Stewart County Deeds

This page updated 4 Jun 2009

The Cobb Family

The records below focus on deeds involving the Joshua Cobb family and selected associates in Stewart Co. Tennessee. I have endeavored to find all deeds involving them from when he moved to Stewart Co. about 1843 until his affairs were settled after his death in 1879 , but a few may have been missed.

Parties are stated to be "of Stewart County" unless otherwise stated.








6 Dec 1842 Ann Cobb Samuel Miller $30 65 ac. in Stewart Co., beginning at a white oak in the line of Jas. Cobb's 50 ac. survey 15:295

7 Oct 1845

12 Oct 1843 Robert L. Cobb of Eddyville KY Samuel Stacker $1,000 Two slaves: a Negro woman named Phillis Ann aged about 31 yrs. and her son Alfred aged about 8 yrs. 14:500-1

4 Dec 1843


26 Feb 1844 Alisthel Wallace, sheriff Joshua Cobb $50 50 ac. belonging to Henry Brake 15:56-7

26 Feb 1844

sold to satisfy 23 Jul 1842 judgment of $72.37 principal and of $12.53 costs against James & Henry Brake, sold at courthouse door 26 Feb 1844
30 Dec 1844 Jesse Mann Alexander M Cobb $250 106 ac. in Stewart Co. on the head of Dyers Ck., beginning at John Oliver's NW corner of 200 ac. 15:512-3

15 Jul 1847

no witnesses
14 Jan 1845 Rachel T Thogmorton, Martha Johnson, Nancy Jane Broadaway, Tabitha Ruffty, Rebecca Broadaway, Elizabeth M Broadaway, Welford D Throgmorton, Thos. B Throgmorton Joshua Cobb & Samuel R Cook $1,031 162¾ ac. on waters of Bull Pasture Ck.; 12 ac. on waters of Wild Cat Ck. including a small improvement near Lyons Rd.; 10 ac. on north side of Cumberland River granted to George Yarborugh; 100 ac. on the north side of Cumberland River on water of Wild Cat Ck., beginning at corner to William Thogmorton, all in Stewart Co. District No. 1 15:176-7

25 Jan 1845

9 Jun 1845 Alexander Barr Joshua Cobb & Saml R Cook $40 40 ac. in Stewart Co. on north side of Cumberland River, beginning in NW corner of 80 ac. tract deeded to Jas Alexander by E Stokes 15:252

9 Jun 1845

15 Jul 1845 Mary Gibbs, John L H Baker, John A Gibbs, Thomas H Gibbs Stacker Woods & Co. $75 15 ac. in Stewart Co. on north side of Cumberland River on North Cross Ck., granted to John Baker 6 Sep 1817, beginning at stake 16 poles N from Anthony Lee's SE corner of a 15-ac. tract entered in name of Thomas White; 15 ac. on waters of North Cross Ck., conveyed by Anthony Lee to Thomas Gibbs 19 Nov 1814, beginning 180 poles S of Thomas White's SE corner of his entry of 61 ac. 16:140-2

8 Sep 1848

witnesses: R Caldwell, Geo L Lewis, Wm Gold

proved 1 Sep 1848 by Robert Caldwell & William Gold

assigned by Stacker Woods & Co. 14 Jun 1848 to Cook & Cobb for consideration of $75, witnessed by Robt Caldwell & Wm Gold

7 Aug 1845 Coleman Burton by John Mann his attorney in fact Joshua Cobb & Saml R Cook $70 100 ac. in Stewart Co. District No. 1, beginning at a hickory & small black oak on E boundary of tract formerly called the Callinden land & on N boundary of Philip Hall's land 15:426-7

9 Nov 1846

witnesses: W C Hogan, Wm Gogus [?]
4 Dec 1845 James J Hill Joshua Cobb & Samuel R Cook $450 200 ac. in Stewart Co. on waters of Cumberland River, beginning at hickory on top of ridge on right side of Wright Hollow, across the hollow to elm on top of ridge on left side of hollow, to Robert McCorkle 15:393

25 Jun 1849

witnesses: R B Dickinson, Geo C Dortch
4 Dec 1845 James M Walker Joshua Cobb & Samuel R Cook $50 86½ ac. in Stewart Co. on north side of Cumberland River, beginning at black oak Wm Elliot's upper corner on the top of a high bluff above the horse ford hollow, to the conditional corner of tract supposed to be 15 ac. conveyed to John Hood to James L Dunbar, to hickory on forks of Hurricane hollow, to river, to Jas L Dunbar's corner 15:395-6

11 Jul 1846

witnesses: Geo C Dortch, Lance L Hill

5 Jan 1846 James McClure Samuel R Cook & Joshua Cobb $1,214.50 Tracts on Stewart Co. on north side of Cumberland River on waters of Blooming Grove, Wild Cat, Bull Pasture, & North Cross Cks.: 1) 717 ac. beginning on a black oak on the county line to Terrel Morris's NE corner, to Walter Brown, to corner of 78 ac. tract sold to Wm Brintion by McClure, to a 44 ac. tract entered by Cook & Cobb, to a 300 ac. tract entered by Wm Phillips, to a 1120 ac. tract; 2) 30 ac. beginning at same point; 3) 300 ac. beginning at post oak near the road leading from Wm Brintons to Blooming Grove, excluding 25 ac. entered by Jas Sumons; 4) 420 ac. beginning at hickory NW corner of 100 ac. entered by Joseph Rufty, to SW corner of 26 ac. entry by A Lee, to 20 ac. tract to SW corner of 50 ac. tract, to 300 ac. entry by P W Humphrey, to 100 ac. entry by Jas Hamblett, to Phillip Hall, to 100 ac. tract entered by Joseph Rufty, excluding 5 ac. entered by A Lee and 50 ac. entered by Mary Rufty; & 5) 320 ac. beginning at hickory NE corner John Milam, to NW corner of 300 ac. tract entered by P W Humphrey, to Yeatman Woodson's 1920 ac. tract, excluding 11 ac. belong to John Milam and probably 11 belong to Thos Gill 15:341-2

