This page created 16 Nov 2010
The records below focus on mortgages involving the following persons. I have endeavored to find all deeds involving them from the establishment of Caldwell Co. on 1 May 1809 through 1856, but since the deed indexes do not include mortgages, and the indexes in the deed books are difficult to read, some may have been missed. Mortgages near Eddyville after 1 Apr 1854 would have been recorded in Lyon Co.
Eldest son of Gideon Dyer Cobb and Modena Chittenden Clark, born c. 1797, Vermont, active in iron, land, and other interests, later moved to Crittenden Co., died 1867. | |
Second son of Gideon Dyer Cobb and Modena Chittenden Clark, born c. 1804, Eddyville, active in iron, land, finance, and mercantile, often in partnership with brother Gideon, later moved to Paducah, died 1875, Paducah. Married Cornelia Rebecca Mims, daughter of Linah Mims, sister of John H Mims. | |
Third son of Gideon Dyer Cobb and Modena Chittenden Clark, born 1809, Eddyville, became a physician, moved to Clarksville, Tennessee, area, active in iron, became magistrate there, died 1879, Clarksville. Married (1) Julia Ann Mims, daughter of Linah Mims, sister of John H Mims. | |
Fourth son of Gideon Dyer Cobb and Modena Chittenden Clark, born 1818, Eddyville, active in iron, land, finance, and mercantile, often in partnership with brother Robert, died 1871, Eddyville. | |
Son of Caleb Clark Cobb and Mary W. Machen, born 1826, Caldwell Co., died 1881, probably Caldwell Co. | |
Son of Linah Mims, born 1806, Greenbrier Co., Virginia, died 1850, Eddyville. While Linah appears to have lived in Caldwell late in life, no mortgages were found for him. |
Record of some other associates are included, along with mentions of some of the individuals involved in the transactions listed, but those should not be considered complete.
All parties were shown as "of" Eddyville and/or Caldwell Co. unless stated otherwise below.
Date |
Grantor |
Grantee |
Description |
To Secure |
Filed |
Notes |
8 Jun 1836 | Francis M Cooper | Robert L Cobb & Chittenden Lyon "copartners & Merchants trading under the firm & style of R L Cobb & Co." | 300 ac., half the tract left Cooper and his brother Alex by their father Tacey Cooper; also growing crop of tobacco, wheat, rye, oats, corn etc. on the land; also crop of corn fodder, oats, tobacco etc. on 2 Abrm Jordan parcels; also one black horse; and bed, 2 bureaus, 8-day clock, all kitchen plates, knives, forks, dishes, cups & saucers, kettles etc.; also stock of hogs | note $280.64 13 May 1836 due one day later, & $500 13 May 1836 due 90 days later | H 190-1
9 Aug 1836 |
mortgage cancelled 1 Aug 1836, bk H pp 232 |
27 Jun 1836 | Collin Moore | Robert L Cobb & Chittenden Lyon "Merchants lately trading under the name & style of R L Cobb & Co." | tract conveyed by A Harfiending to Moore 31 Jan 1825 | note $1323.61 27 Jun 1836 due one day later |
H 212
27 Jun 1836 |
tract sold to Cobb by R H J Davidson, commissioner in chancery 7 Mar 1843, recorded bk M pp 128-9 |
1 Aug 1836 | Robert L Cobb & Chittenden Lyon "copartners in trade under the firm & style of R L Cobb & Co." | Francis M Cooper | canceling 8 Jun 1836 mortgage |
H 231-2
1 Aug 1836 |
mortgage at bk H pp 190-1 | |
12 May 1837 | Enoch B Prince | William Gray, R L Cobb, Gideon D Cobb & David Bell "merchants trading in the name and style of Cobb, Gray & Bell" | 120 ac. on Eddy Ck., willed to Prince by his father Enoch Prince desc–d; also negro woman of yellow complexion Eveline aged about 25 yrs | note 12 Nov 1836 $704.17, and note 26 Nov 1835 $17.00, and 12 May 1837 $82.88 |
12 May 1837 |
30 May 1837 | David F Bigham | Robert L Cobb, William Gray, David R Bell & Gideon D Cobb "merchants trading under the name and style of Cobb, Gray & Bell" | negro man named Mahala | note of $618.29 due 1 Apr 1838 |
H 498
17 Jul 1837 |
grantees witnesses: J B Craig, James Clark |
27 Jul 1837 | Thomas Beck | Robert L Cobb & Chittenden Lyon "late merchants and copartners trading under the name and style of R L Cobb & Co." & Robert L Cobb, William Gray, David R Bell & Gideon D Cobb "copartners trading under the name and style of Cobb, Gray & Bell" | 25 ac. bounded by James and Lewis Beck and Laren Cash, wagon & yoke of oxen, and furniture | note 27 Oct 1836 $157.09 to R L Cobb & Co. and note 2 Jun 1837 $58.06 to Cobb Gray & Bell |
H 502-3
27 Jul 1837 |
