Goochland County Deeds

The Mims Family

This page created 31 Oct 2008

The records below focus on deeds involving the Mims family in Goochland Co. Virginia. I have endeavored to find all deeds involving them from the establishment of Goochland Co. in 1728 through 1777 (deed books 1 through 11), but a few may have been missed.

The "marks" shown below are from the images of the deed book pages; they were copied by the clerk from the original deeds when the deeds were recorded. We have no way of knowing whether they were copied accuarately, but it appears the clerk took some pains to try to reproduce the original marks.









28 Mar 1733 Lional Mims - by mark:
David Mims £40 358 ac. in parish of St James's on the upor branch of Lickinghole Creek, beginning at SW corner of John Mimses land, on his line E2°N 164 ch. to tree, E27°S 36 ch. to pine, S29°W 80 ch. to pine, W27°N 36 ch. to pine, W2°S 164 ch. to white oak, N29°E 80 ch. to beginning 1:393-4

17 Apr 1733

Witnesses: Jno Mims by mark: ; Bejamin B Joufou, Sorug Askew

Comment: This seems to be same land granted to David 31 Oct 1726; why is Lional selling it to him? The parcel used as a starting point was also granted to David the same date; why is it said to be John's?

15 Jan 1736 David Mims of Goochland Co. - by mark:
Robert Mims of Goochland Co. £40 358 ac. on north side of James River on Lickinghole Creek, beginning at the SW corner of the said Mims [?] surveyed the same day with this, on his line E2°N [164 ch. to tree, E27°S apparently omitted] 36 ch. to pine, S29°W 80 ch. to pine, W27°N 36 ch. to pine, W2°S 164 ch. to white oak, N29°E 80 ch. to beginning 3:12-3

17 May 1737

4 Apr 1739 Robert Mimns of Edgecomb Co. - by mark:
John Wright of Goochland Co. £45 358 ac. on branches of Lickinghole Creek granted to David Mims by patent dated 31 Oct 1726 by him acknowledged to Robert Mimns in Court, beginning at the SW corner of [unreadable] Mim's land surveyed the same day with this, on his line E2°N 164 ch. to tree, E27°S 36 ch. to pine, S29°W 80 ch. to pine, W27°N 36 ch. to pine, W2°S 164 ch. to white oak, N29°E 80 ch. to beginning 3:213-4

15 May 1730

Witnesses: Robt Walton, John Mimns by mark: , John Farland, David Mimns by mark:
3 Aug 1744 John Bolling of Henrico Co. David Mims of Goochland Co. £110 1000 ac in Goochland Co. on the north side of the James River on the branches of Lickinghole Creek, granted to Charles Allen 17 Jan 1732, 4:408-9

2_ Aug 1744

3 Jun 1746 William Wildy of Goochland Co. & Saint James parish daughter Agnes Mims & husband David Mims during their lifetimes and afterwards to grandaughter Elizabeth Mims their daughter love to grandaughter Elizabeth & daughter Agnes & her husband 195 ac in Goochland Co. on the north side of the James River on the west side of Lickinghole Creek, where David & Agnes now dwell, beginning in Lickinghole Creek on a line that did belong to David Patterson but now to James Sanders, to the land of David Mims, bought of John Bolling, to Lickinghole Creek, down the creek to beginning 5:130-1

17 Jun 1746

Witnesses: Walter Ssak [?], James Sanders, James Askew
6 Mar 1746 John Mims of Goochland Co. - by mark:
William Wright of same £20 100 ac in Goochland So. on the upper fork of Lickinghole Creek, beginning at a beach on said creek, on a short line to a black oak, on Stephen Clement & John Wright's line crossing the creek to a pine, on John Mullins & Wm Maccommak's line to a white oak at the head of a branch, down the branch to the creek, down the creek to beginning 6:175-6

19 Nov 1751

Witnesses: James George, Richd Oglesby, John Wright

Mims acknowledged the deed in court 19 Nov 1751

20 Feb 1757 David Mimms of Goochland Co. & parish of Saint James Northam - by mark:
James Johnson of same £30 58 ac in Goochland Co. on Lickinghole Creek, beginning at a Mimms's Bridge on Lickinghole Creek, up the creek to a tree on Edward Scruges line, along that line to Church Road, down the road to beginning 7:182-3