17 Jan 1846

This note follows the clerk's certification of proof of the deed by the witnesses:

1st named tract contains 232
2       "          "        "        66
3       "          "        "       275
4       "          "        "       365
5       "          "        "       717
6       "          "        "         30
                    Total        1685

[does not agree with order of text, but does agree in total]

21 Feb 1846 James McClure Saml R Cook & Joshua Cobb $1 50 ac. in Stewart Co. District No. 1, on waters of Bull Pasture Ck., beginning at Hickory SE corner of 100 ac. entry by Joseph Rufty on N boundary of Phillips Hall 15:394

26 Jun 1846

witnesses: J O Shackerford, G A Henry
19 Dec 1846 John Rowlett Sam R Cook & Joshua Cobb $50 49 ac. in Stewart Co. District No. 1, on north side of Cumberland River on waters of Bull Pasture Creek, beginning at a white oak nearly in front of Hopewell meeting house, to rock near side of the road, to rock in Porter's S boundary, rock Sally Turner's NE corner 15:476

1 Mar 1847

witnesses: Wm Gold, Robert Caldwell
4 Jan 1847 Alsey Faucett, James J Lewis, & Sarah C Lewis Saml R Cook & Joshua Cobb $300 in Stewart Co. in District No. 1, on north side of Cumberland River, beginning at two sycamores on the bank of the river Roberson Hambletts' upper corner, to Bayliss, to Allen, to Callender, to Marage Phillips, to river; also 50 ac. beginning same point 15:463

26 Jan 1847

witnesses: G W Lewis, Wm B Lewis
2 Apr 1847 Saml R Cook & Joshua Cobb William Brinton $20 22 ac. in Stewart Co. adjoining the tract that Brinton bought of James McClure, beginning at a poplar in E boundary of Jas Hamblett's 100 ac. tract & S boundary of Yeatman Woods & Co. 1920 ac. tract, to stake in N boundary of a 1000 ac. tract sold by Jas McClure to Cook & Cobb


16 Apr 1847

witnesses: Elijah Hall, Cullen Hall
27 May 1847 William C Jones N D Elliott $150 lot in town of Line Port in Steward Co. on E bank of Cumberland River, a lot deeded to T Shaw to Jones 15:512

15 Jul 1847

witnesses: Thomas Shaw, Jas F Stimson
10 May 1847 Mary Jeffreys, Sally Ann Jeffreys, John Jeffreys, Mary Jane Jeffreys Saml R Cook & Joshua Cobb $32.75 65½ ac. in Stewart Co. District No. 1, on N side of Cumberland River on head waters of Bull Pasture Ck., beginning NE corner of a 1000 ac. survey, to Phillip Hall line, to Jas Hamblett corner, to Jas Hamblett S boundary of tract he purchased of William Dunb__, to William Phillips N boundary of his 150 ac. tract 16:84-5

12 May 1848

witnesses: Robt Caldwell, Wm Gold

date of deed seems clearly 10 May 1847, proved 9 May 1848, recorded 12 May 1848

9 Jul 1847 C C King Joshua Cobb $5 195 ac. in Stewart Co. District No. 2, on waters of Cub Ck., beginning on a dogwood, white, oak, and ash, to dogwood on Manley's line, to mouth of Richard Rose's spring branch 15:521

17 Jul 1847

mortgage to secure $550 note due 12 mo from date to Robert Caldwell, if not paid Cobb as trustee to sell the property at the courthouse.

witnesses: Wm. Gold, Geo Stacker

11 Jan 1848 Jesse Parchmen Robt West & Q C Atkinson $256.71 156 ac. 114 poles in Stewart Co. District No. 5, beginning at a stake on the road leading up Grices Ck., to E boundary of Gerord survey, to NW corner of the Wilson 20-ac. tract 16:37-8

9 Mar 1848

witnesses: R H McFall, J F Gentry
27 Jan 1848 Robt Wilson Joshua Cobb $600 137 ac. in Stewart Co. District No. 1, beginning in the River bottom on a hackberry in Saml R Cook W boundary line, to Keollidas, to corner of 100-ac. tract Brittain Bayliss bought off Young Barbee now owned by S R Cook, to beginning 16:30-1

6 Mar 1848

witnesses: Wm Gold, Robt Caldwell
25 Apr 1848 Robt W Smith, Mary J Smith, & A[rchibald] H Watkins of Rusk Co. Texas, & Mary Watkins, Robt E Wynne, Sarah D Wynne, John M Watkins, Richard O Watkins, Robt M Watkins & Jesse J Watkins of Nacogdoches Co. Texas Joshua Cobb & Samuel R Cook $200 300 ac. in Stewart Co., beginning on forked Elm on the side of Gibbs road, corner of land known as John Baker's, to E boundary of land known as Thos Calender's, to P B Lee's NE corner, to John Baker's line 16:117-9

11 Jul 1848

witness: H Nelson

signatures of various grantors proved 25 Apr 1848 by clerk of Rusk Co. & 5 May 1848 by three notary in Nacogdoches Co.

$200 received in New Orleans 26 Jun 1848 of Pegram & Bryan acting for grantees

13 Jun 1848 James Woods for himself & as executor for Robert Woods deceased, and attorney in fact for Joseph Woods, John Bell, June Bell, and Andrew Erwin, trustee of John and Jane Bell Cook & Cobb $2056 2585 ac. in Stewart Co. on north side of Cumberland River on waters of Blooming Grove, Wild Cat, Bull Pasture, and North Cross Cks., beginning on large white oak marked JHJ which stands 404 poles W of small black oak marked as corner & supposed to be in the county line, to stake in Mley Mooreland's field, excluding 235 ac. part of a 300 ac. tract granted to Wm Phillips now owned by Cook & Cobb, also 90 ac. part of a 300 ac. tract granted to P W Humphreys now belonging to Andrew Erwin, Abram Myers & Johnas Myers, also 4 ac. part of a 100 ac. tract granted to Jas Hamblett now belonging to W B Johnson, also 8 ac. of a 15 ac. tract granted to A Lecas, well as the whole of a 15 ac. tract granted to John Baker now owned by Stacker Woods & Co., also 13 ac. part of William Beasley's tract together with 89 ac. contained in 4 tracts now owned by Jas McClure and 79¾ ac. part of 100 ac tract also owned by McClure, making in all 529 ac. excluded leaving 2,056 ac. conveyed 16:242-3

