This page updated 15 Feb 2011
The records below focus on deeds involving the following persons. I have endeavored to find all deeds involving them from the establishment of Crittenden Co. in 1842 through 1878, but some may have been missed.
Caleb C. Cobb | Eldest son of Gideon Dyer Cobb and Modena Chittenden Clark, born c. 1797, Vermont, active in iron, land, and other interests in and around Eddyville. Later moved to Crittenden Co., died 1867. |
Louisa (Long) Cobb | Second wife of Caleb, born c. 1815, moved to Illinois after 1870. |
Giles L. Cobb | Fifth son of Gideon Dyer Cobb and Modena Chittenden Clark, born 1823, Eddyville, active in iron, land, finance, and mercantile, often in partnership with brothers Robert & Gideon. Moved to Dycusburg, died 1867. |
Thomas J. Cobb | Son of Caleb C. Cobb and his first wife Mary Machen, born 1826, Caldwell Co., died 1881. |
Deeds of some other family members and associates are included, along with mentions of some of the individuals involved in the transactions listed, but those should not be considered complete. Deeds for Robert L. and Gideon D. Cobb Jr. are listed separately, but deeds involving them and also other family members are included in both lists.
Parties are stated to be "of Crittenden County" unless otherwise stated.
Date |
Grantor |
Grantee |
Consid. |
Description |
Recorded |
Notes |
1 Oct 1846 | Cadwallader Wallace & Ruth his wife of Ross Co. Ohio | C C Cobb | $750 | 1,000 ac. on the upper side of the Cumberland River in Caldwell Co., beginning on the bank of the river, lower corner to William Brown's survey no. 6 of 100, being the whole of David Miller's survey no. 15, which was conveyed to grantor by deed from Mary K Baskerville dated 15 Jul 1835 & by deed from Erekul F Eastman & Martha his wife dated 7 May 1838, Mary K Baskerville & Martha Eastman being the legal heirs of David Miller decd. | B:72-4
24 May 1847 |
witnesses: Andrew R Wallace, Daniel Ott
proved by grantors in Ross Co. Ohio 1 Oct 1846 to Daniel Ott, J.P. |
21 Aug 1847 | P H Clements | Preston Sodwick, G B Dycus & C C Cobb | the privilege of mining or extracting lead minerals or other metals they may discover on the 180 ac. tract on which grantor lives for 30 years, including use of timber for building and fuel for smelting, with investigation to discover any minerals is at the expense of grantees, to start with 40 days and may proceed for 5 yrs. Should investigations justify working them expenses and profits will be shared, ½ by grantor and ½ by grantees | B:253-4
21 Feb 1848 |
witnesses: I M Clark, W B Sawyer
Dycus assigned his interest to Robert Tompkins & Allen Johnson for $25 |
2 Oct 1847 | C C Cobb of Caldwell Co. | Preston Sodwick | $75 | 16¾ ac. on the Cumberland River adjoining the town or village of Dycusburgh, beginning at a hickory on the bank of river, to the military survey in the name of William H__son | B:83
23 Nov 1847 |
witnesses: James McKean, S A G Noll |
25 Apr 1849 | Caleb C Cobb of Caldwell Co. | Gideon D Cobb of Caldwell Co. | $10,000 | 1,000 ac. in Crittenden Co. on the N side of the Cumberland River, beginning at a sycmore on the bank of the river, lower corner to William Brown survey No. 6 of 100 ac., the whole of David Millers survey No. 15, conveyed to Caleb C Cobb by deed from Cadwalader Wallace 1 Oct 1846, deed delivered to grantee | D:247-8
