UMW - Western NC Conference 2019 Honoree

September 14, 2019

Nancy Honored with Dedication of 2019 Annual Report Book

The Western North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Women at their Annual Celebration at Lake Junaluska, North Carolina, honored Nancy with the dedication of the 2019 Annual Report book.


Carmen Edith at 17

A diamond Special Mission Recognition pin was presented, signifying that a $1,000 gift to Mission Giving through United Methodist Women had been made in Nancy’s honor.


In accordance with tradition for this annual recognition, she was totally surprised when she was named as the recipient. All the more so in this case since as Conference Treasurer she had ordered the pin, and thus "knew" who the recipient was and thus calmly listened to the announcement. She of course didn't yet realize the name she had been given for the order was a ruse.


As the recitation of the recipient's history continues, finally the light dawns, as seen in this video. Here the audience views a clip from a "former colleague" at AT&T.


Also in accordance with tradition, members of the recipient's family are invited to join in the celebration, of course unbeknown to the recipient. This video captures Nancy as she sees Terry, her brother Howard, and his wife Justine entering the room while congratulatory clips from Scott, Craig, and her brother Richard were being played.


Nobody could remember seeing her speachless before!


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