12 Mar 1849

witnesses: Robt Caldwell & Wm Gold
17 Aug 1848 John Rowlett Saml R Cook & Joshua Cobb $80 Two parcels in Stewart Co. District No. 1 on waters of Wild Cat Ck.: 100 ac., beginning on 2 black oaks N45°W 46 poles from NW corner of 5 ac. track below; 5 ac., beginning at large white oak stump about 2 poles E of the creek 16:142-3

8 Sep 1898

witnesses: Wm Gold, G C Dortch
15 Jun 1849 Joshua Cobb Woods Stacker & Co. $200 110 ac. in Stewart Co. on north side of Cumberland River on waters of Cubb Ck., beginning on a double buck in the edge of a hollow 16:550-1

2 Aug 1850

witnesses: Geo T Lewis, R Caldwell, J B Crockerell
18 Dec 1849 J[oshua] Cobb Wm J Raybarn, James P, John T, Nancy E, Isaac M, Pamulia A, Martha V & Rebecca I Raybarn $450 Negro girl named Miranda, between 11 & 12 years of age 16:474

21 Mar 1850

witnesses: R Caldwell, J B Crockarell
Dec 1850 [day omitted] Robert Hall, Richard Hall, Charlotte Hall, Livvis Hall, Rhoda Hall, & Londa Hall, heirs at law of Phillip Hall decd. Cobb Cook & Co. $100 156 ac. in Stewart Co. Dist. No. 1 on waters of Callenders Ck., beginning on 2 poplars & dogwood, Man Phillips NW corner on Thos Callenders line; also 30 ac. adjoining immediately S 19:327-8

21 Dec 1855

witnesses: Elizabeth Dunbar, Samuel Dunbar

24 Dec 1850 Joshua Cobb Alexander Holliday $600 137 ac. in Steward Co. Dist. No 1, beginning in the River bottom on a hickory hackberry in Samuel R Cookc W boundry line, to a ___ in grantee's line, to NE corner of 100 ac. tract Britten Bayless bought of Young [?] Barbor, now owned by S R Cook 22:592

17 Sep 1866

witnesses R Caldwell, J C Gould
18 Jan 1851 Santford Bussell & J S Sherrell Joshua Cobb $5 670 ac. in Stewart Co. District No. 2 on waters of Cross Ck., beginning at a red oak, to corner of 6-ac. tract deed to W R Stkins 18:47-9

3 Feb 1853

witnesses: Thomas Martin & John Richards

mortgage, to secure $4,507 in 4 notes to James Sutherland due 1 Jan 1851, 1 Oct 1851, 1 Oct 1852, & 1 Oct 1853; Cobb as trustee sell the land at pubic sale if notes not paid when due

5 Jan 1852 Joshua Cobb, William Phillips, Thomas G Welsh Thomas W Barksdale, W Bradley & S R Cook $16,250 to Cobb; $32,000 to Phillips & Welsh agree to convey their ¾ interest in Blooming Grove Forge and Rough & Ready Furnace in Stewart & Montgomery Cos. including all the lands, teams, mules, oxen, cows, hogs, furnace forge and farming tools, flasks, blacksmith and other tools, provision corn, hay, fodder, oats, household and kitchen furniture, bed, bedsteads matrasses, blankets, salt, bar iron and all other articles on hand belonging to the firm of Cobb Welsh & Co except the blooms, peg iron, scrup metal & castings. Titles to be made upon payment of the agreed consideration.

Grantees release Phillips & Welsh from their notes given for the purchase of tracts of land purchased by Barksdale, Cook & Bradley of James H Meriwether; will pay for hearth & inwall rock engaged by Cobb Welsh & Co; will take all hands hired by Cobb Welsh & Co for the present year; as soon as practicable substitute the notes of the new firm for the notes given by Cobb Welsch & Co; refund Cobb & Welsh all moneys paid in advance for hire of Negros; fill a contract made by Cobb Welsh & Co with Wolf of Cincinnata for 300 tons of blooms at $57 per ton delivered in Cincinnati in Mar, Apr, & May next


27 Apr 1869

Samuel R Cook & Joshua Cobb, being owners of lands in Steward Co. on waters of North Cross Ck made agreement 24 Nov 1848 to convey 1/3 to Thomas W Barksdale & William Bradley, and did asseliate [supposed to be associate ?] themselves with Barksdale & Bradley in the iron business erecting and carrying on the Rough & Ready Furance in 1849 & 1850; Barksdale & Bradley on 1 Jan 1851 sold their 1/3 interest to William Phillips & Thos G Welsh; Phillips & Welsh were the owners of Blooming Grove Forge; on 1 Jan 1851 all four entered into an agreement to operate as Cobb Welsh & Co becoming equal owers in the Furnace & Forge; Cook & Cobb agreed to convey 1/6 of the Furnace to Phillips & Welsh and Phillips & Welsh agreed to convey 1/2 of the Forge to Cook & Cobb.

Agreements of 24 Nov 1848 & 1 Jan 1851 now null & void.

Cobb paid $6,250 cash, $5,000 1 Feb 1853, & $5,000 1 Feb 1854; Phillips & Welsh paid $12,000 cash, $10,000 1 Feb 1853, & $10,000 1 Feb 1854.