7 Apr 1838 | John Ford | Cobb, Gray & Bell | present growing crop of 20 ac. corn, 10 ac. oats, 40 ac. wheat and 6 ac. of tobacco yet to be planted | $250 due 1 Apr 1839 |
I 30-1
25 May 1838 |
2 Jun 1838 | Noah A Cummins | Wm Gray and Cobb, Gray & Bell | 160 ac. on Eddy Ck. where Cummings now lives, 5 head of horses, 8 head of cattle, 12 head of sheep, and about 40 head of hogs | note for about $33 to Gray due 1 Jul next and note to Cobb, Gray & Bell for about $20 |
I 32
2 Jun 1838 |
23 Jun 1838 | John F Veid | Robert L Cobb, William Gray, David R Bell & Gideon D Cobb "merchants & copartners trading under the name and style of Cobb, Gray & Bell" | 1 chesnut sorrel mare 8 yrs old, 1 chesnut sorrel filly 2 yrs old, on bright sorrel mare 4 yrs old, 1 yearling colt, 18 head of cattle, 1 yoke of oxen | note 28 Sep 1837 $69 payable 15 mo. later, and note 28 Sep 1838 $47.29 payable next day, and $159.43 |
I 72-3
20 Aug 1838 |
witnesses: Giles L Cobb & John R Limid |
18 Jul 1840 | Denson Dees | Cobb, Bell & Co. | 2 mares, bright bay 9 or 10 yrs old & dark bay 3 yrs old, 1 wagon, 1 yoke of oxen, 20 head of sheep, 28 head of hogs, 3 cows & calves, 1 4 yr old steer, 2 yearlings, 4 feather beds, growing crop of 22 ac. corn & 3 ac. tobacco | note $39.55 28 Feb 1840 due next day, note $374.40 18 Jul 1840 due 1 Jun 1841 |
I 544
9 Sep 1840 |
6 Feb 1841 | Thomas I Campbell | C C Cobb | 7 negroes, Barnett, Elizabeth, Abby, Anderson, Thomas, Edmond, & Anica, 1 jack ass, 2 gray & black mules | note $400 due 12 mo. to Copeland, and second $400 & upwards, endorsed by Cobb |
K 60
22 Feb 1841 |
18 Feb 1841 | Elisha Thurmand of Livingston Co. | Robert L Cobb | 130 ac. where Justenian Thurmand now lives | $200 loan to Justenian Thurmand |
K 63-4
24 Feb 1841 |
2 Sep 1841 | Benjamin Brown | Cobb Bell & Co | crop of tobacco standing in the field, about 3 ac. | note 1 Sep 1841 $97.11 due next day |
K 262
29 Sep 1841 |
8 Dec 1841 | Michael Dyens | Robert L Cobb | 200 ac. on Skinframe Ck., conveyed to Dyens by Saml Jones | note 6 Dec 1841 $371.44 to Thomas M Rankin, admin of estate of Stephen Grone, for which Cobb is security |
K 304-5
8 Dec 1841 |
17 Jan 1842 | Otis Shepardson | Issac Gray, J J Sattonfield, Geo. M Marshall, S & J Marshal & Co and Cobb Bell & Co | mortgage 2 lots in "donation part" of Princeton, # 4 & 5 | note by Elijah Shepardson to S & J Marshall & Co. 2 Dec 1841 $1042 due 4 mo. & $1056 due 6 mo. endorsed by Otis Shephardson, Isaac Gray, J J Satterfield, Geo M Marshall, and Cobb Bell & Co |
K 346
18 Jan 1842 |
17 Jan 1842 | Elijah Shepardson | Robert L Cobb, Gideon D Cobb & David R. Bell "merchants and copartners trading in the name firm & style of Cobb Bell & Co." | one half equal moyety of lot in "donation part" of Princeton, #2 fronting on public square, conveyed to Preston Grace by Wm B Young 12 Jul 1836 and by Grace to Shepardson 6 Jun 1839, with large 2-story brick house | note 11 Jan 1842 $1773.78 due next day |
K 345-6
17 Jan 1842 |
lot sold in chancery suit to R L & G D Cobb 4 Feb 1845, bk M pp 127-8 |
18 Apr 1842 | George M Marshall | Joshua Cobb of Stewart Co. TN | female negro slave Hanah about 40 years of age | note $200 payable 1 Jan 1842 |
K 424-5
28 May 1842 |
16 May 1842 | George M Marshall | R L Cobb, D R Bell & G D Cobb "of the firm of Cobb Bell & Co." | mortgage 4 feather beds, bed steds, under bed boulster, pillows and all coverings, bureau, press, 2 folding leaf tables, 2 sets windsor chairs yellow & black, set split bottom chairs, windsor rocking chair, map & book of USA, 8-day clock, brindle cow & calf, cow marked with under slope & upper nick each ear, gilt dressing glass, work stand, cradle & bedding, yearling brindle heifer marked crofe & split in right ear and swallow fork in left, 2 sets silver spoons table & tea, 2 sets knives & forks ivory & bone handle, pots, ovens, skillet, dishes, plates, cups & cancers, all kitchen furniture & cooking utinsels of all sorts and kinds, 5 window curtains | notes 14 Jan 1841 $366.46 due 120 days later and 1 Jul 1840 $168.36 due next day |
K 425-6
28 May 1842 |
new mortgage 19 Sep 1846, bk N pp 15-16 |
