This page updated 29 Mar 2013
The records below focus on deeds involving the following persons. I have endeavored to find all deeds involving them from the establishment of Caldwell Co. on 1 May 1809, but a few may have been missed.
Moved to Eddyville from Fair Haven, Vermont as part of the party organized by Matthew Lyon about 1800, with his wife Modena Chittenden Clark, and their eldest son, Caleb. | |
Brother of Gideon, shown as "of" Greene Co. PA. Apparently lived there for a period before moving to Indiana. | |
Brother of Gideon and Joshua, shown as "of" Greene Co. PA. I believe the John Cobb "of" Caldwell Co., seen later, is the same person, but have not proved that. | |
Lived with Gideon, and is assumed to be a relative of Gideon's wife, but that is unproved. | |
Organizer of the move to Eddyville, second husband of Modena (Clark) Cobb's sister Beulah. | |
Cousin to Modena (Clark) Cobb; son of her aunt Beulah Chittenden by her first marriage. | |
Josiah & Jesse Cobb |
Apparently not related to Gideon Dyer Cobb family but appear to be related to each other. |
Record of some other associates are included, along with mentions of some of the individuals involved in the transactions listed, but those should not be considered complete.
All parties were shown as "of" Eddyville and/or Caldwell Co. unless stated otherwise below.
Date |
Grantor |
Grantee |
Consid. |
Description |
Recorded |
Notes |
11 Jan 1809 | Andrew Jones & Elisabeth Jones | Josiah Cobb | $700 | 200 ac. on waters of Skinframe |
B 10-11 16 Mar 1814 |
both shown of Livingston Co. – Caldwell not then formed; proved 26 May 1812; sold by Cobb's heirs 17 Jun 1839 for $500, bk I pp 240-2 |
21 Feb 1809 | John P Pleasants of Baltimore, Maryland | Matthew Lyon | $1000 | undivided moety in 1000 ac on Cumberland River beginning above Big Eddy Cr, patented to Whitehead Coleman 11 Nov 1795 under military warrent #1186, surveyed 2 Mar 1785, conveyed to grantor by Coleman & wife 17 May 1797 | B 26-8
24 Jan 1814 |
consideration made by 3 equal notes due 1809, 1810, & 1811
acknowledged before mayor of Baltimore 21 Feb 1809 |
14 Oct 1809 | Matthew Lyon | Chittenden Lyon, his son | affection | 6 town lots in Eddyville about ½ ac. each, #52, 53, 54, 72, 73 & 74, reserving about 1/3 of #52 which has been laid off for public square | A 44-5
17 Oct 1809 |
consideration: affection and services rendered |
6 Nov 1809 | Matthew Lyon | Enoch Hooper | $150 | 200 ac. in Caldwell Co on waters of Flyers Fork, beginning at line of Wiley Davis, patented by grantor as assignee of John Holtody 20 Apr 1807, then in Livingston Co | A 53-4
7 Nov 1809 |
16 Dec 1809 | Matthew Lyon | Dan'l Rider [no place specified] | $60 + | 2 lots in Eddyville, #56 & 76 | A 59-60
17 Dec 1809 |
consideration: $60 for one lot and "coming here to set up the cane manufactory" for the second |
16 Dec 1809 | Matthew Lyon | Mary Rose, his niece [no place specified] | affection | about 2/3 of lot #31 in Eddyville; all except 75 ft on NE end intended for a public green or courthouse yard | A 60-1
17 Dec 1809 |
12 Jan 1811 | Matthew Lyon | Justices of the county of Caldwell | see note | corners of town lots #31 & 52 for public square | A 210-2
24 Jan 1811 |
consideration: fixing the seat of justice in Eddyville and ordering and providing for building the courthouse on the spot |
15 Apr 1812 | Matthew Lyon | Reuben Roland | $70 | 2 town lots in Eddyville about ½ ac. each, #112 & 113 | A 397-9
18 Apr 1812 |
18 Apr 1812 | Matthew Lyon | Fidello C Sharp & John H Phelps | see note | lot in Eddyville #2 | A 399-400
19 Apr 1812 |
consideration: 7 ac. in Caldwell Co adjoining where grantor now resides conveyed by grantees |