23 Nov 1852 J Cobb Woods, Payne & Co. $1,200 Negro woman Cherry, aged about 28, and her 4 children Jane, Mary, Angeline & Linda 18:143

3 May 1853

witnesses: W M Cook & R Caldwell
__ Oct 1853 [day omitted] Benjamin Richardson Cobb Phillips & Co. of Lagrange Furnace $300 undivided 216 ac. share in 640 ac. in Stewart Co. Dist. No. 11, granted to Thomas Berry on waters of Leatherwood Ck. by state of North Carolina, beginning at a hickory & elm in a loop of Leatherwood Ck. opposite the old clay lick on the N side of the Ck., sold for taxes as belonging to heirs of Thomas Berry to Willis Barrett, who sold it to John Wright, who on 19 Feb 1851 sold an undivided 216 ac. to grantor 19:260-1

13 Oct 1855

witnesses: Judson Horn, W J Keel
12 Nov 1853 John Stacker Jr., Elijah D Place, Catherine Place, Adaline L Stacker, Lawrence Ramey trustee for Hannah Emily Ramy, & David M. Stacker Joshua Cobb $2,305 4 tracts in Stewart Co., on N side of Tennessee River, purchased by C B Stacker decd. of John H Petty & J Boliver Petty: 1) 2,000 ac., less 200 ac. sold heretofore, beginning at 4 post oaks on a ridge marked M & H, NW corner of Trigg Seminary survey of 600 ac., to NW of Lewis M Taylor's 100 ac. survey, to double white oak in hollow on W side of road from Brightwell's ferry to Skinner's ferry, to Alex Abel's corner, to Nelson's line, to Thos Brigham's SW corner, to John Bird's line; 2) 40 ac. beginning on a sycamore on E bank of Lick Ck., to Albert Brigham's NW corner; 3) 330 ac., beginning at 2 post oaks the SW corner of Tho Whitford's 45 ac. tract; 4) 25 ac. on Lick branch of Tennessee River, beginning at white oak on line of 50 ac. Trigg Seminary survey owned by John Bird; 5) 150 ac. on Tennessee River, beginning at forked white oak Thos Brigham & Robt Nelson corner, to SW corner of Benjamin Herdons 25 ac. tract; all except 40 ac. tract granted to Mitchell & Hicks 19:507-10

3 Nov 1856

witnesses: D B Berry, Richd Livitzer

signatures of Elijah D Place, Catharine Place his wife, Adeline S Stacker a single woman, Lawrance Ramey as trustee for his daughter Hannah Emily Ramey (an infant daughter) & David M Stacker acknowledged 12 Nov 1853 in Philadelphia

9 Jan 1854 Jaby Geurin Cobb Phillips & Co. $10 & 100 ac. on Short Ck. known as Settles place, adjoining Harrison Williams 40 ac. in Stewart Co. Dist. No. 11 on Leatherwood Ck., a part of tract where grantor now lives, all of his land lying E of Leatherwood Ck. 19:261

13 Oct 1855

witnesses: Judeon Horn, John L Giruim
1 Mar 1854 William McNickle Cobb Phillips & Co. $700 234¾ ac. in two tracts in Stewart Co. Dist. No. 11, where Dr. Taylor lives: 1) 225 ac. beginning on a white oak near the mouth of the Martins branch on Leatherwood Ck., to Shephards line, to the Ridge road to Standing Rock Ck., to the Dover Rd, to Martin's branch, excepting 6 ac. on SW corner; 2) 9 ac. 64 poles beginning on oak stump in road leading from La Grange Furnace to Standing Rock, about 800 yds from the furnace, excepting ¼ ac. where the family graveyard is 21:35-6

24 Mar 1859

witnesses: Jame R Ware, P H Matthews
1 Apr 1854 Joshua Cobb Woods Payne & Co. $1 50 ac. in Stewart Co. Dist. No. 6 on waters of Elk Ck., beginning on white oak & hickory near Mrtin Binghams SE corner 20:220-1

5 Nov 1857

witnesses: R Caldwell, J B Crockerell
1 Jun 1854 Jabey Geurin Cobb Phillips & Co. $510 125 ac. in Stewart Co. Dist. No. 11, beginning [unreadable] to [unreadable] Ck., up the ck. to N-S line of original survey 19:265-6

19 Oct 1855

witnesses: Geo Dortch, N C Taylor, Jno W Gorham
__ Jan 1855 [day omitted] Joshua Cobb & D N Kennedy of Clarksville, & Williams Phillips of Stewart Co. W B Munford of Clarksville $25,000 one fourth interest in Lagrange & Eclipse Furnaces & all lands thereunto attached, embracing lands originally purchased by Cobb Phillips & Co of Christopher Dudley, all lands subsequently purchased by Cobb Phillips & Co., and all mules, horses, oxen, hogs, waggons, carts, slides, furnace tools & flasks now on hand, and negro man Lewis 20:314-5

4 Mar 1858

to be paid $8,333.33 1/3¢ 1 Jan 1856, 1857, & 1858, with notes dated 1 Jan 1855 executed for each with interest on last two, but to be abated if first payment is made in cash by 15 Jan 1855.

grantee to also pay cash for ¼ of all corn, hay, fodder, oats, bacon, wood, coal, merchandise, & raised ore on hand or had been purchased

7 Feb 1855 Simon Daniel Cobb Phillips & Co. $476 243 ac. 32 poles in Stewart Co. Dist. No. 10, beginning on a poplar, to NW corner of a 5000 ac. tract in name of John Hittockhum [?], excluding 5 ac. 28 poles known as Luke Hardson land 19:223-4

9 Jul 1855

witnesses J W Gorham, Wm Bell
19 Apr 1855 Thomas J H Lightfoot Cobb Phillips & Co $500 500 ac. in 2 tracts in Stewart Co. District No. 11: beginning on buck & sycamore in fork of Leatherwoods Ck., to Mockbee lands; beginning on chesnut at SE corner of upper 1000 ac. Shepherd survey, to SW corner of Ragan tract, to Hardison Daniel, to SW corner of Sheppard survey, including and excluding tract known as Johnson tract, supposed to contain 200 ac. 19:178-9

30 Apr 1855

witnesses: G C Dortch, Jno W Gocham
9 Jul 1855 James Andrews, by Elijah Dawson, his attorney in fact Cobb Phillips & Co. $200 200 ac. in Stewart Co. Dist. No. [omitted], beginning on a black oak, SE corner to Jacob Cropn 23 ac. tract, entered by grantor 17 Apr 1832 & surveyed 12 Sep 1832 19:266-7

