This page updated 6 Jun 2017
The records below focus on orders involving the following persons. I have endeavored to find all orders involving them from the establishment of Caldwell County on 1 May 1809 until Eddyville and surrounds became part of newly formed Lyon Co. 1 Apr 1854. Because the records are not well indexed, and are handwritten and difficult to read, some were no doubt missed.
Moved to Eddyville from Fair Haven, Vermont as part of the party organized by Matthew Lyon about 1800, with his wife Modena Chittenden Clark, and their eldest son, Caleb. | |
Sons of Gideon Dyer Cobb and his wife Modena Chittenden Clark. | |
Lived with Gideon, and is assumed to be a relative of Gideon's wife, but that is unproved. | |
Organizer of the move to Eddyville, second husband of Modena (Clark) Cobb's sister Beulah. | |
Sons of Matthew Lyon and his second wife Beulah Chittenden Galusha. | |
Cousin to Modena (Clark) Cobb; son of her aunt Beulah Chittenden by her first marriage. | |
Moved to Eddyville by 1830, married Caroline Cresap, brother of Julia Ann and Cornelia, who married Joshua and Robert L. Cobb, respectively. | |
Younger brother of John, followed him to Eddyville, married Elizabeth Van Swearingen Cresap. | |
Younger brother of Davis, also followed John to Eddyville, married Geraldine L. Jacobs. | |
Apparently not related to Gideon Dyer Cobb family but appear to be related to each other. |
Record of some other associates are included, along with mentions of some of the individuals involved in the transactions listed, but those should not be considered complete.
Date |
Record |
Abstract |
Bk. |
Page |
1 May 1809 | 1 | 1-2 | First meeting, at court house in Eddyville; William Mitchupson, John Mercer, David James, Elijah G Galusha, Josiah Whitnell, Bennett Langston, Isaac Brown, & William Gilliham all produced commissions from the Governor and took oaths. |
May 1809 | 1 | 11 | On motion of Gideon D Cobb, Andrew George, Washington Thompson, William Dobbins, Capt. John Bradley & Gideon D Cobb appointed to view and mark way for road from Andrew Georges to Eddyville thence straight to the mouth of the Cumberland River. |
May 1809 | 1 | 11 | On motion of Gideon D Cobb, Griffen Long, Hugh S Cochran, John Scott, Samuel Glenn & Jacob Doom appointed to view and mark a way for road beginning on the line between Livingston and Caldwell Counties direct between Eddyville and the place fixed for the seat of justice for Livingston Co. [to?] |
6 Jun 1809 | 1 | 20 | Howard Cash appointed surveyor of road beginning at edge of the Barrery to Eddyville and Elijah G Galusha [his section unreadable] |
6 Jun 1809 | 1 | 21 | William Hammick appointed surveyor of road from Christian Co. line to Eddyville beginning at creek near McNabbs old place to Eddyville, and Elijah G Galusha the balance. |
6 Jun 1809 | 1 | 22 | Appointed Isaac _____ & Elijah G Galusah judge of elections, and Samuel Glenn clerk to same |
5 Sep 1809 | 1 | 39 | Appointed Gideon D Cobb, Fideleo C Stump & James Boyd to lay off the prison bounds |
6 Nov 1809 | 1 | 42 | Appointed Gideon D Cobb, John Bradley, William Dobbins, Danl Jarrett & Bartholomew Jenkins to view and mark way for road nearest and best way from Eddyville to the mouth of the Cumberland River. |
6 Nov 1809 | 1 | 43 | Appointed Samuel Glenn, Griffin Long, Gideon D Cobb, John M Young & Willam Gilliam to divide orphans & non-residents lands lying in the county. |
7 Nov 1809 | 1 | 49-50 | Received a bond from John Bradley, Gideon D Cobb, Saml C Clark & Elijah G Galusha to build a brick court house in room of a former bond given to build frame court house. Ordered that the several persons whose names subscribed to an article of agreement to contribute towards public buildings in Eddyville dated 8 Aug 1809, pay the several ___ annexed to their names before 1 Jun next to the same persons. |
7 Nov 1809 | 1 | 52 | Matthew Lyon proposing a water grist mill on his own land at Big Spring on the Banem [?] waters of Eddy Creek at the place where camp meetings are generally held; jury to be summoned to premises. |
1 Jan 1810 | 1 | 54-5 | Jury on writ of ad quod damnum for Matthew Lyons mill returned its findings, and the mill was approved. |
1 Jan 1810 | 1 | 55-6 | Court adjourned to the house of Cobb & Clark. |
5 Feb 1810 | 1 | 64 | Court held at the house of Cobb & Clark in Eddyville. |
5 Feb 1810 | 1 | 68 | Earmark for Elijah G Galusha recorded – half a crop out of the upper side of the left ear and a crop off the right. |