22 Jan 1856 |
witness, G W Marshall |
7 May 1849 | Wm B Machen | Robert L Cobb & Gideon D Cobb of Caldwell Co. | divers good causes & $1 | all his interest in a tract in Crittenden Co. corning at the mouth of Livingston Ck. & Cumberland River, the residue of a tract formerly owned by a Haspending and sold by him to Cobb & Machen, a portion sold by them to Theophilus Kellen, as recorded in Caldwell Co. | B:497
21 Jun 1850 |
proved in Caldwell Co. by grantor, Willis B Machen |
28 Nov 1850 | William E Parker & Elizabeth J Parker his wife | Robert L Cobb, Gideon D Cobb, Giles Cobb, & Charles M Jackson | $1,250 | in Crittenden Co. on waters of Livingston Ck., conveyed by Isham Element, late sheriff of Livingston Co., to William H Rondoas 1 Jan 1841 | B:711-2
22Mar 1851 |
10 Jan 1851 | firm of Cobb Jackson & Co., vez, R L Cobb & G D Cobb of Caldwell Co., and G L Cobb & C M Jackson of Crittenden Co. | Elijah Cuncan | $425 | 153 ac. in Crittenden Co. on waters of Livingston Ck., beginning on a white oak & 2 dogwoods, Owen Duncan's corner, to Wm Duvall's corner, to Lewis Duval's corner, to Daniel Creder's corner | B:906-7
17 Dec 1851 |
28 Mar 1851 | Frances Ford, Sheriff of Crittenden Co. | Isaac Shelby | $42 |
lots no. 17 & 35 in Dycusberg belonging to G B Dycus, sold at courthouse door 21 Aug 1850 to Isaac Shelby for $27; lot no. 20 in Dycusberg, sold at courthouse door 24 Sep 1849 to Isaac Shelby & G D Cobb for $15, with Cobb releasing his interest | B:718-9
28 Mar 1851 |
to settle suit by Isaac Shelby against estate of G B Dycus, C C Cobb & W B Sawyer for $1,046.50 with interest from 21 Oct 1847 and cost of $10.24 |
22 May 1851 | Cobb Jackson & Co., viz R L & G D Cobb of Caldwell Co. and G L Cobb & C M Jackson of Crittenden Co. | Lewis Duvall | $99 | 33 ac. in Crittenden Co. on waters of Livingston Ck., beginning on two white walnuts, Lewis Duvall corner, with Criden line, to Wm Duvall line | C:114-5
25 Jan 1853 |
witnesses: J H Redford, W A Duvall |
16 Aug 1851 | Gideon D Cobb of Caldwell Co. | Persus C Marshall, his sister, & her children John C Marshall, Edwin M Marshall, Ellen A Marshall, Gideon D Marshall, Henry B Marshall, Mary E Marshall & Charles U Marshall | love and affection for his sister & her children | 185 ac. in Crittenden Co. on waters of Livingston Ck. & Cumberland River, a part of the Edmond Brooks military survey, beginning on a sugar tree in Miller's Military line, to Nickols NE corner, to Hill's corner, William Duvall's corner | B:893-4
15 Dec 1851 |
witnesses: G L Cobb, Thos J Pickens |
17 Oct 1851 | G B Dycus | Giles L Cobb & Co. | $3,500 | steam saw mill near the town of Dycusberg on the bank of the Cumberland River in Crittenden Co., with all machinery, engine, boiler, and every article of machinery necessary run the mill or that may be near the mill, with the house shed and every description of buildings or coverings, with all the privileges owned or controlled by the mill, all the lumber, & books & accounts from the time of her starting, bring the same property conveyed to Cobb Jackson & Co. by mortgage 24 Feb 1851 | B:878-9
17 Oct 1857 |