19 Oct 1855

witnesses: Jno W. Gorham, Wm R Tranghlor
18 Feb 1856 R J Wynns J Cobb, William Phillips, D N Kennedy & W R Mumford $1,500 105 ac. in Stewart Co. Dist. No. 11, beginning on sycamore, to mouth of Leatherwood Ck., down Tennessee River to Andy Martins line 20:240-1

14 Dec 1857

entry titled "Cobb Phillips & Co. from R. J. Wynns"

witnesses: B L Phillips. W J Tomlinson

29 Sep 1856 Joshua Cobb Brien Bedbetter & Co. $4,517 four tracts in Stewart Co. on the N side of the Tennessee River; 1) 2,000 ac. beginning at 4 post oaks on a ridge, NW corner of Trigg Seminary survey of 600 ac., crossing path leading to Brighams, to NW corner of M Taylor's 100 ac. tract, to double white oak on the W side of road from Brightuells ferry on the Tennessee to Skinners ferry on the Cumberland, to black oak and dogwood on N branch of Panther Ck, to Alex Abel's corner, to large white oak W of Abels house, to two white oaks in Nelson's line, to black oak in John Bird's line, to SW corner of Jas Bird's survey, to Bird's & McKenney's corner, to black oak near the path from Hicks to Brighams, deducting 200 ac. sold heretofore; 2) 40 ac. beginning on sycamore on E bank of Lick Ck. of Tennessee River, to Albert Bugham's NW corner; 3) 330 ac. beginning two post oaks on SW corner of Thos Whitford's 45 ac. tract; 4) 25 ac. on the Lick branch of the Tennessee River beginng at white oak in a line of a 50 ac. Trigg Seminary survey owned by John Bird; 5) 150 ac. on Tennessee River beginning at forked white oak Thos Brigham & Robt Nelson's corner, to small hichory on the river just above the mouth of the little branch, down the river to Sill's corner, to SW corner of Bery Hemden's 25 ac. tract; all granted by State to Michell & Hicks, recorded in bk 12, pp 159-163


12 Apr 1861

witnesses not readable
24 Sep 1857 Joshua Cobb, William Phillips, David N Kennedy, & William B Munford Woods Lewis & Co. $2,752 1376 ac. in Steward Co. on Tennessee Ridge headwaters of Leatherwood Ck., beginning on black gum in a hollow, to E boundary of Modkabie land, being 1616 ac., excluding 240 ac. belong to other persons 20:277-8

8 Jan 1858

witnesses: J G Hornberger & Jas M Quarles 24 Sep 1857 as to Cobb, Kennedy & Munford; W C Lewis & B Sorter as to Phillips
8 Nov 1858 Joshua Cobb, W B Munford, Wm Phillips & D N Kennedy H K Boswell $1,000 200 ac. in Stewart Co. Dist. No. 11, beginning at Elisha Askew's ferry landing at the mouth of a branch, up the branch, to a the road, to Josiah Askew line of 30 ac., to Bosnell's corner, to Tennessee river, reserving for the use of Eclipse Furnace a landing on the river bank with an open road to the landing 21:54-5

12 Apr 1859

witnesses: as to Phillps, G C Dortch, B L Phillips
Jan term 1860 Christopher Dudley, plaintiff, vs. Joshua Cobb, D N Kennedy & Wm Phillips, defendants   A Robb Esq by power of attorney for defendants confessed judgment in favor of plaintiff for a note of $5,900 due 1 Jan 1856 payable to C Dudley and $1,425.22 interest to date; also one note of $4,333.33 due 18 Oct 1857 payable to Ranson Dudley and endorsed to C Dudley and $1,359.66 interest to date 21:295-6

26 Jan 1860

A matter in Circuit Court of Montgomery Co.
19 Apr 1860 Cobb, Phillips & Co. Ellett Tomlinson $100 50 ac. in 2 tracts in Stewart Co. Dist. No. 11 on waters of Leatherwood Ck., 1) beginning at 2 white oaks, 2) beginning on a white oak and black gum, to an elm on a branch, down the branch to Tomlinson's old line 21:409-10

14 Jul 1860

witnesses: G C Dortch, Robert Fagan

proved by Wm Phillips, of the firm of Cobb Phillips & Co.

19 Apr 1860 Cobb, Phillips & Co. Davis Stavely $75 15 ac. in Stewart Co. Dist. No. 11 on waters of Leatherwood Ck., beginning on George Martin's SE corner 21:459

6 Oct 1860

witnesses: G C Dortch, Robert Fagan

proved by Wm Phillips, of the firm of Cobb Phillips & Co.

17 Sep 1860 Cobb Phillips & Co. Isham W Folks $297 118¾ ac. Steward Co. Dist. No. 10, beginning at a red oak in N boundary line of Elizabeth Barret's dowry 21:616-7

14 Mar 1861

witnesses: W J Folks, Robert Fagan
1 Oct 1860 S. R. Cook, late of Barksdale Cook & Co. Joseph T Johnson, also of the late firm grantee to pay all debts due Barksdale Cook & Co. & S R Cook & Co. except what may be due by those firms to grantor his 1/3 interest in the Rough & Ready Furnace and lands in Stewart Co., and the lands attached to the Blooming Grove Forge in Montgomery Co., and all personal property belong to the Furnace and Forge, including book accounts and indebtedness; the other 2/3 interest belonging to grantee. Lands attached to the Furnace are between 8,000 & 10,000 ac. in Dist. No. 1, bounded on E by lands of Poplar Spring Furnace, on the N by Moorland, A J Danwash and others, on W by Wm Perkins, decd., S R Cook, Elizabeth Hallady and others, on S by Cumberland River, being all the lands purchased of Cobb Welsh & Co., James McClure, Johnathan Williams Sen., Johanthan Williams Jr, Wm Williams, Anthony Lee, and others, except such lands that may have ben heretofore sold to others. The lands formerly attached to the Blooming Grove Forge contain about 1,100 ac. in Dist. No. 9, commencing on the N at corner of tract conveyed by S R Cook & Co. to Levi Cooper, bounded on the N by lands of Ranson Know, Jerry Bellamy, F J Sleigh and the Poplar Spring Furnace, on the W by land of Poplar Spring Furnace, on S by lands of Person Herm, Dewey Sletcher, Mr. Griffin & others, on E by lands of Levi Cooper, also one tract about 100 ac. being the lands conveyed to Barksdale Cook & Co. by Cobb Welsh & Co. 21:474-6