5 Feb 1810 | 1 | 69 | Joseph Cobb appointed overseer of road from with half a mile of Eddyville to said Cobbs on a direction to Dems [?] Horse mill, with hands to be allotted to him by Elijah G Galusha. |
5 Mar 1810 | 1 | 71 | Court held at the house of Cobb & Clark in the town of Eddyville. |
5 Mar 1810 | 1 | 72-3 | Ordered recorded document by Matthew Lyon emancipating a Negro man George, his slave, purchased of William Prince, dated 4 Dec 1809. |
7 May 1810 | 1 | 79 | Saml C Clark appointed constable for the County, Griffen Long and Peter Heldrith his security for $500 bond |
7 May 1810 | 1 | 84 | Cobb & Clark permitted to keep a tavern. |
4 Jun 1810 | 1 | 87-8 | Matthew Lyon against John Tier: On a motion to establish a ferry on Cumberland River immediately below the mouth of Eddy Creek & across the same; being shown he owns the land on the NE side of the river and after agreement on consideration he was permitted to establish a Ferry on the North East side of the Cumberland and on both sides of Eddy Creek near the mouth thereof; gave bond of £20 |
7 Aug 1810 | 1 | 96 | Elijah G Galusha resigned his office of Justice of the Peace. |
7 Aug 1810 | 1 | 97 | John Bradley, Gideon D Cobb & Fidoles [?] C Sharp appointed to let to the lowest bidder the building of a cupola for the court house in Eddyville. |
5 Nov 1810 | 1 | 112-3 | Disbursements of the county levy include: George Gracy for building stray pen - $27.50, Saml Glenn clk last election $3.00, Saml C Clark for building cupola for the courthouse - $200.00 |
6 Nov 1810 | 1 | 116 | Ordered that Matthew Lyon Jr. be permitted to ferry across the Cumberland passengers from either side of the river, having proven he is the proprietor of the land on the North side and had given notice to the proprietor on the opposite side, immediately below the mouth of Eddy Creek. |
3 Dec 1810 | 1 | 120 | Recorded ear mark of Matthew Lyon Jr. – crop of the right ear & under bit out of the left ear. |
3 Dec 1810 | 1 | 121 | Commonwealth against Elijah G Galusha: On motion to fine him for not making return of fines collected before him as a Justice of the Peace; entered judgement against Galusha for $100 fine & costs. |
4 Dec 1810 | 1 | 122-3 | On motion of Elijah G Galusha he is permitted to make his return of fines imposed on different people before him as Justice of the Peace in 1809, as follows: Henry Bremer & Samuel Watson $5 each for breach of the peace on 7 Aug 1809, Samuel Mathew & Thomas Lucy each one cent on 9 Aug 1809. |
4 Dec 1810 | 1 | 123 | On motion of Elijah G Galusha to rescind find imposed on him yesterday, ordered that the fine and costs be remitted and the judgement held for naught. |
7 Jan 1811 | 1 | 129-30 | Saml C Clark is permitted to set aside his contract to build a cupola for the Courthouse in Eddyville; the $200 levied for the expense of building the cupola be appropriated to the lowest bidder, to be let by Joshua Saxon, John Bradley, Benjamin Laughton, John Beardin & Isaac Brown. |
27 Apr 1812 | 1 | 210 | Matthew Lyon Jr. permitted to keep a tavern at his house on the mouth of Eddy Creek on bond of $100 with Saml Wilbrow his security. |
5 Oct 1812 | 1 | 238 | Gideon D Cobb, Washington Thompson, Andrew George, Joel Smith & Saml C Clark appointed to view a way for a road from Eddyville to Eddy Creek to intersect the road leading to Hopkinsville at or near said Creek. |
2 Nov 1812 | 1 | 244-5 | Ordered recorded document by Matthew Lyon emancipating a Negro man Dick, his slave, purchased of William Bond, dated 16 Oct 1812. |
7 Dec 1812 | 1 | 254 | Saml C Clark & G D Cobb granted license to keep tavern in the county; $100 bond |
24 May 1813 | 1 | 286 | Grant to Josiah Cobb upon grant no. 415 400 acres by Livingston Co. in the name of Benjamin Brown & Saml Hew. |
25 Oct 1813 | 1 | 302 | M Lyon Sr. given credit for tax one Negro over 16 and two under 16 assessed improperly. |
23 Nov 1813 | 1 | 309 | Court adjourned to house of Messrs Cobb & Clark. |
24 Jan 1814 | 1 | 314 | Court adjourned to house of Messrs Cobb & Clark. |
23 May 1814 | 1 | 333 | Saml C Clark appointed Jailor of Caldwell Co.; executed $1000 bond, Reuben Rowland & John Mercer securities. |
25 Jul 1814 | 1 | 336 | Saml C Clark appointed superintendent & keeper of the stray pen for Caldwell Co. in the stead of Capt. John OHara. |
22 Aug 1814 | 1 | 342 | Chittenden Lyon given credit for taxes on one retail store listed for year 1813, having been improperly charged. |
28 Nov 1814 | 1 | 357-8 | On motion of Gideon D Cobb on behalf of Cobb & Clark, leave given to renew their tavern bond; executed for £100 with John Bradley & John H Philps security. |