10 Jul 1757

Witnesses: John Smith, Thomas Mims, John Wright
8 Jul 758 David Mimes of Goochland Co. - by mark:
Thomas Mimes of the same £10 100 ac. in Goochland Co. on Lickinghole Creek, beginning at Mimes's Bridge, up the creek to John Smith Junr corner black walnut on the creek, along Smith's line to Rev. Mr. William Douglass's line, along his line to William McgGuire's line, along his line to Church Road, along the road to Mimes Bridge the beginning 7:335-6

15 Aug 1758

Witnesses: John Smith, Willm Hudnall, James Johnson
1 May 1764 Thomas Mimms of Goochland Co. George Kippen, Archd Ingram & Comp., merchants in Glasgow £59 11s. 2½d. 100 ac. in Goochland Co. on Lickinghole Creek, beginning at Lickinghole Bridge, up the creek to a black walnut on Grill's line, along to Cox's line, along his line to McGuire, on his line to Church Road, to the bridge 8:421-2

18 Sep 1764

Mortgage deed, to be paid 1 Jan next

Witnesses: Wil Michell, Archd Brycess, Richd Harvie

10 May 1764 John Mims of Goochland Co. - by mark:
George Kippen, Archibald Ingram & Comp., merchants in Glasgow £61 15s. 100 ac. in Goochland Co. on Lickinghole Creek bounded by John Wright, Steven Clemens & main road adjoining lands of James Johnson & Thomas Mims, part of the land acknowledged to John Mims by David Mims as recorded in Goochland Court 8:425-6

18 Sep 1764

Mortgage deed, to be paid 1 Jan next

Witnesses: Wil Michell, Robert Birkmyre, Archd Brycess

1 Jun 1767 David Mims of Goochland Co. - by mark:
William Williams of same £5 10 ac. in Goochland Co. on the south side of Stone Horse Branch of Lickinghole Creek, beginning where George Paynes line and William Williams line crosses that branch, on George Paynes line 110 yds to red oak, SE 400 yds to scrub white oak, NE 100 yds to Stone Horse Branch, up the branch 600 yds to beginning, part of the tract David Mims now lives on 9:90

16 Jun 1767

Witnesses: William Williams Junr, Benjamin Herdon, John Christian
1 Jun 1767 William Williams of Goochland Co. Shadrack Mims & David Mims Junor of same £5 10 ac. in Goochland Co. on the north side of Stone Horse Branch of Lickinghole Creek, where Shadrack Mims & David Mims have agreed to build a mill, beginning at the run of the branch 35 yrds N to a pine, 500 yds NW to a white oak, 50 yds SW to a hickery on the run of the branch, part of the land on which Williams now lives 9:91

16 Jun 1767

Witnesses: William Williams Junr, Benjamin Herdon, John Christian
18 Sep 1767       At Jun 1767 Court David Mimms granted his petition to erect a water grist Mill on Stone-Horse Creek, a branch of Lickinghole Creek, he having land on both sides of the creek. Jury ordered to value damages; set damages to William Williams at £1 10s. 9:110  
21 Aug 1769 David Mims of Goochland Co. [signed] Shadrack Mims of same natural love & affection for my son Shadrack 250 ac. in Goochland Co. beginning at a poplar on N side of Rocky Branch, N to a puchamine tree, W to a scrub oak, same to a white oak between Stone Horse Branch & Rocky Branch, along a ridge to George Paynes line, on his line to a pine on the south head of Rocky Branch, down the branch to beginning 9:218-9

21 Aug 1769

Comment: This would seem to be the same David Mims who signed with a mark 1 Jun 1767 and earlier - same clerk but no indication the two signitures here were by mark.
21 May 1770 David Mims & wife Agnes, & Archelus Jarratt & wife Elizabeth of Goochland Co. & parish of Saint James Northam - David by mark:
Agnes by mark:
Thomas Riddle £50 143 ac. in Goochland Co. & St. James Northam parish on the west side of Lickinghole Creek, beginning at the mouth of Rockey Branch, up the branch 56 poles, S19°W 90 poles to a hickory, W80°S 44 poles to a mulbry tree, S20°W 96 poles to David Mimses line, E on Capt Willams Coles line 49 poles to a pine, on Williams Coles line 172 poles to Lickinghole Creek, up the creek to beginning, part of the land granted to William Wildey by pattent 20 Mar 1725, & part of land conveyed to David Mims & Agnes his wife & Elizabeth their daughter by deed from William Wildey 17 Jun 1746; also part of land granted Charles Allen by pattent 7 Jan 1732 10:47-9