15 Jun 1842 | W B Young | R L Cobb, Thos Rantin, Arnold Jacob, James Craig; Ellen & William P George administrators of John George decd.; Hugh Craig, Samuel Craig; & John Hutchinson of Robertson Co. TN[Hutchinson only] | equal half or moiety of on 697 ac. waters of Eddy Ck., corner to William Johnson; also his interest in same as heir of John S Young decd.; 5000 ft of loose planket, all my stock of cattle consisting of 3 milch cows & calves, 8 head young cattle, 40 head sheep, 50 head hogs, wheat fan, negro woman Patience about age 60, horse named Peter 10 yrs old, gig & harness, 3 feather beds steds & furniture, clock, 2 bureaus, each & every article of kitchen furniture; all my present crop of corn, oats, wheat, etc.; all my farming utensils of every description & common waggon | Robert L Cobb security for note to Henry Machen Sr. 1 Jun 1842 $1000 due 12 mo. later, Thos Ranken security for note to Henry See Oct 1841 $200, note to Arnold Jacob 7 Feb 1842 $100, note to James Craig May or Jun 1841 $260, note to Ellen & William P George 1 Oct 1840 $70, note to Hugh Craig May 1842 $68.98, note to Samuel Craig 9 Jun 1842 $180.22, & note to John Hutchingson Jun 1842 $448 |
K 459-60
24 Jun 1842 |
additional mortgage 22 Sep 1842, bk K pp 525-6; mortgage released 12 Feb 1844, bk L pg 244 |
__ ___ 1842 [day & mo. blank] | Amerideth & A A Freeman | R L Cobb, David Bell & G D Cobb "merchants of Eddyville" "trading under the name firm & style of Cobb Bell & Co." | sorrel horse, bay mare, birkshire bose, all there stock of hogs & cattle and their increase; property of J P Freeman bought 11 Jul 1842 from P J Grubb in satisfaction of award in favor of John I Morse: wood clock, small table, breakfast table & cloths, 6 split bottom chairs, 3 feather beds & furniture, 3 bed steads, looking glass, trunk, saddle, 2 bridles, martingale, large pot, stand, 2 tin buckets, wooden ditto, churn, lot old horse shoes & auger, hammer and 2 wedges, 8 plates, pitcher, large bowl, 3 dishes, 2 tumblers, oven & lid, 2 pr andirons, 26 head sheep, gray mare & colt, gray filly, black mare, four horse waggon & harnesses, 4 ploughs, whitefaced cow & yearling, brindle cow & yearling, 18 head hogs, 130 clapboard, 2 spades or shovels, all the crop of wheat & oats, present year crop of corn about 40 ac., crop of tobacco 9 or 10 ac., bay sucking colt, Irish geazer bone, 2 sythes & cradles, all the increase in the above stock | note 11 Jul 1842 $365.66 |
K 485-6
1 Aug 1842 |
5 Aug 1842 | Josiah Oliver | R L Cobb, David R Bell & Gideon D Cobb "merchants of Eddyville" "trading under the firm & style of Cobb Bell & Co." | present crop of tobacco about 4 ac., corn about 20 ac., 4 head of cattle, 4 head horses, 12 head hogs, clock, chest, 3 feather beds bedding & bedsteads, 6 chairs, all kitchen furniture, increase on above stock | 2 notes 28 Apr 1841 $50 each, note 28 Apr 1841 $27.11, note 5 Aug 1842 $9.64 |
K 488-9
6 Aug 1842 |
22 Sep 1842 | William P Young | R L Cobb, Thos M Rantin, Arnold Jacob James Craig Ellen & William P George, Samuel Craig , Hugh Craig, & John Hutchinson | mortgage in addition to mortgage 15 June 1842, negro woman Arma dark complexion aged about 35 and her two children, Sophia 3 yrs & Mary about 15 mo. | notes [same notes repeated as in 15 Jun 1842 mortgage] |
K 525-6
22 Sep 1842 |
Ellen & William P George are administrators of John George decd.; Hutchinson of Robinson Co. TN |
30 Sep ___ [no year] | Olly Scott | John H Mims | present year's crop of tobacco, corn & fodder growing on place where Scott lives | note 12 Sep 1841 $117.85 |
K 531
30 Sep 1842 |
new mortgage on same note 29 Sep 1845, bk M pp 207-8 |
31 Oct 1842 | Sarah Long | Jno W Marshall & Samuel P S Marshall "formerly merchants and copartners trading under the style and firm of J & S Marsahall" | feather bed & furniture, 2 bedsteads, bureau, dining table, 6 split bottom chairs, small writing table, all my table ware, 2 large kettles, 4 ovens & lids, 2 skillets, pr. andirons, pr. waffle irons, 2-yr. steer, 50 or 60 head hogs | note $80 due 1829, 30 & 31 |
K 559
2 Nov 1842 |
witnesses: Jno H Mims, G R Marshall |
14 Nov 1842 | John H Mims of Eddyville | President, Directors & Company of Bank of Kentucky | lot in Eddyville, corner of Levee & Main Sts, upper side of Main, including store and ware house occupied by Mims | note at Hopkinsville branch 17 Nov 1842 $2412 |
K 568
14 Nov 1842 |
13 Nov 1842 | John H Mims | William Gray | negro slaves: girl Roena about 13 yrs., girl Desdeinonia about 10 yrs., woman Selly about 24 yrs.; yellow boy Sam about 13 yrs, and their increase | $750 Bill of Exchange 120 days after date drawn by S & J Marshall & Co on Gray in favor of Mims, accepted at counting house of R K Price & Co. in New Orleans, intended to be discounted at Hopkinsville branch of Bank of Kentucky |
K 570