12 Oct 1860

debts to be paid by grantor are about $456 and interest to Daniel Barksdale, about $2,240 and interest to Z Grant, note of $6,000 and bill of $1,452 to Bank of Tennessee, about $3,300 to Fischer A Hannum guardian of Dick, $5,000 to John A. Elliott, about $1,800 to Planters Bank, $450 to Woods Yetmann & Co., $100 to Woods Lewis & Co., $2,500 to Wm H Barksdale, $750 to Cave Johnson, $500 to Alfred Robb, $451 to Joshua Elder, $2,665 to James D Carr, $275 to Nathaniel Barksdale, $88 to George P. Allen, about $5,000 to Johnson & Allerin, and others that my be legitimately due.

witnesses: J G Hornbuger, John Allcom

recorded in bk 7 pp 530-2 in Montgomery Co.

14 Jan 1861 Christopher Dudley, plaintiff, vs. D N Kennedy, W Phillips, & Joshua Cobb, defendants   J E Bailey Esq by power of attorney for defendants confessed judgment in favor of plaintiff for a note of $13,018 dated 12 Dec 1860 payable to plaintiff and $69.42 interest 21:572

16 Jan 1861

A matter in Circuit Court of Montgomery Co.
2nd Monday Sep 1861 Christopher Dudley, plaintiff, vs. Joshua Cobb, W Phillips, & D N Kennedy, defendants   A Robb Esq by power of attorney for defendants confessed judgment in favor of plaintiff for a note of $13,018 dated 5 Sep 1861 payable to plaintiff and $6.50 interest 22:102-3

22 Aug 1865

A matter in Circuit Court of Montgomery Co.
24 Dec 1865 Grandeson Vaughn, Hugh Dunlap & William Broaddus, firm of Broaddus Vaughn & Co Joshua Cobb, William Phillips, D N Kennady, William __ Humsford [?], partners in Cobb Phillips & Co $6,000, one half to be paid 24 Dec 1856 other half 6 Dec 1857 tracts in Stewart Co.:
285 ac. beginning in the ck bottom, bought by D. N. Kennedy of executors of John Taylor decd on which the Clark Furnace is situated;
174½ ac. beginning on a beech & sycamore on south fork of Leatherwood Ck, bought by Bradly Broaddus from Hardison ____;
40 ac. in Dist No. 11 on waters of Leatherwood Ck beginning on black oak & hickory to George ____ ;
676 ac. on the headwaters of Leatherwood Ck, beginning on hickory SW corner of William Garresons 164 ac. tract;
36 ac. beginning on two hickories on N side of Leatherwood Ck near the head;
__ ac. beginning at two hickories at NE corner of above tract;
35 ac. 124 poles on waters of Long [?] Ck beginning on hickory SE corner of tract where ____ Richardson formerly lived;
695 ac. on headwaters of Leatherwood Ck beginning on hichory SE corner of William Carrison, including 150 ac. held under an old ____ which is not conveyed;
1875 ac. of a tract on the waters of Standing Rock Ck beginning on a sugar tree near the mouth of ck that William ____ now lives on, but there are several small parcels within owned by others held under better titles which conflict with other tracts, such parts are not conveyed;
77¾ ac. on waters of Leatherwood Ck beginning at two dogwoods; 300 ac. the south end of a 640 ac. tract granted by the state of North Carolina to Nancy Shepard on waters of Leatherwood Ck. originally called Indian Ck., beginning on a large black oak;
about 239 ac. contracted of R T Daniel on waters of Leatherwood Ck. near Bill Targents adjoining the big survey above;
285 ac. on the waters of Standing Rock Ck. beginning on two hickories sweet gum & Spanish oak on the branch about 300 yards below Japiha Meltons
25 Apr 1867


[faint images - difficult to read]
9 Apr 1867 Christopher Dudley Joshua Cobb & D N Kennedy, and Eliza J Dorch, Sally W White, Bruce L Phillips, Mary E Phillips, William B Phillips, George W Phillips, heirs of Wm Phillips $46,000 tracts in Stewart Co.:
Tracts conveyed by Shelburt Loving [?] and Geo W Porter exceutor fo Thos Crawford decd to Thomas Stacker designated in deed as grant No. 12,900 entry 911, grant 12,901 entry 916, grant 12,904 entry 918, grant No. 15,145 entry 735, grant 15,149 entry 731, grant 15,148 entry 732, and grant 15,146 entry 730, all as specified in said deed registered 5 Nov 1846, bk 15 pp 420-3;
103 ac. conveyed from Westly A ___ to Wm Sargent registered in bk 15 pp 230-1;
101 ac. as specified in deed from Andrew Martin to C Dudley 8 Nov 1852;
96 ac. as described in deed from Thomas W Wi___ to William Largent registered in bk 11 pp 286-7;
215 ac. bought by Gleven [?] & Stacke of Darrick Rush, deed registered; 
About 140 or 200 ac. bought by Andrew Martin;
tract bought by Dudley & Stacker from ___ Killer described in deed registered bk 17 pp 75-6;
3 ac. 3 rod 10½ perches tract bought of Wright & Palivier excutor of ___ by Thomas Stacker deed dated 24 Nov 1847;
6 ac. conveyed to Christopher Dudley by Andrew Martin registered bk 17 pg 263; and
50 ac. conveyed by Marend [?] Stacker to Christopher Dudley by deed dated 14 Mar 1853

24 Apr 1867

[faint images - difficult to read]