23 Jan 1815 | 1 | 360 | Court adjourned to house of Messrs Cobb & Clark. |
22 May 1815 | 1 | 386-7 | Ann Gregory, infant, orphan of Thomas Gregory decd, being 15 years of age 17th of June next, choose Saml Harmon as her guardian; he executed bond for $500 with Jesse Cobb his security. |
28 Aug 1815 | 1 | 415 | On motion of David James, Sheriff, Reuben Roland & Chittenden Lyon were sworn as his deputies. |
23 Oct 1815 | 1 | 418-9 | Jessie Cobb appointed surveyor of the road from Eddyville to Shaws old mill in the room of Nathan Gates, resigned, beginning where the road from Eddyville to Eddy Grove intersects, to Josiah Cobb place. |
23 Oct 1815 | 1 | 426-7 | Appointed Jesse Cobb, Josiah Cobb, Jas Stevens, Wm Norris & Thos Beck appraisers for the estate of Saml Boyd, decd.; Elizabeth Boyd widow & relict, administrator. |
23 Oct 1815 | 1 | 435 | Henry Machen appointed inspector of tobacco at the town of Eddyville in the room of Thomas Gregory, decd. |
24 Oct 1815 | 1 | 436 | On motion of M Lyon Esqr. agreed that we now proceed to make the appropriation for the County building agreeably to the law |
24 Oct 1815 | 1 | 436-7 | On motion of M Lyon Esqr. to build a courthouse at the place contemplated by the Court for the erection of a new courthouse 40 by 30 feet of brick two story high; on vote a majority of the Court were against, therefore overruled. |
24 Oct 1815 | 1 | 437 | On motion of Authur H Davis Esqr. to build a courthouse at the place contemplated by the Court for the erection of a new courthouse 35 feet square of brick or stone two story high; on vote unanimously agreed to. |
24 Oct 1815 | 1 | 437 | On motion of M Lyon Esqr. to build a jail at the place contemplated by the Court for the erection of a new public buildings 30 by 20 feet of stone two stories high; on vote a majority of the Court were in favor. |
24 Oct 1815 | 1 | 437-8 | On motion of Authur H Davis Esqr. to build a stray pen at the place contemplated by the Court for the erection of a new public buildings 40 feet square of post and rail; on vote unanimously agreed to. |
22 Apr 1816 | B | 35 | John Cobb granted license to keep a tavern at his house in Town of Eddyville; gave bond for £100 with Gideon D Cobb as security. |
27 May 1816 | B | 56 | Matthew Lyon Esqr. granted license to solemnize marriage; executed bond of £500 with Jms H Phelps & Washington Thompson security. |
26 Aug 1816 | B | 76 | Appointed Henry Machen, Josiah Cobb & William Norris to view and mark out road from Freemans mill to intersection of road leading from Eddyville to Centerville at Machens farm. |
26 Aug 1816 | B | 80 | Gideon D Cobb appointed to survey road from Eddyville to Hopkinsville by ways of Bighmins mill beginning at the half mile tree near Freeman Bakers farm to the poplar sink. |
26 Nov 1816 | B | 100 | Col. Matthew Lyon appointed agent to present to the Legislature the address of the members of the Court on the subject of complaints against the present seat of Justice and the petitions of the people against removal, and that he be authorized to remonstrate against the proposed removal. |
23 Dec 1816 | B | 106-7 | John McCarty appointed a jailor in the room of Saml C Clark who is dismissed from office for cruel and inhuman treatment toward a prisoner now in jail. |
23 Dec 1816 | B | 107 | Saml C Clark ordered to deliver to John McCarty the keys of the jail, of the courthouse, stray pen, & such other things as may be in his possession. |
26 May 1817 | B | 135 | Report of commission appointed by act of Assembly 3 Feb 1817 entitled "An Act ___ing the Seat of Justice of Caldwell County" received; commission viewed Town of Eddyville, then the place of Prince & Frazer, commonly known as Princes place, considered the conveniences and inconveniences, advantges and disadvantages, benefits and injuries to all the citizens of the county, together with several donations profered; the seat of justice shall be removed and fixed at the place of Prince & Frazer commonly known as Princes place. |
28 Jul 1817 | B | 147 | Ordered that Sally Long, widow of Griffin Long, be allotted $35 for taking care of John Story orphan of David Story decd. |
29 Jul 1817 | B | 153 | Appointed Jesse Cobb, Marton A Ruckers, Joshua G Church, John Rucker & John George to view and mark out a road from Princetown to Eddyville. |
29 Jul 1817 | B | 156 | Ann Cobb, widow and relict of Josiah Cobb decd. granted letters of administration on the estate of her deceased husband; she executed bond for $6000, Jesse Cobb & Wm Johnston her securities. |