18 Apr 1812 | John Bradley, Fidello C Sharp & John H Phelps | Matthew Lyon | lots 2, 3, & 26 | rights of Robt McCannell purchased at sheriff's sale, beginning at NE line of Whitehead Calanaus survey where road from Eddyville to McNabb's old mill place, toward Cumberland river | A 426-7
12 May 1812 |
20 Apr 1812 | Elijah G Galusha | Matthew Lyon | see note | lot #23 [?] in Eddyville; NE ½ of lots #49 & 50; lot adjacent to the town on the NE side of the road from Water St to McNabbs old mill place & SE side of grantees land | A 405-8
21 Apr 1812 |
consideration: grantee's agreement to make title to grantor of ½ the place grantee purchased of William Leabues [?] including the big spring near Eddyville |
1 Jun 1812 | Samuel C Clark | Thomas Helm | $500 | 141 ac. adjoining Robert Porterfield above & George Davenport below, part of 1100 ac. granted Windsor Brown |
A 449-51
1 Jun 1812 |
apparently acquired by Clark same day – see following transaction |
1 Jun 1812 | George Davenport & wife Sally | Samuel C Clark | $500 | 141 ac. adjoining Robert Porterfield above & George Davenport below, part of 1100 ac. granted Windsor Brown |
A 461-3 3 Jun 1812 |
16 Jun 1812 | Matthew Lyon | Chittenden Lyon | $2000+ | all grantor's lands, lotts, houses, factories, mills, & buildings; the tools, furniture, implements & apparatus therein or belonging thereto; stores & goods & merchandise in Eddyville; all lands, houses & mills, distilleries, stills or apparatus belong to distillerys in Caldwell or any other county in Kentucky; any claim to any lands in Kentucky; all Negroes, horses, oxen & cows & cattle & farming utensils | A 440-2
9 Jul 1812 |
$2000, agreement of grantee to pay debts owed by grantor: about $2000 to Libbe & Carrier merchants of Alexandria & $12,000 to Thos C Wright
signed in New Orleans; witnesses: Benjamin Gray, Charles Lucas |
3 Sep 1812 | Matthew Lyon | Chittenden Lyon | $2000+ | parcels in Caldwell Co with all improvements, crops, and rents due from them:
about 200 ac on Cumberland River adjoining town of Eddyville, beginning on lower side of Water St opposite upper corner of lot #14, S & E along Water St to Whitehead Coleman's 1000 ac survey, to Cumberland, down river to John Bradley, to beginning, excepting 2 ac set apart for public ground near the spring, most of parcel conveyd by David Walker & wife Polly 23 Aug 1802; about 200 ac, remaining tract part of 1000 ac tract granted to D Walker as assignee of P Johnson on which town of Eddyville stands conveyed by David Walker & wife Polly 22 Jul 1801; undivided ½ of 1000 ac granted to Whitehead Coleman, beginning above mouth of Big Eddy Ck, conveyed by John P Pleasants 1 Feb 1809; 200 ac on drains of Eddy Ck, patented by grantor 4 Feb 1812 as assignee of Danl Hazleton; 200 ac on small drain running into Eddy Ck on lower side adjoining C Huffman's 1000 ac military survey, granted by John Maddox 4 Feb 1809; 200 ac on waters of Eddy Ck, beginning in Huffman's military survey line corner to J Maddox, patented by grantor 4 Feb 1809 as assignee of Reuben Bullard; 30 ac on Lick Ck about 1 mile from Eddyville, conveyed by D Davidson & wife Hannah 2 Feb 1805; 28 town lots ½ ac each in Eddyville, #15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 64, 65, 66, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 109, 110 & 111, conveyed by David Walker & wife Polly 22 Jul 1801 & 23 Aug 1802; 50 ac on brach of Eddy Ck patented to grantor as assignee of Robert Dobbins, assingee of John Dobbins, 4 Feb 1809; Negroes: Mrista & her children Adam & Simon, Aneskw & her children Letia Charlotte & Alaria, Leah & her son Jack, boy named Isacc; one ___ in possesson of Griffin Long, & one ___ possession of John McCougham in Christian Co; grantor's interest in 3 stills at Galusha's; interest in card manufactory; all tinners & blacksmithing tools; interest in pottery & stoneware manufactory; all merchandize, goods, etc in Eddyville consisting of iron castings, whiskey, books, cotton & merchandize of every kind. (con't in Notes.) |