Grantor contracted 24 Nov 1852 to sell to Joshua Cobb, William Phillips, D N Kennedy & John W Mathews the tracts described; John W Mathews having afterwards sold his interest to Cobb, Phillips & Kennedy who were parties in manufacturing iron on the property under the name of Cobb Phillips & Co. and held the property as purchased; Wm Phillips has since died leaving as his heirs at law: Eliza J Dorch, Sally W White, Bruce L Phillips, Mary E Phillips, William B Phillips, George W Phillips; now all the purchase money having been paid except $10,000; the parties and assigns wishing to sell the property under the order of the Chancery Court at Clarksville and wishing to procure legal title; my aforesaid contract obligated me to convey only such title as was in me and refused to make any warranty of title; for consideration aforesaid I now convey to grantee the described tracts, suject to a lean $10,000 and accrued interest.

witnesses: Charles G Smith, J E Bailey

16 Apr 1867 Joshua Cobb & D N Kennedy Legrange Iron Works, a corporation, chartered by the legislature of Tennessee 12 Feb 1866 $75,000

the furnaces and lands known as Legrange Furnace, Clark Furnace, and Elipse Furnace, with lands and all machinery:
100 ac. conveyed by Eldridge B Robinson to ___ Cloarcy [?] on which the ore bank at Legrange Furnace is situated, beginning at Largents NE corner, N ... the tract conveyed by Eldridge R Robinson to Heicks Searcy & Co [?] embracing all the ___ of that tract;
lands entered as Grant 12,000 to A W Hicks & Thomas W Mockbee, beginning at a poplar with black oak & Spanish Oak and two dogwoods for pointers on the waters of Hurrican Ck, being the SE corner of 5000 ac survy made for Robert Graham, to John Barnes field, crossing East fork of East Prong of Leatherwood Ck, to Andersons old field, to Robert Graham's E boundry, including and excluding 1991 ac. 50 ac. sold to Wyatt Tuggle, not conveyed;
Grant No. 12,901 made to Hicks & Mockbee acquired of Robt Graham begins on Spanish Oak on bankd of the River on N side od Leatherwood Ck, crossing E fork of Leatherwood Ck, crossing E boundry of Yarwo__ Lackharts tract, including & excluding 6392 ac. granted or entered before the grant of this tract 100 to 200 ac sold before to John Marrow not registered;
Grant 12,904 to A W Hicks & Thos D Mockbee assignees of Moses Hicky, beginning on bank of Tennessee River, on N side of mouth of Leatherwood Ck. on Spanish Oak, crossing Wenns E boundry, to S boundry of a 5000 ac. survey made for John H Marable or John H Mockbee, to Joseph Aukews NE corner, including 1002 ac. of older titles not intended to be conveyed;
Grant No. 15,155 to Thos D Mockbee conveyed by him to Hicks Searcey & Co beginning at L B Hitchells NE corner, to W K Hecks NE corner, crossing Hurricane Ck., including 2125 ac. of superiour title which is not conveyed;
Grant No 15,147 made to W K Hicks conveyed to Searcey Mitchell, beginning on the line dividing the counties of Humphries & Stewart at L B Mitchell's SE corner at two mountain oaks, E on the county line, N crossing White Oak Ck., including 3,000 ac. superior title which is not conveyed;
Grant No. 15,148 to A W Hicks and conveyed to Senrecy [?] L Mitchell, beginning S B Mitchell's NW corner, to W K Hicks NW corner, to Thomas D Mockbee's NW corner, including 4,125 ac. of superior title not conveyed;
Grant No. 15,146 to L B Mitchell, beginning at county line of Humphries & Stewart Cos. where Washington Alexander's E boundry strikes, including 3240 ac. of superior title not conveyed;
3 tracts described in deed from Loving H Porier executor of Thomas Crawford to Thomas H Stacker 17 Jan 1845 now to be registered, and all other lands not embraced in the above mentioned in the deed by Christopher Dudley to grantors and the heirs of Wm Phillips dated 9 Apr 1867;
Tract described in deed from M M Vickers to Jacob Gosset registered in bk 17 pp 225-6 on which is situated the Eclipse Furnace, beginning on a hickory;
58 ac. described in deed from M M Vicers to Phillip Munford 2 Feb 1856 registered bk 21 pp 639-40;
Lands described in deed from M M Vickers to Phillip Mumford 12 Apr 1856 registered bk 21 pg 638;
Lands described in deed from A W Wynns to Phillips Mumford & Co. dated same registered in bk 21 pp 515-6;
Life interest of Sarah E Wynne in tract conveyed by her for her life to H M Atkins by deed 15 Oct 1849 registered bk 16 pp 363-4;
300 ac. described in deed from Thos H Leghfour to Cobb Phillips & Co registered bk 19 pp 178-9;
Land described in deed from Simon Leaviel to Cobb Phillips & Co registered bk 19 pp 223-4;
40 ac. conveyed by G B Guering to Cobb Phillips & Co by deed registered bk 19 pg 261;
125 ac. conveyed to same parties by Jaby Guerity by deed registered bk 19 p 225;
200 ac. conveyed by J Andrews to same parties by deed registered bk 19 pg 266;
105 ac. conveyed to same by R T Wynn by deed registered bk 20 pg 210;
225 ac. conveyed to same by W McNichol by deed registered bk 22 pg 35;
All the land described in deed 24 Dec 1855 by Wm Broaddus, C Vaughn & Hught Dunlap to Cobb Phillips & Co now to be registered, being the lands upon which now built Clark Furnace & surrounding it; 285 ac. tract on Leatherwood Cr. beginning at sweat gum, elm, and sycamore in creek bottom bought by S Bradely of executors of John Taylor decd on which Clark Furnace stands; 174½ ac. beginning at beech & sycamore on E fork of Leatherwood Ck. bought by Bradley Broaddus & from Hardison Sauiel [?]; 40 ac. on waters of Leathewood Ck. beginning on black oad & hickory on Dover Road leading from Lagrange Furnace to Dover the SE corner of 200 ac. tract ___ owned by James Martin, to George Gansner's lower line;

[con't in notes column]


20 Apr 1857

[faint images - difficult to read; inclusions and exclusions are unclear, so stated acreages may well be in error]

grantors were commissioners appointed by the Chancery Court at Clarksville in the case of Joshua Cobb & D N Kennedy & A G Mumford against ____ Phillips and others to sell the lands of the late firm of Cobb Phillips & Co, they being also the surviving parties of that firm

consideration to be paid: $25,000 cash already paid, $25,000 to be paid 16 Apr 1868, and balance to be paid 16 Apr 1869, both bearing interest, with a lean on the property retained

A survey of the lands embraced in this deed was lately begun by Wm M Shelton a plot of the whole has been partly made, from which it appears that the boundires of the seven large grants mentioned includes all the smaller tracts conveyed except part of the lang bought by Cobb Phillips & Co of Bradley Vaughn & Co, and the map shows as far as investigation has been completed all the interferances by other titles with those grants on Standing Rock, Leatherwood, and Hurricane Cks.