29 Jul 1817 | B | 157 | Appointed Arnold Jacob, Henry Machen, Saml Smith, Peter Pentte & James George to appraise the estate of Josiah Cobb, decd. |
25 Aug 1817 | B | 161-2 | Saml C Clark given leave to act as a Constable in the County; executed bond for $1000, Robt H Cash his security. |
26 Aug 1817 | B | 173 | Inventory of estate of Josiah Cobb ordered recorded. |
25 Nov 1817 | B | 198 | Jessie Cobb, Henry Machen, Walter Duff, Jordan McVey &John Lamb appointed to view and mark a road from Freemans Mill to intersect the Saline Road at or near James Armstrongs |
26 Jan 1818 | B | 205 | C H Briscoe appointed guardian to Napler Cresap, aged about 9 years, Caroline Cresap aged about 4 years, Mercer Cresap aged about 3 years, Hanson Cresap aged about 20 months, orphans of Edward O Cresap decd.; entered into bond for $2500, Will S Bailey & Regelfex [?] Roland his securities. |
28 Jul 1818 | C | 10 | Hugh McRacken, William S Baily, G D Cobb, Mathew Lyon Jr. & John H Phelps appointed to view road commencing at Eddyville out one mile or less on the road to Princeton. |
24 Aug 1818 | C | 20 | On motion of William Johnston, security of the admin of the estate of Josiah Cobb decd., ordered that admin to appear at the Oct term of the Court to give security in room of Johnston. |
24 Aug 1818 | C | 25-8 | Mathew Lyon, inhabitant of the County and an indigent officer of the Revolutionary army, appeared, renouncing all claims to pensions previously accruing to him and applying to be heard respecting his claim to the benefit of law of Congress of 18 Mar 1818 [for details of his testimony see separate record]. |
26 Oct 1818 | C | 30 | Ann Cobb admin of Josiah Cobb decd. tendered Edw. H Farrant as her additional security. |
26 Oct 1818 | C | 35 | Edward H Farrants entered into bond as tavern keeper at his own house in town of Eddyville, the house formerly occupied by Cobb & Clark; Mathew Lyon Jr. as security for bond of £100. |
Nov 1818 | C | 43 | John Bradley, William Chandler, Robert Adams, Gideon D Cobb & Saml C Clark appointed to appraise the estate of James Hill decd. |
26 Apr 1819 | C | 83 | Gideon D Cobb appointed surveyor of the road from Eddyville to Smithville commencing at Eddyville to the branch near Dooms old place. |
26 Jul 1819 | C | 97 | Matthew Lyon Jr. given leave to keep a tavern & retail ____ at his store house in the town of Eddyville; entered into bond for £100 with Chittenden Lyon his security. |
26 Jul 1819 | C | 98 | Matthew Lyon Jr. named executor in will of Henry Skinner, decd.; certificate of probate granted; executed bond of $5000, Chittenden Lyon his security. |
26 Jul 1819 | C | 98 | John H Phelps, Saml Harman, Hugh M Racken, Wm Bailey & John Bradley appointed to appraise estate of Henry Skinner. |
23 Aug 1818 | C | 116-7 | Samuel C Clark executed $1000 bond as constable for the County, Jesse Cobb his security; took the oath required by law and constitution also the oath to suppress duelling. |
22 Nov 1819 | C | 147 | Return of Saml Clark Constable of Caldwell Co. shows he collected a fine since Nov 1817 of $18 which he failed to pay over; ordered judgement against him for $18 together with 100 per centum damages thereon and costs. |
22 May 1820 | C | 199 | Samuel C Clark appointed a constable of the County in the 7th district; executed $2000 bond, Thomas Gordon & David Scott his securities. |
24 Jul 1820 | C | 212 | For reasons appearing to the Court, in the judgement against Samuel C Clark at the Nov Court, ordered that the damages be remitted on his paying the $18 and costs, and the sheriff to collect only the $18 and costs. |
28 Aug 1820 | C | 225 | John Cobb appointed guardian of Napler Cresap aged about 11 years, Caroline Cresap ages about 8 years, Mercer Creasap aged about 6 years, Hanson Cresap aged about 4 years & Elizabeth Cresap aged about 3 years, orphans and infants of Edward O Creasp decd.; acknowledged $2000 bond, Gideon D Cobb and Mathew Lyon Jr. his securities. |
28 Nov 1820 | C | 239 | Saml C Clark, a constable for the year 1820 in the 6th district, he making satisfactory proof to the Court, ordered he be allowed $35. |
28 May 1821 | C | 288 | Caleb C Cobb appointed constable in the 7th district in the room of Samuel C Clark, resigned; acknowledged $1000 bond, Matthew Lyon Jrnr. his security. |
28 May 1821 | C | 291 | Samuel C Clark, commissioner of taxes for the year 1820 in the 6th constables district, allowed the sum of $35 for his services 35 days in taking the lists of taxable property. |