15 Nov 1842 |
20 Dec 1842 | Caroline Mims | President, Directors, etc. of Bank of Ky at Hopkinsville | waver of right of dower for mortgage recorded at bk K pg 568 | K 588
24 Dec 1842 |
John W Marshall, JP & Howard Cassidy, JP, certify Caroline, wife of Jno H Mims, waived right of dower | |
17 Jan 1843 | Elijah O Shepardson | Cobb Bell & Co, Thomas J Flournoy | 2 lots in Princeton, # 54 & 55, where Shepardson dwelling house and tobacco factory stand | bills of exchange drawn by Shepardson on Cobb Bell & Co at New Orleans in favor of Flournoy, 19 isnt. $500 & 2 Feb next $1000, payable 4 mo. after date |
K 604-5
17 Jan 1843 |
mortgaged released 18 Nov 1843, bk L pg 190 |
17 Jan 1843 | Justine Thurmond | Cobb Bell & Co | 130 ac. on which he now lives, purchased from James George | note even date $519, to be paid by 1 Jan 1844 | L 49-50 17 Apr 1843 |
21 Feb 1843 | Bartlett Cash | Cobb Bell & Co | 63 ac. on which Cash now resides, purchased from Lucinda Pearse; yoke of oxen red & white spotted, grey horse, bed & furniture, bureau, 2 tables, 12 Winsor chairs; stock of hogs, about 40 head | note 15 May 1841 $182.18, note 3 May 1842 $16.74, account of $116.29; all to be paid by 1 Jan 1844 |
L 8
27 Feb 1843 |
17 Mar 1843 | Madison F Dunn[signed by mark] | R L Cobb, David R Bell & Gideon D Cobb "merchants of Eddyville" "trading under the firm & style of Cobb Bell & Co." | spotted mare, bay mare colt, 2 pr black oxen, 2 milch cows & calves, 3 head young cattle, 6 head sheep, waggon, 30 head stock hogs, 3 beds, bed steads & clothing, fancy press & table, bureau & crib, 8-day clock, all his household & kitchen furniture of every description, ploughs, hoes & all other farming tools, 12 chairs; also all his interest in the estate of his father and grandfather Freeman; 1000 lb bacon & 100 bu. corn; present year crop of corn, tobacco, wheat, oats & income from above livestock | note 9 Mar 1842 $243.85 due next day, and 10 Jan 1840 $175.90 due 12 mo. after |
K 387-8
17 Mar 1842 |
31 May 1843 | Thomas J Beck | Robert L Cobb | 200 ac. | note 1 May 1841 $134.10, note 18 May 1843 $53.18 |
L 73
31 May 1843 |
mortgage sold to John H Rucker 20 Feb 1844, bk N pg 385 |
15 Jun 1843 | John H Mims | Planters Bank of Tennessee | lot in Eddyville, #10 | note for same date $1360 to be paid 1 Dec 1845 |
L 82-3
19 Jun 1843 |
sold in chancery suit 11 Jul 1853 to Martha Marshall, who lived there, bk Q pp 456-7 |
19 Jun 1843 | John Martin | Robert L Cobb & Gideon D Cobb "surviving partners of Cobb Bell & Co" | mortgage of bay horse about 9 yrs., bay mare about 9 yrs., 20 head cattle, 20 head sheep, 4 head goats, 50 head hogs, 5 ac. tobacco, 25 ac. corn, about 70 cord of wood, 3 feather beds & furniture, 10 bee stands, increase of the horses, cattle, sheep, hogs & goats | notes to Cobb Bell & Co 1 Jan 1842 $90.25, 1 Jan 1843 $18 |
L 84-5
19 Jun 1843 |
11 Aug 1843 | Thomas Powell | Robert L Cobb & Gideon D Cobb "surviving partners of Cobb Bell & Co" | 156¾ ac. on waters of Eddy Ck.; lot in Smithland, #9; 4 ac. tobacco & 23 ac. corn now growing, 4 horses, 2 colts, 4 cows & calves, 1 yr. old heifer, 25 head hogs, 4-horse waggon, 23 sheep, wheat fan, stack of oats, household and kitchen furniture | notes to Cobb Bell & Co 18 Apr 1840 $281.30, 10 Aug 1843 $60.55 |
L 108-9
11 Aug 1843 |
18 Nov 1843 | Cobb Bell & Co by "R L Cobb & Gideon D Cobb surviving partners of the said late firm of Cobb Bell & Co" & Thomas J Flournoy | Elijah Oscar Shepardson | release of mortgage 17 Jan 1843 on two lots in Princeton, #54 & 55 |
L 190
22 Nov 1843 |
12 Dec 1843 | John Gresham | Robert L Cobb & Gideon D Cobb "surviving partners of the said late firm of Cobb Bell & Co" | waters of Eddy Ck. on turnpike road from Princeton to Eddyville, where Gresham now lives, part of tract purchased of Tomas C Wright | note 7 Aug 1843 $364.33 |
L 201-2
12 Dec 1843 |
12 Feb 1844 | Robert L Cobb | Williams B Young | release of mortgage on tract on which Young resides, 15 Jun 1842, bk K pg 459 & 460 |
L 244
6 Mar 1844 |
3 Oct 1844 | John Hallick | Robert L Cobb & Gideon D Cobb "surviving partners of the late firm of Cobb Bell & Co" | 350 ac. adjoining town of Eddyville, conveyed to Hallick by Minerva Catlett 15 Mar 1832; 350 ac. below & adjoining Eddyville; lots in Eddyville, #64, 65, 66, 68, 69, 87, 88, 89, 90, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 107, 108, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119 & 120 & 5 others below Main St. between Water St. & Cumberland River; negros: man Henry about 30 yrs., woman Philis about 50 yrs., all my house & kitchen furniture of every description whatever | notes 22 Sep 1843 $413.15, 3 Oct 1844 $1024.42, & debt to firm of R L & GD Cobb $100.52 by account, & Robert L Cobb as security on replevin bonds 30 Sep 1844 to Ch Webb executor of Philip Ford decd. $2243.59 & Fransis Macen $96.80 |