24 May 1770

Witnesses: John Gillum by mark, David Mims Junor, John Herndon
15 Oct 1770 John Mims & wife Sary, of Goochland Co. - John by mark:
Richard Thompson of same £25 10s. 50 ac., beginning at Mims's Bridge, along Rock Castle Hors to Richard Tompsons line, along his line to James Clements line, along his line to red oak corner to William Wrights, along his line to the creek, up the creek to the bridge and beginning 10:64-5

15 Oct 1770

Robert Birkmyre, factor for George Kippen & Compy, having a mortage on the land, agreed to the sale

Sarah, wife of John, did not sign, but the clerk recorded that she relinquished her right of dower

20 Aug 1770 Thomas Mims Lewis Harndon £60 100 ac. in Goochland Co. along the branches of Lickinghole Creek, beginning at Mims's Bridge on Lickinghole Creek, running up the creek to a black walnut on William Wades line, along Wades line to Bonder Cooks line, to a white oak on Lewis Hardons, along his line to Church Road, to the bridge and beginning 10:66-7

15 Oct 1770

Witnesses: Robert Birkmyre, Thomas Riddle, James Harndon

Robert Birkmyre, factor for George Kippen & Compy, having a mortage on the land, agreed to the sale

Mary, wife of Thomas, relinquished her right of dower

14 Feb 1773 John Mims of Goochland Co. - by mark:
Lucy Hodges of same £60 50 ac. in Goochland Co. on a branch of Lickinghole Creek, beginning at Mimes Bridge on Lickinghole Creek, along the road that leads to the bridge to a white oak on Edward Seruggrs line, down a branch to the creek, up the creek to the bridge and beginning 10:297-9

15 Feb 1773

Witnesses: Robert Birkmyre, Sam: Woodson, Robert Page

Robert Birkmyre, factor for George Kippen & Compy, having a mortage on the land, agreed to the sale

Sarah, wife of John, relinquished her right of dower

16 Mar 1773 John Mimms Senr of Goochland Co. - by mark:


Geo. Kippen & Co. Glasgow £36 12 s. 1d. in debt and 5s. paid roan horse abt. 8 yrs old, bay mare abt. 7 yrs old, black mare abt. 13 yrs old, a cart, 2 featherbeds & furniture 10: 333-4

19 apr 1773


Witnesses: Wm Mitchell, Robert Brikmyre

19 Jun 1773 David Mimms of Goochland Co. - by mark:
George Anderson and wife Susanah natural love and affection for son-in-law George Anderson & daughter Susanah Anderson lend them two Negroes, woman Amey, who they will have for their natural lives, then she and her increase to be divided equally to their children, except for their daughter Salley; and girl Lucy who they will have until Salley reaches age 21 or marries, at which time she and her issue to become Salley's property 10:345

21 Jun 1773

Witnesses: John Payne, Will Lewis
10 Apr 1777 David Mims the elder of Goochland Co. - by mark:
David Mims Junr of same, son of David Mims the Elder natural love and affection for his son 315 ac. in Goochland Co. on the west side of Lickinghole Creek, where David Mims the elder now lives, beginning on Lickinghole Creek a small distance above the mouth the David Mims the elder spring branch, to the spring, something of a NW course up the ridge to Shadrack Mims corner puchamine tree, keeping the ridge to a pine, keeping the ridge to a white oak, keeping the ridge to pine in George Payen line, on his line to William Williams line, on his line to Lickinghole Creek, down the creek to beginning 11:169-71

21 Apr 1777

David the elder reserved use of the cleared land within his plantation and the right to cut timber for his natural life


Deed Book
FHL Film No.
1, 2, 3
4, 5
6, 7 ,8
9, 10, 11



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