13 Dec 1851 | Caleb C Cobb of Caldwell Co. | Mrs. Esther Crouch | $100 | 110 ac. in Crittenden Co. on Cumberland River, beginning on a maple on the bank of the river, with an old line to where it strikes a branch at a bluff of rocks, then with the meanders down the branch to the river | B:896-7
17 Dec 1851 |
witnesses: Jacob Coon, John Brasher |
14 Feb 1852 | Giles L Cobb & Co. | Wm E Dycus | $3,000 | 4 ac. on which the Dycusburg Mill is situated with the Mill & fixtures, houses & tenements, all the privileges & appurtenances | B:1020-1
11 Jun 1852 |
paid by notes of $1,000 each due 17 Jul 1853, 17 Jul 1854, and 17 Jul 1855 all bearing interest from this date |
14 Jun 1852 | Thos J Hall of Paducah, McCracken Co. | Cobb Jackson & Co. of Dycusburg | $125 | Part of Lot 1 in Dycusburg, fronting 20 ft. on Main St., running 50 ft. with Walnut St., to G D Cobb's part of Lot no. 1, purchased by him of D J Clark | C:94
25 Jul 1853 |
12 Jul 1852 | Cobb Jackson & Co. of Dycusburg | H H Smith of Dycusburg | $250 | Part of Lot in Dycusburg, fronting 20 ft. on Main St., running 50 ft. with Walnut St., to G D Cobb's part of Lot no. 1, purchased by Cobb Jackson & Co. of Thos J Hall | C:95
__ Jan 1853 |
witnesses Thos J Perkinss, G B Dycus |
20 Aug 1852 | Wilson Travis | G D Cobb | $300 | 150 ac. in Crittenden Co. on waters of Claylick Ck., beginning on white oak corner to Travis, on original line, to the branch, to a steep hollow, a portion of a military survey in the name of Broadus | C:97
22 Jan 1853 |
witnesses: G M Marshall, W H Sexton |
1 Feb 1853 | Cobb Jackson & Co. | John Winters | $700 | 153 ac. in Crittenden Co. on waters of Livingstone Ck, beginning on black gum Shirly Tisdell NW corner | C:245-6
14 Mar 1800 |
payable in equal annual installments of $100 each bearing interest from date of notes
Winters sold parcel back to Cobb Jackson 21 Feb 1854, C:491, same price |
23 Nov 1853 | Sinco A G Noel of Davidson Co. Tennessee | Giles L Cobb | $222 | Lot no. 7 in Dycusburg, bounded by Mill St., Spring St., Lot no. 8, & Walnut St, fronting 132 ft. on Mill St. and 95 ft. on Walnut & Spring Sts. | C:322-3
28 Nov 1853 |
by Harnon Fort, agent and attorney for grantor |
1 Feb 1854 | C C Cobb | Andrew Martin of Caldwell Co. | $400 | 100 ac. in Crittenden Co., beginning on a walnut on bank of Livingston Ck. lower to Brooks military survey, mouth of Spring Branch, | C:457
21 Feb 1854 |
witnesses: George McCollum, Lewis Duvall |
21 Feb 1854 | John Winters | Cobb Jackson & Co. | $700 | 153 ac. in Crittenden Co. on waters of Livingston Ck., beginning on black gum, Shirley Tesdales NW corner | C:491
22 Aug 1854 |
10 Jun 1854 | P P McIntire & Catherine McIntire his wife | G L Cobb & Co. | $175 | Lot no. 8 in Dycusburg, fronting on Spring St. 93 ft., running back to to M C Brelsfors log | C:493-4
28 Aug 1854 |
witnesses: David A Brooks, Wm G Priest |
10 Jun 1854 | Giles L Cobb | Mrs. Catharine McIntire | $240 | Lot no. 7 in Dycusburg, bounded by Mill St, Spring St., lot no. 8, and Walnut St, fronting 142 ft. on Mill St and 95 ft. on Walnut & Spring Sts. | C:572
17 Oct 1854 |
witnesses: David A Brooks, Wm G Priest |
5 Aug 1854 | G L Cobb & Co. | Mary A Priest | $202 | ½ lot no. 8 in Dycusburg, fronting on Spring St. 93 ft., running back to line of Graves & McIntires lots to M C Brelsfords lot | C:493
28 Aug 1854 |