A 463-71
3 Sep 1812 |
new deed to include particulars since doubts suggested whether 16 Jun 1812 deed in New Orleans sufficiently described the property conveyed
original consideration: $2000, agreement of grantee to pay debts owed by grantor: about $2000 to Libbe & Carrier merchants of Alexandria & $12,000 to Thos C Wright of Georgetown additional consideration: agreement this date to pay Martin D Wiekleff a note about $1700 grantor gave Wiekleff at N. Orleans in June last description, con't: Also, for new consideration: 2 keel boats, the Fair Trader & the Matelila; presses & types & printing apparatus, books & goods at Russelville in hands of Matthew Duncan; grantor's interest in vessel on the stocks in Eddyville and timber prepared for her including all cedar lumber; brown horse & saddle & bridle grantor rode home form Natchez, gold watch, all books & maps in his library, clock, sideboard, desk & book case, all household & kitchen furiture including beds & bedding, all hoggs, hemp & leather, & all debts due. |
3 Sep 1812 | Matthew Lyon | Chittenden Lyon | $1000 | lands in Caldwell Co:
undivided ½ interest in 400 ac on branch of Eddy Ck granted by county court to Mary Steward, by her assigned to grantor, who assigned one moety to E G Galusha; 200 ac on waters of Eddy Ck granted by commissioners to Joel Pain #4304, by him assigned to grantor; 100 ac on waters of Eddy Ck granted by commissioners to A Matthews #4085, by him assigned to grantor; 200 ac on Eddy Ck granted by commissioners to Robert Dobbins # 2887, by him assigned to grantor; 200 ac on Lick Ck granted by commissioners to James T White # 4122, by him assigned to grantor; 188 ac on drains of Eddy Ck granted by Livingston Co Court to Edmund Rutter #631, by him assigned to Wm O Hoges & by him to grantor; 123 ac on waters of Eddy Ck granted by Livingston Co Court to Saml Waiz #40, by him assigned to grantor |
A 494-6
3 Sep 1812 |
appoints David Davidson as his attorney to transfer the plats and certificates to grantee |
11 Jun 1813 | David Walker & wife Mary of Logan Co. | Gideon D Cobb & Samuel C Clark | $200 | 2 lots in Eddyville # 12 & 23 [apparently should have been 32] ½ ac. each, purchased in first sale of lots by Obedeab Roberts |
A 587-9 11 Jun 1813 |
to perfect title; sold for $200 by Walker to Roberts 4 Jun 1799, transferred to Cobb & Clark 27 Aug 1805, certificate filed with town clerk now lost. Clark sold his interest to Cobb 25 Dec 1815, bk B pp 198-9; sold by Cobb to John Cobb 27 Feb 1816, bk B pp 164-5 |
12 May 1814 | Joshua Cobb of Greene Co. PA | John Cobb | power of attorney to recover debts owed to him by Cobb & Clark |
B 9-10
25 Jun 1814 |
witnesses: Jane Lewis, Robert Lewis, JP 14 May 1814 | |
25 Jul 1815 | Chittenden Lyon | Mathew Lyon Senr | $5 | 200 ac. on drains of Eddy Ck, granted to Matthew Lyon as assignee of David Hazleton patent 4 Feb 1812, conveyed to grantor by deed 8 Sep 1812 | B210-1 22 Aug 1815 |
5 Sep 1815 | Matthew Lyon Jnr | heirs of Mary Rose | see notes | about half of lot no 31 in Eddyville, excepting 100 ft across the NE end | B 215-6
1 Nov 1815 |
consideration: affection for my cousin Mary Rose
seems to be same lot given her by Matthew Sr 16 Dec 1809 |
25 Dec 1815 | Samuel C Clark | Gideon D Cobb | $500 | 4 lots in Eddyville #12, 13, 32 & 33, ½ ac. each; purchased by Cobb & Clark in copartnership |
B 198-9 28 Feb 1816 |
purchase of # 13 & 33 not found, but C C Cobb sale below says #33 was on deed at bk A pp 587 above; #12 & 13 sold by Gideon 27 Feb 1816 for $2200, bk B pp 164-5; sale of #32 not found, but sold by John OHara to Lyon, Cobb & Co 31 Aug 1830, bk F pp 357-8; #33 sold by Caleb C Cobb 16 Nov 1838, bk I pg 325 |