L 399-400
11 Oct 1844 |
lots #69 & 70 sold to Joshua Cobb 17 Nov 1837, bk H pp 335-6; 350 ac. sold in chancery suit to grantor 29 Apr 1847, bk N pp 185-6; lots #90, 98, 99, 100, 115, 118, 119, & 120 sold in chancery suit to G D Cobb 3 Jul 1852, bk Q pp 264-5 |
18 Dec 1844 | Hodea Morgan | Cobb, Bell & Co. | mortgage on shop & kiln for manufacturing stone ware, ware now made ore hereafter be made, all materials for manufacturing same, turning lathe, clay mill, every article made use of in making stone ware, sorrel mare, 2 cows, calf, shot gun & all my household & kitchen furniture | note to Cobb Bell & Co 31 Mar 1840 $223.22 |
L 448-9
19 Dec 1844 |
29 Sep 1845 | Olly Scott | John H Mims | present crop of corn fodder & tobacco raised on farm on which Scott resides | note 12 Sep 1841 $117.85, with credit for 2 hogsheads of tobacco, 1 furnished in 1842 & 1 in 1843 |
M 207-8
29 Sep 1845 |
17 Sep 1845 | James N Halloway | Robert L Cobb & Gideon D Cobb "surviving partners of Cobb Bell & Co" | his undivided half of 30 ac. corn & 5 ac. of tobacco raised present year, yearling colt | notes to David R Bell 1 Apr 1844 $70.57 & 25 May 1839 $60, to Cobb Bell & Co 4 Jun 1842 $19.41 |
M 211-2
30 Sep 1845 |
30 Dec 1845 | James L Church | Robert L Cobb & Gideon D Cobb "merchants partners in trade, trading under the name, style & firm of R L & G D Cobb" | 150 ac. beginning corner to Jno H Rucker to Ann Maloy to Joshua G Church & Demaran Malloy to Bennett Laugston, conveyed Church this day by George G Cash & wife Margarett, late Church | note 27 Dec 1845 $91.29 due one yr. later, same date $91.29 due 2 yrs. later |
M 284-5
30 Dec 1845 |
30 Mar 1846 | John Pickett Jr | John H Mims & Mims & Jenning | entire stock of hogs, 100 head | note to Jno H Mims $63.66 due 17 Jan 1844, note to Mims & Jenning $36.87 due 21 Jan 1846 |
M 351-2
30 Mar 1846 |
20 May 1846 | Walker W Williams | R L & G D Cobb | his 2/5 interest in estate of father Jas W Williams decd, now in controversy in Christian Circuit Court, suit in Chancery of Williams heirs & John Perry etc. | note 15 Mar 1846 $356.11 |
M 380-1
20 May 1846 |
1 Jun 1846 | William Moneymaker | R L & G D Cobb | 20 ac. corn & his ¾ interest in 4 ac. tobacco now growing on the place where he resides, cultivated by him & Wilson Moneymaker | note same date $82.62 |
M 410-1
22 Jun 1846 |
new mortgage 18 Oct 1852, bk Q pp 34-5 |
20 Jun 1846 | William Mercer | Robert L Cobb & G D Cobb "trading under the title & firm of R L & G D Cobb" | present crop of corn, wheat, oats, tobacco & grass, 80 ac. corn, 20 ac. wheat, 60 ac. oats, 8 ac. tobacco, 6 ac. grass | note $693.50 due 1 Jan 1847 |
M 424
10 Jul 1846 |
new mortgage 27 Sep 1847, bk N pp 267-8 |
24 Jul 1846 | August C L Sharpshire | Robert L Cobb & Gideon D Cobb "merchants & partners trading under the name, style & firm of R L & G D Cobb" | 316 ac. on waters of Dry fork of Eddy Ck. beginning Wash tract to John O–Hara to McIntosh to John Cheek, Elijah Mitchesson & R W Draper; growing crop of tobacco, 6 ac., sorrel horse 7 yrs. old, bay mare 10 yrs. old, 2 yoke oxen on brindle other spotted, about 20 head hogs 4 milch cows | note 5 Jan 1846 $298.21, & R L & G D Cobb bound a security on 3 bonds, to William Henry $217.91, Ebenzar Halme $86.90, William Henry 18 Jul 1846 $119.81 |
M 434-6
25 Jul 1846 |
separate mortgage 31 Jan 1848, bk N pp 333-4 |
22 Aug 1846 | F C Redd | Robert L Cobb & Gideon D Cobb "merchants trading under the name & style of R L & G D Cobb" | growing crop of tobacco, about 4 ac., & 40 ac. of corn, on land rented from Jno. D Cerow, | debt by account of $64.69 |
N 4
4 Sep 1846 |
new mortgage 4 Sep 1848, bk N pp 446-7 |
15 Sep 1846 | L D Parks | R L & G D Cobb "merchants of Eddyville" | one crop of corn, about 40 ac., on the place where he resides | debt by account of $64.42 |
N 7
15 Sep 1846 |
19 Sep 1846 | Geo M Marshall | R L & G D Cobb | present growing crop of corn, about 25 ac., and sweet & Irish potatoes, about 2 ac. | account debt of $156.94 |
N 15-16
21 Sep 1846 |