5 Aug 1854 | Samuel R Burke, Elizah K Burke, Salis G Burke, George W Spencer & Sarah R Spencer his wife, and William E Parker & [blank] Parker his wife | Giles L Cobb & Co | $250 | tract in Crittenden Co. on waters of Livingston Ck. and Cumberland River, sold by Theopliolus Kellen to Nancy S Filch and also all the personal estate of Nancy S Filch, which descended to grantors by inheritance | E:219-20
28 Dec 1857 |
8 Dec 1855 | Isham Frost of Lyon Co. & Wm G Priest of Dycusburg | Giles L Cobb of Lyon Co. | $500 | ½ lot no. 8 in Dycusburg, fronting on Spring St. 95 ft., running back with line of W S Graves & the Coppershop lot so to include ½ of lot no. 8 | D:254-5
31 Jan 1856 |
10 Dec 1855 | Charles R Burke of Henderson Co. | Giles L Cobb & Co. | $10 | his claim to the estate of Nancy S Filch, decd, consisting of land in Crittenden Co. and debts due the estate | D:255
31 Jan 1856 |
12 Feb 1857 | Giles L Cobb & Gideon D Cobb, late partners of Giles L Cobb & Co, and Marion Cobb, wife of Giles | Ann Duvall | $1,500 | 226 ac. in Crittenden Co, beginning on Elm at mouth of a slough on Livingston Ck. | E:270-1
19 Mar 1858 |
3 Jan 1861 | Cobb Jackson & Co. | Robert Barr | $830 | 150 ac. in Crittenden Co. on waters of Livingston Cr., deeded to John Winters by us, from Winters to us, beginning on black gum Shurley Tisdales NW corner | F:410-1
13 Mar 1861 |
acknowledged by Giles L Cobb of the late firm of Cobb Jackson & Co. |
10 Feb 1866 | Marion Cobb, wife of Giles L Cobb, of Lyon Co. | Alfred Smith | $1 | lot no 7 in Dycusburg on Cumberland River, described in deed recorded in deed book pg 572 | H:150
10 Feb 1866 |
relinquishing right of dower for sale by her husband 10 Jun 1854 to Catherine McIntire, now Catherine Hall, who with husband George W Hall sold lot to grantee 29 Jan 1866 |
25 May 1869 | Samuel H Cassidy & Narcissa M Cassidy his wife of Dycusburg | Louisa B Cobb of Dycusburg | $1,000 | part of lot no. 15 in Dycusburg, beginning at upper corner of that lot, with Main St., with Jacob's line, conveyed by Thos W Wills to Dycus & Cassidy; and lot in E P Jacob's addition to Dycusburg, beginning on NW corner of block 22, conveyed by E P Jacobs & wife to Thos W Wilson | I:559-60
18 Jun 1869 |
6 Jan 1871 | W D Kirkpatrick of Caldwell Co. | W W Walker and Ann Eliza Walker | $1200 | 232 ac on waters of Claylick Ck in Crittenden Co., conveyed to grantor by Lewis Thomas 28 Feb 1860 | J:544-5
13 Jan 1871 |
payable in 4 annual installments of $300, the first due 6 Jan 1872, with interest; signed by W D Kirkpatrick & A S Kirkpatrick, certified in Caldwell Co. by W D Kirpatrick and wife A S Kirpatrick 6 Jan 1871 |
1 Sep 1871 | Mrs L B Cobb | R H Brown | $100 | tract in Crittenden Co., beginning at Mrs E Bamage's SW corner, to E P Jacob's line | K:126-7
18 Sep 1871 |
signed by mark [plot does not close, but appears to be about ¼ ac] |
5 Apr 1872 | F W Clements, Assignee of G D Cobb in Bankruptcy | Thos J Cobb of Lyon Co. | 200 ac on waters of Claylick Ck in Crittenden Co., beginning at corner of Thomas White near spring in bank of Puckets Spring branch, to gum on bank of Claylick Cr near Wolf Den corner to Patterson, to mouth of Pucketts Spring branch, to Woods line | K:420-1
8 May 1872 |