23 Jul 1821 | C | 312 | Saml Glenn, Chittenden Lyon & Gideon D Cobb appointed commissioners to settle with Thoms Hill & James Hill administrators of James Hill decd. |
23 Jul 1821 | C | 312 | Caleb C Cobb resigned as constable. |
22 Oct 1821 | C | 323 | Will of Aurelia Skinner decd. produced by Matthew Lyon Jr. executor and proven by oaths of E M Lyon & Lucy W Galusha the subscribing witnesses. |
22 Oct 1821 | C | 328 | On motion of Matthew Lyon Jr. executor of Aurelea Skinner decd., certificate of probate granted; entered into bond, Caleb C Cobb his security. |
18 Feb 1822 | C | 353 | Gideon D Cobb appointed surveyor of the road from Eddyville to Smithland, beginning at the Red Tavern in Eddyville to a branch near David Doom. |
15 Jul 1822 | D | 21 | Jesse Cobb appointed surveyor of road from Donalson fork of Harden to Eddyville, beginning at James Smarts to where the road intersects the road from Princeton to Eddyville. |
19 May 1822 | D | 74 | Chittenden Lyon permitted to alter the road from Eddyville to Hopkinsville so as to ___ the hill where Thomas L Baker formerly resided to intersect the old road as some convenient point. |
20 Oct 1823 | D | 92 | Chittenden Lyon, next of kin to Giles N Lyon decd., granted letters of administration; entered into $2000 bond, Matthew Lyon his security. |
20 Oct 1823 | D | 92 | Gideon D Cobb, John Bradley, Thomas Long, John W Marshall & John Long appointed to appraise the estate of Giles N. Lyon, decd. |
16 Feb 1824 | D | 115 | Inventory of the appraisement of the sale of the estate of Giles N Lyon was ordered to be record. |
19 Jul 1824 | D | 136 | Recommended to the Governor that Chittenden Lyon & Gideon D Cobb are fit persons to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Joel Smith as Justice of the Peace. |
18 Oct 1824 | D | 150 | Chittenden Lyon produced commission from the Governor appointing him Justice of the Peace and took oath. |
18 Apr 1825 | D | 171 | Chittn Lyon permitted to solemnize marriages it appearing there is not a sufficient number of ordained ministers of the gospel in the County; entered into bond, Wm Lander his security. |
16 May 1825 | D | 183 | Motion of Gideon D Cobb for license to keep a tavern in the town of Eddyville continued to next term for lack of a majority of Justices present. |
15 Aug 1825 | D | 193 | Motion of Gideon D Cobb for license to keep a tavern in the town of Eddyville continued to next term for lack of a majority of Justices present. |
20 Feb 1826 | D | 219-20 | Caleb C Cobb, John Bradley & John W Marshall appointed commissioners to let to the lowest bidder building of a bridge across Lick Creek on the road from Eddyville to Smithland & Salem, to be built of wood with stone abutments, in a substantial manner. |
17 Apr 1826 | D | 226 | Gideon D Cobb granted license to keep a tavern at Eddyville; acknowledged bond, Caleb C Cobb his security. |
18 Apr 1826 | D | 235 | Jesse Cobb appointed to survey road from Widow Cobbs to the fork of the road two mile from Eddyville on the Princeton road. |
18 Dec 1826 | D | 278 |
Tavern rates fixed for the county: Breakfast, dinner & supper, each . . . . 25 Horse all night . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37½ Lodging and horse feed each . . . . . . . 12½ Whiskey per half pint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12½ Brandy, rum, gin & wine per half pint . 18¾ |
16 Apr 1827 | D | 300 | On motion of Gideon D Cobb, John W Marshall, David Doom, Ebenizer [?] Walker, C C Cobb & James Leigh appointed to view road from Eddyville to Walker ferry on Cumberland River, it being referenced that the road may be changed so as to be of more public convenience. |
16 Apr 1827 | D | 300 | On motion of Matthew Lyon, Matthew Lyon, G D Cobb, Peter Fite, Wm Johnson & Simon Cummins appointed to view a way for a road from Eddyville, pass by Lyons mill, and intersect Hopkinsville road near the widow George; to report to the Court the conveniences and inconveniences thereof. |
19 Nov 1827 | D | 336 | Thomas Gregory appointed inspector of tobacco at the warehouse in the town of Eddyville in the place of James Hanson, resigned; executed bond, Caleb C Cobb his security. |
19 Nov 1827 | D | 336 | Chittenden Lyon resigned as Justice of the Peace. |
19 Nov 1827 | D | 338 | Gideon D Cobb & Thomas Long recommended to the Governor as fit persons to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Chittenden Lyon as Justice of the Peace. |