new mortgage 21 Aug 1847, bk N pp 246 |
5 Mar 1847 | Jno D Crow | Robert L Cobb & Gideon D Cobb "merchants – copartners trading under the name & style of R L & G D Cobb" | 169 ac. on which Crow now resides; 69 ac. adjoining, bought by Crow of T C Wright of NY; negroes girl Ebairra age about 15 yrs, boy Sam age 12 or 14 yrs, boy Joseph aged 9 or 10 yrs, Riley aged 7 or 8 yrs.; 2 yoke oxen, waggon, all his household & kitchen furniture, beds, bedding, chairs, bureaus; 6 head horses, 2 bays, 2 sorrells, roan & black; 2 mules; present crop tobacco | note $890.40 due 5th this month, $274.20 by account, R L & G D Cobb as security on note 19 Feb last $620.44 due 12 mo. from date |
N 158-9
19 Apr 1847 |
25½ ac. released 28 Dec 1849 for sale on payment of $250; 69 ac. tract released for sale 22 Dec 1852, bk Q pp 104-5 |
20 Apr 1847 | Joseph E Bond | Robert L Cobb & Gideon D Cobb "merchants of Eddyville Ky trading under the name & style of R L & G D Cobb" | negro man Henry age about 23 yrs. lately belonging to estate of his father W B Bond now hired as hand on steam boat Henry Hill; his interest in house & lot in Eddyville, #73, sold to Bond by Eli Cinmbaugh | note 20 Apr 1847 $25 due next day, note 20 Apr 1847 $300 due 6 mo. after |
N 183
17 May 1847 |
lot #73 released 15 Feb 1848 |
20 Aug 1847 | George M Marshall | Robert L Cobb & Gideon D Cobb, merchants trading under name & style of R L & G D Cobb, and surviving partners of Cobb Bell & Co | present growing crop of corn, 28 ac. on premises where he resides; yoke of oxen & cart | note $165.44 due 12 Dec 1844, $78 .06 due 1 Aug 1847 |
N 246
21 Aug 1847 |
22 Sep 1847 | William Mercer | Robert L Cobb & Gideon D Cobb | present crop of corn, wheat, oats, tobacco & fodder | note some time in 1846 $80, note 20 Jul 1847 $1000 due 1 Jan 1848 |
N 267-8
27 Sep 1847 |
31 Jan 1848 | A C S Sharpshire | Thomas L McNary, & R L & G D Cobb | proceeds of labor or the 19 slaves during 1848; 316 ac. where Sharpshire formerly lived about 3 mile from Princeton on road to Cessilean Springs. Should Sharpshire die before year–s hire expires, grantees entitled to possession of them for unexpired term. | notes totaling $1925 for hire of 19 negro men slaves to cut cord wood, 5 of Hugh W McNary, 2 of A B Bare, 3 of Winfield Johnson, 1 of ___ Hurt, 3 of Charles Green, 1 of ___ Davis, 1 of T J Fleming, 1 of E T Jacob, 1 of N E Werfield, 1 of J P McGoodwind, notes to owners with grantees as securities |
N 333-4
31 Jan 1848 |
15 Feb 1848 | Robt. L Cobb & Gideon D Cobb | Jos E Bond | release mortgage on lot in Eddyville, #73 |
N 370
29 Mar 1848 |
witnessed: Sam P L Marshall, Enoch P George | |
20 Mar 1848 | John H Mims | Rueben R Marshall & James N Gracey, William OHara & Riben R OHara, late merchants & copartners trading under the name & style of Gracey OHara & Co | lot in Eddyville, beginning intersection of Main & River or Levee Sts. to John Long to Water St to RL & G D Cobb store a ware house, to Main St; ferry & ferry privileges in Eddyville | remaining obligation from: R R Marshall & Gracey OHara & Co signed as sureties 28 Feb 1842 of S & J Marshall, & as co-sureties with Mims, payable 12 later to Union Bank of TN $5515.77; Mims then bound himself to S & J Marshall to pay off the note; Mims paid 5 Dec 1843 $550, 9 Apr 1844 $140, 30 May 1844 $500, 22 Apr 1845 $3000 |
N 374
20 Mar 1848 |
apparently the same lot sold in chancery suit 11 Jul 1853, bk Q pp 384-6 |
21 Apr 1848 | Samuel P L Marshall | John H Mims | 4 beds, bed steads & furniture, dozen mahogany rush bottom chairs, ½ dozen Windsor chairs, sofa, settee, 2 imported carpets about 125 yards, 2 other carpets homemade, mahogany sectary desk, cherry desk, press, 2 falling leaf tables, 2 wash stands, 2 small side tables, large looking glass, great variety of small furniture, picture frames, household and kitchen furniture, piano fort, 2 cows & calves, yoke of oxen, side bord & glass & earthen ware, waggon, 2 horses kept for riding & working, rocking chair | bond for $5000 by Marshall to Edward & Emma Wilkenson, signed as security by Mims 21 Feb 1848 |
N 383-4
21 Apr 1848 |
29 Jun 1848 | Taylor Wright | Robt L Cobb & Gideon D Cobb, partners trading under the name & style of R. L. & G. D. Cobb | all my stock of hogs, about 25 head, sows, shoats & pigs, stock of cattle, milk cow, 4 heifers, steer about 3 yrs. old, 2 bureaus, clock, 2 beds, bed steads & furniture, all household & kitchen furniture, growing crop of wheat 5 ac., oats 20 ac., corn 20 ac. & tobacco 3 ac. | debt $195.40 by account |