parcel sold by G D Cobb to H P Williams 1 Jan 1859 for $775, to be paid by 2 notes for $387.50 one & two years later; deed endorsed to grantee by Williams 26 Jan 1864 in consideration of grantee paying off the notes that same day | |
21 Oct 1874 | Thos J Cobb of Lyon Co | Harriett E Morris | $50 | tract in Crittenden Co, beginning on triple maple on bank of Puckets Spring Branch, to corner White & Patterson, to Puckets Spring Branch, to H Wood's line, a part of a survey purchased by G D Cobb of I J Person in 1853 and conveyed to grantor by F M Clement, assignee of G D Cobb 5 Apr 1872 | M:195-6
19 Mar 1875 |
also signed by Almada Cobb |
21 Oct 1874 | Thos J Cobb of Lyon Co | Thomas Greenlee | $300 | tract on waters of Claylick Cr in Crittenden Co, beginning on triple maple on bank of Puckets Spring Branch, to corner to Mrs Morris, to Claylick Cr, to mouth of Puckett Spring branch, a part of a survey purchased by G D Cobb of I J Person in 1853 and conveyed to grantor by F M Clement, assignee of G D Cobb 5 Apr 1872 | M:277-8
15 Apr 1875 |
paid by notes, $100 due 1 Mar next & $200 due 1 Mar 1876 with interest at 6%; also signed by Almada Cobb |
11 Feb 1875 | Thos J Cobb of Lyon Co | S T Greenlee | $300 | tract on waters of Claylick Cr in Crittenden Co, beginning on 2 sycamores on bank of Claylick Cr, corner to Thos Greenlee, to corner to Mrs H E Morris, to corner White & Patterson, to bank of Claylick Cr, a part of a survey purchased by G D Cobb of I J Person in 1853 and conveyed to grantor by F M Clement, assignee of G D Cobb 5 Apr 1872 | M:383-4
11 Nov 1875 |
paid by notes, $100 due 1 Mar next & $200 due 1 Mar 1876 with interest at 6%; also signed by Almada Cobb |
17 Mar 1883 | Gideon B Cobb & wife Sallie of Gallatin Co Illinois | William J Boyd of Gallatin Co Illinois | $800 | land in Dycusburg, part of lot no 15, beginning at upper corner of that lot on Main St, with Main to Jacob's line, with Jacob's line; also lot beginning at NW corner of block no 22, part of E P Jacobs addition ot Dycusburg, to lineof Bedginger miletary, to corner Elizabeth Ramaze, except that formerly deed to R H Brown | Q:397-8
28 Mar 1883
signitures notarized by John R Boyd, Gallatin Co Illiniois 17 Mar 1883 |
19 Apr 1884 | Almeda Cobb of Lyon Co | Jasper N Riley | $600 | 200 ac in Crittenden Co on waters of Claylick Cr, beginng corner of Thos White near a spring in banks of Pucket Spring branch, to Claylick Cr, corner to Patterson, to Henry Woods line, excepting 60 ac conveyed by Thos J Cobb to Mrs Morris | R:282-3
16 Jul 1884 |
$300 paid in cash; 2 notes for $150, one due in 1 yrs, the other in 2 yrs, with 6% interest |
I have copies of each of the pages extracted above. Please contact me for clarification or copies, using the link below.
The original records are handwritten, in some cases faded, and some films of poor quality. Errors no doubt were made.
In the property descriptions, I have extracted the contents rather than attempting to transcribe it exactly. Full meets and bounds are included in the originals, but I have extracted only those naming adjoining owners or other landmarks.
Deed Book |
FHL Film No. |
Deed Book |
FHL Film No. |
A |
558372 |
I |
558378 |
B |
558373 |
J, K |
558379 |
C, D |
558374 |
L |
558380 |
E, F |
558375 |
M, N |
558381 |
G |
558376 |
Q, R |
558383 |
H |
558377 |
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by Terry Reigel