18 Feb 1828 | D | 348 | Gideon D Cobb shown as "present" [ in the form used to record Justices as present or absent; searched Dec, Jan & Feb terms and found no record of seating Cobb as a Justice] |
18 Feb 1828 | D | 349-50 | Gideon D Cobb permitted to solemnize marriages it appearing there is not a sufficient number of ordained ministers of the gospel in the County; entered into bond, John ___ his security. |
19 Feb 1828 | D | 351 | G D Cobb listed with others, labeled "Justices," at the opening of the session. |
21 Apr 1828 | D | 361 | Gideon D Cobb licensed to keep tavern at his house in Eddyville for one year and until the next Court thereafter; entered into bond, John W Marshall his security. |
19 May 1828 | D | 377 | On motion of Caleb C Cobb to erect a water grist & saw mill on Hammond Creek about a half mile from its mouth, he owning the land on both sides, a writ of ad quod damnum granted. |
17 Nov 1828 | D | 405 |
County levy for year 1828 to discharge claims including:
To Gideon D Cobb for burial & other expensed for Saml C Clark decd. – $27.00 To C C Cobb, John W Marshall & others commrs for the building of the Lick Creek bridge if they perform their contract - $100 |
20 Apr 1829 | D | 425 | Gideon D Cobb licensed to keep tavern at his house in Eddyville for one year and until the next Court thereafter; entered into bond, A T Carpending his security. |
20 Jul 1829 | E1 | 15 |
Tavern rates fixed for the county: Breakfast, dinner & supper, each . . . . 25 Horse all night . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Lodging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 6¼ Whiskey per half pint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6¼ Horse feed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12½ Rum, wind & brandy per half pint . . . . 25 |
21 Jul 1829 | E1 | 19 | Altered tavern rates set yesterday to 12½ cents for lodging and 37½ cents for horse per night. |
19 Apr 1830 | E1 | 55 | Gideon D Cobb licensed to keep tavern at his house in Eddyville for one year and until the next Court thereafter; entered into bond, C C Cobb his security. |
19 Apr 1830 | E1 | 62 | Gideon D Cobb appointed surveyor of precinct No. 6 of road from Princeton to Eddyville, beginning 3½ miles beyond James Rucker Senr's house from Princeton to the bank of the Cumberland River in Eddyville. |
18 Oct 1830 | E1 | 81 | Caleb C Cobb, M Lyon, James Leigh, Samuel Glenn & C Langston appointed commissioners to settle with administrator of Geo Marshall, decd. |
19 Oct 1830 | E1 | 86 | R L Cobb appointed surveyor of road from Princeton to Eddyville, beginning ½ mile from Eddyville to foot of the big hill at Eddyville. |
21 Feb 1831 | E1 | 106 | C C Cobb appointed surveyor of road from Eddyville to Smithland beginning at a hill about 250 yards from Joshua Hammond plantation to opposite Hammonds dwelling. |
17 Oct 1831 | E1 | 149 | Received written resignation of G D Cobb as Justice of the Peace. |
16 Jan 1832 | E1 | 168 | Robert L Cobb exhibited commission and took oath as Justice of the Peace. |
16 Jan 1832 | E1 | 170 | C C Cobb, James W Leigh, Joshua Hammond, John G Hammond & John D Robinson appointed to view the several roads from Eddyville to Smithland continuing to the county line and report the most convenient of them. |
16 Apr 1832 | E1 | 177-8 | On motion of Caleb C Cobb to erect a water grist & saw mill on Livingston Creek about a 50 yards from its mouth, he owning the land on the other side, a writ of ad quod damnum granted, jury to meet on the site 28th of this month. |
21 May 1832 | E1 | 192-3 | Writ of ad quod damnum for C C Cobb mill on Livingston Creek returned; Cobb to pay James Currey $7 and is given leave to erect the mill. |
15 Jul 1833 | E1 | 253 | Caleb C Cobb & hands James T Whitemore, Wm Palmer, Judge Palmer & John W Young & hands allotted to John Hammonds to work the road of which he is surveyor in addition to those which he now has. |
18 Aug 1834 | E1 | 319 | Robert L Cobb permitted to solemnize marriages it appearing there is not a sufficient number of ordained ministers of the gospel in the County; entered into bond, R A Satterson his security. |
20 Apr 1835 | E1 | 362 | John W Marshall & Robert L Cobb appointed judges of election in the town of Eddyville for the election of trustees for the town. |
18 May 1835 | E1 | 374 | Davis R Mims appointed constable |
20 Jul 1835 | E1 | 378 |
Appointed judges and clerks for the annual election, including:
At Eddyville – Jonathan C Langston & Robert L Cobb judges & Saml Glenn clerk. |