N 420-1
29 Jun 1848 |
4 Sep 1848 | Fernando C Redd | Robert L Cobb & Gideon D Cobb, merchants & partners in trade under the name firm & style of R. L. & G. D. Cobb | present growing crop of corn 15 ac. & tobacco 2½ ac. | note $17 due 25 Dec 1847; account debt $83.50 |
N 446-7
4 Sep 1848 |
18 Sep 1848 | Samuel B Maloy | Robert L Cobb & Gideon D Cobb, surviving partners of Cobb Bell & Co | present crop tobacco, part now cut & housed; growing crop of corn 12 ac., stack of oats, two stacks of fodder | note 23 Jul 1842 $170, with credit $66.76 30 Jun 1846 & $16.45 16 Jul 1844 |
N 463-4
18 Sep 1848 |
new mortgage 28 Sep 1849, bk O pg 266 |
28 Sep 1848 | Caleb W Stone | Robert L Cobb & Gideon D Cobb, merchants trading under the name & style of R. L. & G. D. Cobb | spotted horse 7 yrs. old, bay mare 3 yrs. old, 12 head hogs, yoke oxen, 2 cows & yearlings, 3 feather beds, bed steads & furniture, cupboard, bureau, growing crop of corn 17 ac., tobacco 3 ac. | note 23 Jul 1847 $213.83, note 1 Aug 1848 $26.?? |
N 478
7 Oct 1848 |
20 Mar 1849 | Wm H Heath | Robert L Cobb & Gideon D Cobb, merchants in the town of Eddyville trading under the name and style of R L & G D Cobb | 200 ac. on which he now lives, purchased of C. Lyon, agent of Thomas G Wright; 150 ac. known as the Ogden tract adjoining the above tract, purchased of Harpending or Leroy; 75 or 80 ac. adjoining the first tract purchased a Sheriff–s sale, property of Prieth; about 56 ac. where Joseph Henderson formerly lived; Negro man named Hal about 25 yrs., roan horse, bay mare, yoke of oxen, 5 milch cows, my stock of cattle and hogs; household and kitchen furniture consisting of 5 beds & bedding, 5 bed steads, 3 tables, 2 bureaus, 12 chairs, pots, kettles; Negro woman Lotty about 51 yrs.; waggon, 5 plows, 4 mules; my interest in the mills on Eddy Ck. and all land, oxen, waggons, tools, & lumber attached; brass clock; all corn & fodder on my premises & increase in livestock | note 11 May 1846 $417.73; note 26 Jun 1847 $126.45; note 20 Mar 1849 $578.69; and as on of the partners of Ellis & Heath Millen & C, note 17 Jan 1848 due one day after $450 (credit $206.56 pd by Ellis 14 Mar 1849), 17 Mar 1848 due 4 mo. after $450, and 17 Mar due 12 mo. after $175 payable in lumber; note 20 Mar 1849 $470.28; Robt. Cobb surety for Heath for notes to H Machen $100, Elias Smith $250, Wm Gray $180 |
O 119-20
27 Mar 1849 |
witnesses: Davis R Mims,H Glenn |
3 Apr 1849 | James H Holloway | Robert L Cobb & Gideon D Cobb | 2 gray mares, 1 with sucking mule; yearling colt; brown horse; 13 head cattle mostly young; 20 head sheep; 100 head stock hogs; yoke of black steers; ox; waggon; 2 beds, bedding & furniture, cherry press, bureau, 1-day clock; my crop of tobacco raised last year, about 4000#; 400 bushels corn | note due 28 Sep 1847 $103.50 to Cobb, Bell & Co.; note due 1 Mar 1848 $150; note 4 Oct 1847 $35 due 1 Mar 1850; note to R L Cobb 6 Feb 1849 $14.05; open account due R L & G D Cobb $375 |
O 127-8
3 Apr 1849 |
20 Sep 1849 | James H Asbridge | R L & G D Cobb, merchants & partners, trading under the name & style aforesaid | all his present crop of corn, about 15 ac., tobacco, 4 ac., where he now lives | note 17 May 1845 $102.47; book accounts for wares & merchandize received $72.85 |
O 261-2
21 Sep 1849 |
new mortgage 14 Sep 1850, bk P pp 29 |
28 Sep 1849 | Saml B Malloy | R L & G D Cobb, surviving partners of Cobb, Bell & Co | his crop of corn about 15 ac. and tobacco about 2 ac. raised this year | note 23 Jul 1842 $170, credits $66.76 30 Jun 1843, $16.45 16 Jul 1844 |
O 266
28 Sep 1849 |
27 Dec 1849 | John H Dyer &Tunis Dyer | Robert L Cobb | negros, man Jacob about 20 yrs. & George about 25 yrs., | Cobb as surety for note to Bayliss J Grubbs $800 |
O 339
28 Dec 1849 |
witness: W B Machen |
28 Dec 1849 | Robert L Cobb & Gideon D Cobb | John D Crow | release of 8 Mar 1847 mortgage on 25½ ac. of 169 ac. embraced in the mortgage on payment of $250, so Crow can sell to Enoch P George; balance og mortgage remaining in effect |
O 355-6
21 Jan 1850 |
witnesses:Samuel P L Marshall, F H Skinner | |
16 Feb 1850 | Strother J Smith | Gideon D Cobb | negro girl Maria, aged about 15 yrs. | note even date $194.30 due 6 mo. after |
O 378
18 Feb 1850 |
witnesses: M Gracey, Marcus M Tyler |