Cobb & Phillips beleive the purchasers acquire title to about 40,000 ac. and warrent the title to each of the tracts on which Clark, Legrange, ad Eclipse furnaces stand, meaning not the large grants but the smaller tracts [and several other specific tracts are described] and warrent the possession of 40,000 ac.

For the $50,000 in defered payment, __ Culbertson, J C Garrett, E J Shackleford, & G T Stackleford have made notes: $10,000 payable at 12 mo, $8,000 at same time, $3,000 at same time, $2,000 at same time, & 5 notes for $5,000 each payable at 2 years, all bearing interest from date. The notes for $10,000 and $8,000 are intended to be [blank space] as collateral for security of purchase money, and are a lein on the whole property, the others also a lein

---con't from description---

676 ac. beginning on head waters of Leatherwood Ck. beginning on hichory the SE corner of William Gansners 164 ac. tract, to Kay Bayless line of 5000 ac., to line of Learcy & Hicks; 36 ac. beginning on two hickories on N side of Leatherwood Ck.; 164 ac. beginds on two hickories NE corner of above 36 ac. tract; 31 ac. 124 poles on waters of Leatherwood Ck., beginning on hickory SE corner of tract wher Ben Richardson formerly lived, to W boundry of Bayless 5000 ac. tract; 695¼ ac. on head waters of Leatherwood Ck. beginning on hickory SE corner of William Gansners 625 ac. tract, including 150 ac. held under an older title whichis not conveyed; tract on waters of Standing Rock Ck. begins on sugar tree near mouth of creek that William Folks lived on, to Clements Williams & Moores south boundry, including several small tracts belonging to other persons and boundry conflicts with other tracts which may have better title; 77¾ ac. on waters of Leatherwood Ck. beginning at two dogwoods; 300 ac. on S end of a 640 ac. tract granted by state of North Carolina to Nancy Sheppard, on water of Leatherwood Ck, originally called Indian Ck, begins on large black oak; about 239 ac. bought of Bradley Vaughn & Co of R. T Daniel on waters of Leatherwood Ck. near Bill Sargents adjoining the big survey described above; 285 ac. on waters of Standing Rock Ck. begins on two hickories, sweat gum & Spanish oak on branch about 300 yds below Jepthn Melions;
All interest the late firm of Cobb Phillips & Co have in any and all lands that were connected with Legrange, Clark, and Eclips furnaces, whether herein specified or not; excepting all lands heretofore sold by Hicks Geardey & Co, Gearcey & Mitchell, Hicks & Mitchell, Thomas & Stacker, Marenis Stacker, Toudlety & Stacker, Christopher Dudley, Phillips Mumford & Co, and Cobb Phillips & Co to other persons, which include 200 ac. to H Bose__ bk 21 pg 34, 50 ac. to T E Tomlinson bk 21 pg 409, 15 ac. to Darrius Stavely bk 21 pg 459, 118¾ ac. to J W Foulks bk 21 pg 616, 1376 ac. Woods Lewis & Co bk 20 pg 277, and there may be others not remembered

30 Dec 1867 Samuel R. Cook, bankrupt James P Flood, assignee   All the estate, real and personal, including all property of whatever kind which he had an interest on 20 Nov 1867, with all his deeds, books, and papers relating thereto, excepting such property as is exempt from this assignment by the provisions of section 14 of the act.


23 May 1868

In the district Court of the United States, Middle District of Tennesssee
27 Dec 1869 Joshua Cobb & D N Kennedy, commissioners of the late firm of Cobb Phillips & Co John Cake   In order to have the matter settled, make agreement on the lines between the lands conflicting; beginning at small white oak, Cakes NE corner of his home tract, to James Pitts line, to Alen Bains line to beginning to be Cake's land; Cobb Phillips & Co to have all lands not included 23:569-70

3 Aug 1870

An interference or conflict exists between the lands of the Legrange Iron Works sold by Joshua Cobb & D N Kennedy, commissioners of the late firm of Cobb Phillips & Co, and lands now claimed and occupied by John Cake in Steward Co. on south prong of Cane Ck.
18 Jun 1877 A C Stavely J H Scarborough   55½ in Stewart Co. Dist. No. 11 on Colyers fork of Leatherwood Ck, beginning on a white oak on SW corner of tract that grantor owned and lived on in 1862 2 Jul 1877


Grantor swears he purchased tract from Cobb Phillips & Co in 1861 or 1862 and paid in Feb & Mar 1862 $111 and took deed signed by Wm Phillips, one of the partners of Cobb Phillips & Co but it was lost or misplaced; grantee has purchased land but grantor cannot make title so Cobb & Kennedy will do so.
26 Jun 1877 J Cobb & D N Kennedy surviving partners of Cobb Phillips & Co & commissioners appointed by Chancery Court of Clarksville to sell the property of that firm J H Scarborough   55½ in Stewart Co. Dist. No. 11 on Colyers fork of Leatherwood Ck, beginning on a white oak on SW corner of tract that grantor owned and lived on in 1862, same tract sold to A C Stavely by Cobb Phillips & Co. in 1861 or 1862 and which his payment of $111 is recorded on the books of that company 2 Jul 1877


deed made because deed signed by Wm Phillips, one of the partners of Cobb Phillips & Cohas been lost or misplaced and Stavely requests this deed be made to Scarborough because Stavely sold the land to Wofford & Wofford who sold it to Scarborough


Deed Book
FHL Film No.
14, 15, 16
19, 20



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by Terry Reigel