17 Jan 1816 | Bulah Lyon | Elijah G Galusha | $800 | 200 ac in Caldwell Co on water of Eddy Ck, granted to grantor by Commonwealth as assignee of Joseph Robertson by patent 25 Sep 1813 | B 477
12 Jan 1818 |
witness: M Lyon Jr
Matthew Lyon & Chitten Lyon relinquished all rights to same |
27 Feb 1816 | Gideon D Cobb | John Cobb of Greene Co. PA | $2200 | 2 lots in Eddyville #12 & 13, ½ ac. each; conveyed to Cobb & Clark by David Walker; to Gideon by desolution of copartnership, where Gideon then lived |
B 164-5 28 Feb 1816 |
#12 & ½ #13 sold 9 Sep 1818 for $1600, bk B pp 530-1; remaining ½ of #13 sold 4 Jun 1819 for $200, bk C pp 120-1 |
1 May 1816 | Chittenden Lyon | Thos C Wright of Georgetown, District of Columbia | $6942.80 | 510 ac in in Caldwell Co on Mill Ck, a branch of Eddy Ck, beginning at post oak in line of John Bollinger survey, includes water grist mill, stone still house, 3 copper stills & equipment, frame dwelling & other convenient buildings; part of two surveys granted by Commonwealth, patent to Robert Dobbins 25 May 1874 & patent to C Lyon & E G Galusha, assignees of Matthew Lyon, who was assignee of Mary Stewart, 31 Aug 1815; also
200 ac on waters of Eddy Ck beginning at 2 hickories & poplar SW corner to Jno Swifts survey, granted to grantor by Commonwealth as assignee of Matthew Lyon who was assignee of J Cartwright, assignee etc. 25 May 1814 |
B 177-9 1 May 1816 |
sold "by virtue of deed of trust from Matthew Lyon to me for that purpose"
consideration in debts owed by Matthew Lyon witnesses: Rubin Rowland, James Hanson |
1 May 1816 | Chittenden Lyon | John Ott of Georgetown, District of Columbia | $1146.86 | 4 lots in Eddyville, no 16, 17, 36 & 37, bounded on S by Water St., on E & N by a street, on W by lots no 15 & 35, containing 2 story frame house & other buildings occupied by Dr. H Skinner | B 179 1 May 1816 |
sold "by virtue of deed of trust from Matthew Lyon to me for that purpose"
consideration in debts owed by Matthew Lyon witnesses: Rubin Rowland, James Hanson |
16 May 1816 | Ruben Rowland, sheriff of Caldwell Co | Henry Skinner | 200 ac tract in Caldwell Co on waters of Eddy Ck, deeded by Chittenden Lyon to Matthew Loyn 25 Jul 1815 | B 220-1
17 May 1816 |
Circuit Court issued writ in favor of Jame Hodge assgnee of Saml C Hawkins aginst estate of Matthew Lyon Senr for $374.71½ including interest & cost; tract sold 27 Nov 1815 to John Reynolds for $374.71½; Reynolds transferred to grantee | |
3 Jan 1817 | Andrew George & wife Sarah | Jesse Cobb | $300 | 540 ac. on waters of Lick Ck. adjoining Josuah Cobb on N, William S Norriss on SE, Charles Kelly on W |
B 360-2 24 Feb 1817 |
16 Jan 1817 | William Cook | Josiah Cobb | $10 | 10 ac. on waters of Skinframe, running with William Johnston, to Skinframe Ck., to Josiah Cobb to Andrew Jones |
B 498-9 17 Jan 1818 |
witnesses: Jesse Cobb, Joseph Mitchel, Aguilla Mitchel |
9 Sep 1818 | John Cobb | Edward H Tarrant &Robert H Young | $1600 | 1½ lots in Eddyville #12 and ½ of 13 |
B 530-1 9 Sep 1818 |
purchased from Gideon D Cobb 27 Feb 1816, bk B pp 164-5; #13 & part of 12 later sold by Thomas Gordon to Lyon & Cobb 11 Nov 1826, bk E, pp 141-2 |
4 Jun 1819 | John Cobb | Jesse Brooks | $200 | ½ lot in Eddyville – ½ of #13 |
C 120-1 4 Jun 1819 |
purchased from Gideon D Cobb 27 Feb 1816, bk B pp 164-5 |
7 Aug 1818 | Elisha Graddy | Jesse Cobb | power of attorney to sell or rent 141 ac. of land grantor owns on the Cumberland River |
C 593
27 Sep 1821 |
18 Feb 1822 | C A Briscoe of Landandal Co. AL | John Cobb | $400 | 75 ac. on Eddy Ck. adjoining Matthew Lyon, Edwards & James Bele, part of 200 ac. grant to Israel Robertson pattented to Mathew Lyon Jr. |
D 79-80 17 Mar 1823 |
proved in Landandal 9 Sep 1822; sold 6 Feb 1826 for $200, bk E pg 31 |