24 Aug 1850 | Elijah G Galusha | R L & G D Cobb, merchants of Eddyville | 125 ac. on waters of Eddy Ck., begin on line of Joseph Robertson–s 200 ac. survey, corner to C F Jenkins, crossing Turnpike Rd., to Taylor Wright, part of 200 ac. survey in name of Joseph Robertson, patented to Bulah Lyon, excepting 1 ac. sold to Jonas Galusha | note 14 Aug 1850 $270.90; up to $200 in goods in their line over next 2 yrs. to be recorded on account |
P 87-9
3 Dec 1850 |
witnesses: Jas B More, Jonas A Galusha; tract sold to grantors 8 Sep 1852, bk Q pp 102-3 |
14 Sep 1850 | James H Asbridge | R L & G D Cobb, merchants of Eddyville | 5 ac. tobacco, 13 ac. corn, say 2½ ac. tobacco growing at the place where I live & 2½ ac. on the Turnpike Rd. on George G Cash–s land | due by account $194.40 |
P 29
16 Sep 1850 |
new mortgage 26 Sep 1851, bk P pg 332 |
21 Apr 1851 | James M Crow | Robert L Cobb | about 50 ac. on waters of Eddy Ck., where Crow now lives, conveyed to him by William Mercer | $120 borrowed money; store account, amount not exactly known |
P 218-9
21 Apr 1851 |
28 Apr 1851 | M W Freeman | Robert L Cobb & Gideon D Cobb | my 8 title interest in 2 Negroes, man Jackson ages about 26 yrs. & girl Helen about 16 yrs | note even date $1400.76 due 12 mo. after |
P 250-1
2 Jun 1851 |
26 Sep 1851 | James H Asbridge | R L & G D Cobb, merchants & partners trading under name & style of R L & G D Cobb | present crop of corn in field, about 14 ac.; present crop of tobacco housed in 2 tobacco barns & a shed on the place where he lives | note 17 May 1845 $102.47; $66.93 on account |
P 332
26 Sep 1851 |
26 Nov 1851 | Frederick N Harris | Robert L Cobb | 60 ac. near the Turnpike between Princeton & Eddyville, a part of the old Ogden survey; all his household and kitchen furniture of every description, Yankee clock; 2 head horses, one sorrel other bay; 8 head cattle; 2 mules, a bay & a black; 35 head hogs; wagon for horse or oxen, with gear; all his farming utensils; lot of books; 4 bed steads & furniture; his interest in crop of tobacco, say 3000#, housed in a barn; saddle, bridle, martingal & blanket | merchandise about $100; Cobb as security on note to Mrs. Marshall $100 some time in Aug 1849; surety to Wm Harris for $112; Cobb accepted bill of exchange on Farmers Bank of Kentucky on West & Co, commission merchants in New Orleans $250 due 4 mo. from date. |
P 379-80
26 Nov 1851 |
31 Jan 1852 | James Scott | R L & G D Cobb | negro woman Lucinda & her girl child Charlotte aged about 10 yrs. | note even date $308.87 |
P 517
19 Apr 1852 |
26 Aug 1852 | G H Buck | R L & G D Cobb | yoke of oxen & waggon, bay horse about 8 yrs old, my crop of tobacco about 3 ac., 20 ac. corn, both growing on farm where James C Church resides | note $37 due 15 Jul 1852; not $55 due 25 Dec 1852 |
P 614
27 Aug 1852 |
22 Sep 1852 | Eli D Dremin | Robt L Cobb | undivided moiety of tract on waters of Eddy Ck estimated at 162½ ac., sold by J H Rackerby, comsser in chancery to grantor 22 Sep 1852 | Cobb as security on note 22 Sep 1852 for $230 to Thomas B Johnson due 12 mo after |
Q 1-2
22 Sep 1852 |
18 Oct 1852 | William Moneymaker | R L & G D Cobb | wagon, yoke of oxen, house, feather bed, bureau, clock, about 40 head hogs, & about 20 ac. corn now standing | note about $150 about 2 yrs since & about $150 on account |
Q 34-5
18 Oct 1852 |
__Oct 1852 | Robert L Cobb & Gideon D Cobb | John D Crow | release of second tract in mortgage recorded bk N pg 159, 69 ac., provided that Moses Crow who is buying the property pays the Cobbs $680, to go to John Crow–s indebtedness |
Q 104-5
22 Dec 1852 |
witnesses: Charles Wood, Rob Cobb |
Deed books examined through book R, with records recorded in 1856, and no further mortgages were found.
I have copies of each of the pages extracted above. Please contact me for clarification or copies, using the link below.
The original records are handwritten, in some cases faded, and some films of poor quality. Errors no doubt were made.
In the property descriptions, I have include acreage where shown, water course, and adjacent property owners. I have not included the full "meets and bounds," which exists in many of the mortgages involving land.
I have attempted to use a consistent format for the information, which does not exist in the original.
Deed Book |
FHL Film No. |
A, B |
466843 |
C, D |
466844 |
E, F |
466845 |
G,H |
466846 |
I, K |
466847 |
L, M |
466848 |
N |
466849 |
O, P |
466850 |
Q, R |
466851 |
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by Terry Reigel