18 Jul 1836 | E1 | 449 | James G Glenn, Johnson Laughlin, Marton A Rucker, Samuel Camplell, B G Rice & Liner Mims appointed standing commissioners for dividing lands in the state between non-residents and citizens of the state and between citizens and citizens, and between non-residents also. |
18 Jul 1836 | E1 | 449-50 | Mathew Lyon, guardian for Bulah L Skinner & Fredrich H Skinner, heirs of Henry and Aurelia Skinner decd., produced a receipt from them for all sums of money that came to his hands as guardian and as executor of the wills of Henry & Aurelia Skinner; to be recorded. |
15 Aug 1836 | E1 | 455 | James A Cartwright, commissioner to sell the vacant land in the county produced certificates of sale, including: 100 acres to C C Cobb and W B Machen jointly. |
19 Dec 1836 | E1 | 482 | George C Cash allowed $24 for services in repair of road from this place [Princeton] to Eddyville in addition to sum previously appropriated; Robt S Cobb to be paid $21.75 he had advanced to Cash to work on the road. |
17 Apr 1837 | E1 | 505 | Robert L Cobb & John S Brown appointed judges for the election for trustees of the town of Eddyville on 1st Saturday in May next, John H Mims clerk. |
17 Apr 1837 | E1 | 508 | Robt L Cobb appointed a commissioner to sale the vacant lands in the County according to act of the Assembly approved Feb 1835. |
18 Apr 1837 | E1 | 515 | The Comr appointed by the court to sale vacant land produced
certificates of sale, including:
To R L Cobb 200 acres. |
17 Jul 1837 | E1 | 526 | Robert L Cobb appointed treasurer for the County according to provisions of the act of the Assembly approved 21 Feb 1837; entered into $2000 bond, Saml P L Marshall & James N Gracey his securties. |
17 Jul 1837 | E1 | 528 | Robert L Cobb, assignee of H L Cartwright, assignee of P Thurmond, filed a head right claim for 200 acres of vacant land, survey 17 Aug 1805 for land in Livingston Co. now in Caldwell Co. on waters of Lick Creek adjoining Thurmonds former survey on the westward, for which Cobb paid the clerk $10 in open court and granted ordered. |
17 Jul 1837 | E1 | 528 | Polls of the election of trustees of the Town of Eddyville produced and result of election 6 May last is election of Robt L Cobb, R R Bush, Chittenden Lyon, James Clark & John Long as trustees. |
19 Nov 1838 | F2 | 72 | Mathew Lyon & Samuel Glenn recommended as Sheriff |
18 Feb 1839 | F2 | 87 | Will of Mathew Lyon proved |
15 Apr 1839 | F2 | 96 | Ordered books of Mathew Lyon be delivered to R L Cobb |
17 Feb 1840 | F2 | 164 | Cobb, Gray & Bell vs Insteman Thurmond appeal, reversed |
20 Jul 1840 | F2 | 198 | Elizabeth M Lyon appointed guardian of children of Mathew Lyon Jr |
20 Jul 1840 | F2 | 198 | Statement of Elijah G Gallusha of legal heirs of Mathew Lyon Sr: James Lyon decd, Anne Messenger, Pamalia Caldwell, Minerva Caldwell, Chittenden Lyon, Aurelia Skinner decd, Mathew Lyon Jr decd, & Elizabeth Ann Roe are all the children who reached maturity; Bulah Lyon Skinner & Frederick H Skinner are the children and only legal heirs of Aurelia Skinner; Mathew M Lyon, May Ann Lyon, Highland B Lyon, Jackson Lyon, Tonas C Lyon & May Lyon are the children and only legal heirs of Mathew Lyon Jr |
21 Mar 1842 | F2 | 303 | Mathew S Lyon appointed deputy county clerk |
18 Jul 1842 | F2 | 325 | Robert L Cobb filed report as county treasurer |
21 Nov 1842 | F2 | 348 | Will of Chittenden Lyon proved |
16 Jan 1843 | F2 | 367 | Robert L Cobb appointed guardian of children of John C Hallick and Hannah C Cobb decd |
20 Nov 1843 | F2 | 411-2 | Commissioners appointed to divide land of William Curry between unknown heirs & R L and G D Cobb, surviving partners of Cobb Bell & Co |
16 Sep 1844 | F2 | 458 | Frederick H Skinner appointed adminstrator of estate of Mathew Lyon decd |
20 Jan 1845 | G | 8 | Claims for placing stove in jail, including R L & G D Cobb, $11.75 |
21 Apr 1845 | G | 22 | Davis R Mims appointed overseer of road from Eddyville to Hammon's ferry |
19 May 1845 | G | 34 | Robert L Cobb filed statement as Treasurer of County |
21 Jul 1845 | G | 45 | F H Skinner, administrator for Maria Lyon, filed inventory |
16 Mar 1846 | G | 91 | Frederick H Skinner granted tavern liscense |
20 Jul 1846 | G | 121 | F H Skinner, administrator for Matthew Lyon, filed sale bill |
20 Jul 1846 | G | 123 | Robert L Cobb filed statement as Treasurer of County |
17 Aug 1846 | G | 138 | Report of commissioners to divide land of M Lyon decd. |
21 Sep 1846 | G | 143 | R L & G D Cobb vs unknown heirs of William Curry, motion to divide land |
21 Dec 1846 | G | 166 | R L & G D Cobb vs heirs of James Curry, motion to divide land |
