Most of the children of John Cobb and Mary Fuller moved, sooner or later, to western New York. Gideon was particularly successful in Rochester, and most of his sigblings who initially moved elsewhere eventually moved to there too. After John's death in 1815 Mary apparently joined their daughter Sarah and her husband in Sheburne, then moved with them to Rochester.
  1. Henry and his wife moved to Vermont Settlement, near Warsaw, New York, in 1808. But he soon died, and she returned to Vermont and remarried.
  2. William and his wife moved to Vernon, New York before 1812, then to Rochester about 1813. He died in Louisville at age 38 while working on a project there.
  3. The younger John and his wife moved to Ogden, Genesee Co. (later Monroe Co.), New York before 1820.
  4. Gideon followed his brother William to Vernon, New York by 1812, then to Rochester about 1813, where he became very successful.
  5. Abigail and her husband moved to Burlington, Vermont, before 1812.
  6. Horace and his wife stayed in Orwell until after 1830, then moved to Rochester, where his brother Gideon and his family lived.
  7. Sarah and her husband moved to Shelburne, Vermont by 1840, then joined her brother Gideon in Rochester by 1850.
  8. No record has been found of their youngest daughter, Mary, after 1815.
From Orwell to Western New York
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