Gideon in Rochester by 1850.
- No record has been found of their youngest daughter, Mary, after 1815.
From Orwell to Western New York
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