18 Jan 1847 | G | 172 | R L & G D Cobb vs heirs of James Curry, approved deed |
18 Jan 1847 | G | 173 | Mathew M Lyon appointed assessor of tax |
15 Mar 1847 | G | 186 | F H Skinner motion for tavern license, continued |
15 Mar 1847 | G | 195 | F H Skinner tavern license granted |
21 Jun 1847 | G | 211 | F H Skinner tavern license oath & bond |
15 Nov 1847 | G | 237 | F H Skinner overseer of road from Eddyville to Smithland |
15 Nov 1847 | G | 243 | John H Mims ferry approved |
15 Nov 1847 | G | 244 | Commissioners appointed to view road to John Mims ferry |
21 Feb 1848 | G | 260 | Report of commissioners appointed to view road to John Mims ferry |
20 Mar 1848 | G | 267 | John H Mims appointed overseer of road to his ferry |
19 Jun 1848 | G | 287 | Robert L Cobb filed statement as Treasurer of County |
19 Jun 1848 | G | 290 | Commonwealth vs Robert L Cobb, rule to file report as guardian |
15 Jan 1849 | G | 345 | F H Skinner motion for tavern license, continued |
19 Feb 1849 | G | 349 | F H Skinner tavern license granted |
19 Feb 1849 | G | 350 | Thomas J Cobb motion to change road approved |
19 Mar 1849 | G | 358 | Davis R Mims appointed constable; bond of $2,000 with G D Cobb, C H Boyd & M. Dudley securities |
20 Mar 1849 | G | 364 | Settlement of Samuel Glenn, executor of Griffin Long, approved |
20 Aug 1849 | G | 387 | D R Mims resigned as constable by written order proved by F N Harris |
17 Sep 1849 | G | 395 | John H Mims and three others appointed commissioners to divide the land of Beverly Murphy, decd |
19 Nov 1849 | G | 400 | Case of Commonwealth vs Rufus K Mims & James M Bigham continued until next term |
17 Dec 1849 | G | 413 | Robt L Cobb, Charles B Stacker & F H Skinner, guardians of heirs of Matthew Lyon, relinquished right of way for a road |
18 Mar 1850 | G | 432 | T J Cobb appointed overseer of part of public road Eddyville to Southland |
19 Aug 1850 | G | 458 | Will of John H. Mims proved |
18 Nov 1850 | G | 471 | Davis R Mims appointed constable for town of Eddyville; bond of $2,000 with Milton Dudley & A H Champion securities |
20 Jan 1851 | H | 9 | F H Skinner tavern license granted |
20 Jan 1851 | H | 10 | On motion of Robert L. Cobb, appointed 5 men to divide land belonging to James Tull decd, Bales heirs, and RL & GD Cobb, surviving partners of Cobb, Bell & Co |
20 Jan 1851 | H | 11 | On motion of Robt L. Cobb, ordered Thomas J Cobb & 4 others, with F W Urey, William Clark & C C Cobb to locate and build a bridge across Livingston Creek below Skinframe, and view road from bridge to Eddyville |
20 Jan 1851 | H | 11 | On motion of Giles Cobb, four were appointed to view road from mouth of Livingston Creek to Harmon Ferry |
17 Feb 1851 | H | 15 | Eli Crumbraugh & Charles Wood granted administration of estate of Matthew Gracey |
17 Feb 1851 | H | 17 | Viewers of road from propose bridge to Eddyville report it will cross lands of Gideon D Cobb, ___ Barret, Samuel Glenn, & Kelly & Co and issued summons for them to appear at next term to show cause why it should not |
16 Jun 1851 | H | 48 | Books and papers of Robert L Cobb, late Justice of the peace, ordered delivered to Williams A Brooks |
20 Oct 1851 | H | 64 | Gideon D Cobb appointed guardian of Fannie M Baldwin |
17 Nov 1851 | H | 72 | On motion of Martin M Lyon, James G Glenn, Samuel P L Marshall, & Robert L Cobb appointed to divide lands and slaves of Matthe Lyon |
16 Feb 1852 | H | 87 | F H Skinner granted tavern license |
19 Apr 1852 | H | 95 | F H Skinner granted liquor license |
19 Apr 1852 | H | 116 | Commonwealth vs R K Mims - dismissed |
17 Jan 1853 | H | 179 | F H Skinner tavern license granted |
21 Feb 1853 | H | 187 | R K Mims ordered to file settlement as guardian of orphans of Augusts F Jacob |
16 Jan 1854 | H | 254 | F H Skinner tavern license granted |
17 Apr 1854 | H | 271 | Frederick H Skinner filed guardian settlements for May Lyon and Heylan Lyon |
7 Mar 1857 | H | 501 | Cobb & Gracey, merchants, granted license to sell liquor |
I have copies of each of the pages extracted above. Please contact me for clarification or copies, using the link below.
Book 1: | FHL #468439, item #2 |
Book B: | FHL #468440, item #1 (identified as book C by FHL) |
Book C: | FHL #468439, item #1 (identified as book B by FHL) |
Book D: | FHL #468440, item #2 |
Book E1: | FHL #468441 |
Book F2: | FHL #468442, viewed online on |
Book G: | FHL #468443, viewed online on |
Book H | FHL #469445, viewed online on |
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by Terry Reigel