15 Jul 1822 | William Murray & wife Charotte of Trigg Co. | Jesse Cobb | $350 | 400 ac. on waters of Skinframe at John Scotts, to Josyah Cobb, to Josua Deleptain |
D 13-14 19 Aug 1822 |
proved in Trigg 30 Jul 1822 |
30 Jul 1822 | Jesse Cobb & wife Nancy | Jonathon C Langdon | $500 | 400 ac. on waters of Skinframe adjoining Bryant Benett, Theophilus Killin, & Blake Baker originally patented by William Murray |
D 72 7 Mar 1823 |
3 Aug 1823 | Gideon D Cobb | Caleb C Cobb | $160 | tract on Cumberland River |
D 234 1 Jul 1824 |
acreage and purchase not shown; might be land grand to Gideon 4 Feb 1806, Lands Granted bk |
27 Jun 1824 | Samuel C Clark | Caleb C Cobb | $300 | tract, beginning corner to Peter Johnson, to G D Cobb, to Lead Gregory, to Zack Chano, to John Anderson; also a lot in Eddyville, # 67 |
D 233 7 Jul 1824 |
purchase not found |
6 Feb 1826 | John Cobb & wife Sarah | Ferdinand Leigh | $200 | 75 ac. on Eddyville Ck., bounded by Mathew Lyon Jr., Edwards, James Bell, part of 200 ac. take by Israel Robertson and patented by Matthew Lyon |
E 31 20 Mar 1826 |
Sarah sighed as Sally S. Cobb and is named that way in statement by JP 11 Feb 1826; purchased 4 Jun 1819, bk C pp 120-1 |
1 Dec 1827 | Charles Lofland, commissioner in chancery | John H Phelps | $50 | 540 ac. owned by Jesse Cobb on waters of Lick Ck., conveyed to Jesse Cobb by Andrew George & wife, begin Josiah Cobb to John Ross to S C Clark to Wm Norris |
E 347-8 25 Jul 1828 |
in settlement of $450 judgement in Circuit Court Sep 1827 term against Cobb in favor of Phelps, sold on courthouse steps 17 Nov 1827 |
18 Jan 1828 | Charles B Clark & wife Elizabeth of Christian Co. | Athetia Callaway, widow of Edward of Christian Co. | $250 | house and lot in Princeton conveyed to Charles B Clark and Edward Callaway decd. for debts of Morton A Ructor |
E 308-9 11 Mar 1828 |
14 Dec 1838 | Humphrey Cobb, Hezekiah Cobb, Saml T Cobb & wife Nancy A, Delila Cobb Harriet Cobb all heirs & legal representatives of Josiah Cobb, dec'd, of Desoto Co. MS | Jacob Holt(Hezekiah of Shelby Co. TN) | $500 | 200 ac. on waters of Skinframe, conveyed to Josiah Cobb by Andrew James 11 Jan 1809 |
I 240-2 17 Jun 1839 |
certified in Desoto Co. MS 4 Dec 1838 for all grantors but Hezekiah, certified for him in Shelby Co. TN 5 Feb 1839; purchased 11 Jan 1809, bk B, pp 10-1 |
18 Sep 1841 | Charles B Dallam, agent of the Commonwealth | Lafeyette Church & James C Church | $11.88 | 640 ac. entered for taxation to Samuel Cobb, struck off to state for non-payment of taxes 19 Oct 1829 |
K 252-3 18 Sep 1841 |
no former owner or heirs have applied to redeem, no person in adverse possession, public sale 23 Aug 1841 had no bidders, sold for full amount of tax, interest & charges |
20 Aug 1842 | John W Peek & wife Emerline | S S Cobb | $150 | house & lot in Eddyville, ½ of #68, S of Main St |
K 497-8 20 Aug 1842 |
wife is shown as Laura E Peek in clerk's statement |
20 Aug 1842 | Wilson Marin & wife Mary Ann | Sarah S Cobb | $150 | half of lot in Eddyville, #68, on Main St., with frame tenement |
K 572 15 Nov 1842 |
I have copies of each of the pages extracted above. Please contact me for clarification or copies, using the link below.
The original records are handwritten, in some cases faded, and some films of poor quality. Errors no doubt were made.
In the property descriptions, I have include acreage where shown, water course, and adjacent property owners. I have not included the full "meets and bounds," which exists in most of the deeds.
I have attempted to use a consistent format for the information, which does not exist in the original.
Deed Book |
FHL Film No. |
A, B |
466843 |
C, D |
466844 |
E, F |
466845 |
G,H |
466846 |
I, K |
466847 |
L, M |
466848 |
N |
466849 |
O, P |
466850 |
Q, R |
466851 |
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by Terry Reigel