This page created 28 Apr 2007
The records below focus on warrants involving the following persons. I have endeavored to find all grants involving them from the establishment of Livingston County on 21 May 1799 until Eddyville and surrounds became part of newly formed Caldwell Co. 1 May 1809. Because the records are not indexed, and are handwritten and difficult to read, some were no doubt missed.
Gideon Dyer Cobb | Moved to Eddyville from Fair Haven, Vermont as part of the party organized by Matthew Lyon about 1800, with his wife Modena Chittenden Clark, and their eldest son, Caleb. |
Samuel C. Clark | Lived with Gideon, and is assumed to be a relative of Gideon's wife, but that is unproved. |
Matthew Lyon | Organizer of the move to Eddyville, second husband of Modena (Clark) Cobb's sister Beulah. |
Elijah G. Galusha | Cousin to Modena (Clark) Cobb; son of her aunt Beulah Chittenden by her first marriage. |
Joshua Cobb | Brother of Gideon, known to live in Greene Co. PA before moving to IN. The Joshua Cobb listed below may not be this Joshua Cobb. |
John Cobb | Brother of Gideon and Joshua, lived in Greene Co. PA and, I believe, later in Eddyville area. |
Record of some other associates are included, along with mentions of some of the individuals involved in the transactions listed, but those should not be considered complete.
This record shows warrants issued by the Livingston County Court certifying that the applicant met the requirements for receiving a grant as specified by Acts of the General Assembly, as amended from time to time. Obtaining a warrant was the first step in obtaining a grant. Next a survey had to be made, the required payments made, and then a patent was issued which conferred title to the land. Many warrants were assigned to others, or allowed to lapse.
Links are provided to extracts of all documents for those warrants for which patents have been found.
Date |
Entry Location |
Name |
AcresGranted |
AcresPaid in Full |
Payments |
Acres Sold |
Acres Redeemed |
Actual Settlers |
No. |
Page |
D |
¢ |
Ins |
NoRecd |
Acres paid |
State |
Ind |
Year |
State |
Acres |
No |
5 May 1801 | 33 | 4 | Elijah G Galusha | 400 |
300 100 |
51 20 |
10 |
1 |
15.349 26.088 |
400 | see patent extract | 100 | 3940 | ||||
7 Jul 1801 | 100 | 12 | Saml C Clark | 400 | 400 | 1808 | |||||||||||
6 Dec 1802 | 531 | 60 | Griffen Long | 400 |
400 |
71 |
74 |
1 |
23.664 |
400 | see patent extract | 400 | 1831 | ||||
4 Feb 1806 | 1446 | 161 | Matthew Lyon | 400 |
400 | 1808 |
4 Feb 1806 | 1589 | 177 | Gideon D Cobb | 400 |
400 | 1808 |
4 Feb 1806 | 1632 | 181 | Joshua Cobb | 400 |
400 | 1808 |
4 Feb 1806 | 1634 | 182 | Jas Cobb | 400 | 400 | 88 | 88 | 19.015 | 400 | 1808 | 400 |
4 Feb 1806 | 1635 | 182 | Cablel Cobb | 400 | 400 | 80 | 28.848 | 400 | 1808 | 400 |
4 Feb 1806 | 1636 | 182 | John Cobb | 400 |
400 | 1808 |
4 Feb 1806 | 1637 | 182 | Hannah Cobb | 400 |
400 | 1808 |
4 Feb 1806 | 1638 | 182 | Saml C Clark | 400 |
400 | 1808 |
I have copies of each of the pages extracted above. Please contact me for clarification or copies, using the link below.
Source: Abstracts were made from Family History Library films of Certificates for Livingston Co. Lands Granted, FHL #174998, item #4
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by Terry Reigel